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Policy and Procedures IJND – Appropriate Use of Technology for Students Student Responsibility Exercise good judgement while using digital resources All.

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2 Policy and Procedures IJND – Appropriate Use of Technology for Students Student Responsibility Exercise good judgement while using digital resources All electronic communications are respectful at all times Bullying Policy (JICDE) re-enforces appropriate use of technology resources while at school or at home. As well the Technology Policy that speaks of appropriate behavior whether physical or electronic

3 Accounts and Passwords
Policy and Procedures IJND – Appropriate Use of Technology for Students Accounts and Passwords Student user and privileges No expectation of privacy

4 Policy and Procedures IJND – Appropriate Use of Technology for Students Collaborative technologies The district supports the use of collaborative technologies. Students are responsible for the content they publish and must use good digital citizenship practices. Collaborative technologies are considered an extension of the classroom and should be used to:  communicate with other students, parents, community members, or staff members; convey information about educational programs; and share information electronically.

5 Policy and Procedures IJND – Appropriate Use of Technology for Students BYOD Students are encouraged to bring their personal digital resource to support their educational needs. Students may connect to the District 20 network by using their district user id and password. All network traffic is monitored and filtered in the same way it is for district owned digital resources. Equipment Compliance and Responsibility District support for personally owned digital resources

6 Policy and Procedures Staff Acceptable Use Agreement of the Internet and Electronic Communications (GBEE E 1) Use of Social Media Staff shall not “friend” (or otherwise invite) current district students to join their personal social media sites and must not accept “friend” invitations from current district districts. Staff may not use a personal social media account to interact with students in their capacity as Academy District 20 staff members. If staff chooses to use social media to communicate with students, they should establish a separate public professional social media account. Staff members shall not use , text messaging, instant messaging, or social networking sites to discuss non-school related issues with students. Staff members are expected to protect the health, safety, and emotional well-being of students and to preserve the integrity of the learning environment. Online or electronic conduct that distracts or disrupts the learning environment or other conduct in violation of this or related district policies may form the basis for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from employment.

7 Policy and Resources District Accreditation: As part of the Colorado Department of Education Accreditation process each school must provide an Internet Safety program. Academy District 20 provides resources for the Internet Safety program in a variety of ways: i Safe (purchased for schools to use, Education Services department offers training to schools) Wiki that has compiled resources from school technology coordinators and librarians Variety of resources delivered in many ways: Techs, Counselors, Teachers, Librarians

8 Federal Laws and Regulations
The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) was enacted by Congress in 2000 to address concerns about children’s access to obscene or harmful content over the Internet. CIPA imposes certain requirements on schools or libraries that receive discounts for Internet access or internal connections through the E-rate program – a program that makes certain communications services and products more affordable for eligible schools and libraries. In early 2001, the FCC issued rules implementing CIPA and provided updates to those rules in 2011.

9 Palo Alto Firewall/Filter and Web Content Monitoring
As part of the Children’s Internet Protection Act we are required to filter content. Palo Alto monitors and blocks attempts to access offensive and dangerous content IT logs and reports offensive searches to Principals twice a month Monitor and report searches that relate to physical security and report (Build a bomb, etc.)

10 Professional Development
IT Educational Services provide training to the staff at schools when requested, our staff at schools also collaborates with other staff to compile resources. High Schools have other programs: SLATE (PCHS) Students Learning Acceptance Through Education CyberPatriots – Northrup Grumman

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