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Key Points from DCT Forum Nov

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1 Key Points from DCT Forum Nov 6 2016
21st Prevocational Medical Education Forum

2 Theme Physician Well Being
This slide show includes Some notes on of the 3 sessions: Mindfulness, burnout, mentorship programs Summary of discussion on burnout ‘risk factors’ and how we can prevent burnout Some additional notes from ‘Wellmed ‘conference 2016 to share Some references/links to resources Please see the slide shows and resources generously provided by our 3 speakers

3 Session 1: Mindfulness pamela Lovell
Value of practising mindfulness – both JMOs & supervisors Introduce mindfulness into JMO self-care program Excellent mindfulness apps available

4 Session 2: Burnout Steve bagi
What is burnout Product of imbalance in a)work-life demands, b) job-person fit & c) work input-acknowledgement Work related What isn’t burnout Exhaustion – often a component but many other factors/drivers involved with BO Depression – may be a consequence of BO. Pathogenesis Drivers of burnout (Maslach & Leiter) – 6 critical areas Workload, loss of control, inadequate reward, community related (eg conflict), lack of fairness, conflict of values. Accumulation of ‘residual emotion’ concept Inadequate regulation of emotional response to specific moments/events => residual emotion Over time residual emotion accumulates etc, nb. often what triggers a ‘break down’ can seem a relatively minor issue (the straw that breaks the camels back)

5 Session 2: Burnout Steve bagi
Incidence : 50 – 70% (Australian figures) Early JMO years particularly high risk Self reporting influenced by perceived career and insurance implications Importance to raise awareness and understanding to help break down barriers to disclosure

6 Session 2: Burnout Steve bagi
Risk factors for JMOs: Uncertainty (jobs, careers,) Mismatch of expectations (role, workplace, supervisors) Poor levels of job satisfaction (feel undervalued) Difficult transition from student to doctor Power imbalance in the workplace Older graduates with more life stressors (debts, family) “just a number” in large institutions Competitiveness for training pathways Disillusionment around training experience Unsupportive organizational culture “Grooming” students to be at risk – not equipped to deal with failure (e.g. underperformance, unable to get onto training program, supervisor or patient complaints)

7 Session 2: DCT Burnout steve bagi
Risk factors for DCTs Transition from clinician to manager – no preparation or training Trying to achieve ideal goals in a “real world” e.g. achieving the best supervision for JMOs Making decisions with little training for decisional making Taking an unpopular stand (because it is the right thing to do)

8 Session 2: preventing burnout
Introduce to JMOs the concept of “failure” using authentic leaders – using own stories of when things went wrong and how things will improve Little things we can do to prevent burnout: Peer mentoring Debriefing Providing a physical space doctors can spend time together – to discuss issues that concern them in a safe place Acknowledge hard work & effort – e.g. thank the JMOs at the end of a busy ED shift/ bring in a box of chocolates to share Pass on good feedback that you receive. Be a positive role model for JMOs & other senior staff – develop a positive culture List 3 good things you have done at the end of each day Duke ‘WISER’ study Training for JMOs on mindfulness & self care, and resilience Offer information sessions of issues that concern JMOs – careers, finance, income protection etc. Employ a well-being officer

9 Session 3: mentorship julian wilcocks
Definition of mentorship – it is NOT supervision: be mindful of conflict of interest Teach/learn coaching skills – very valuable Mentorship needs to be voluntary Mentors need to be trained Its not just a coffee & a chat. Mentoring needs to be structured Effectiveness of near-to-peer mentorship Introduce mentoring of medical students to JMOs/interns – develop the culture

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