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Buidling community together

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1 Buidling community together
Stages and Dynamics

2 Our life in a commuity Our community experience can be life-giving or life-draining Need to understand the normal dynamics in any community We are healed and saved in the context of community Claretian life and mission can be understood only in the perspective of a community, be it local, provincial or universal.

3 Stages in community life
Communities seem to grow in sequence from one stage to another in progression Each stage is based on needs of the group and the members, and there arise feelings, and behaviours proper to each stage It is important that all members take responsibility to work together to move the group to mature levels of functioning


5 Stage 1. Orientation How to go about?
Initial moment Fear, anxiety, uncertainty Need is security and safety Withdrawal, silence, boisterousness, aggressiveness, shoiwng bravado How to go about? Create a climate where all feel safe and secure Clarify expectations, norms, rules…

6 Stage 2: In-Out Characterized by the Sense of belongingness.
Some people feel part of the group and feel “in” Others feel “out” and experience alienation If the need is frustrated, people respond by fight or flight Some become aggressive and appear to be in constant battle in the community, disputing everything. some develop a flight mode and a few become very neurotic. Some take a flight to the periphery of community and find nests outside. How to deal: probe the resistance and invite those who feel aleanated to verbalize the feeling. Help the aleanated to experience a sense of belonging. Who are the members who feel alienated? How do we include and integrate everyone into the community?

7 Stage 3. UP/Down Predominant need is self esteem and esteem of others
Tend to put persons along a continuum from most-least important and valued in the community Those who feel less valued react Predominant spirit is competition. Conversations are often on achievement and status Help each member to recognize his value to the community Group discernment Discover and appreciate the gifts of each one What are the behavours most valued in this group? Who is the most valued & who is least valued? Why? How to enhance the esteem of all members?

8 Stage 4. Conflict Conflict is inevitable in any community
Most difficult stage in community life Avoidance is the normal reaction Important to to embrace and address conflict How to deal with it? Help community to name and deal with conflict. Community learns to look at conflict positively as moment of growth How do we deal with conflict? What are my/our fears of conclict? What are the conflicts that we avoid in our community?

9 Stage 5. Cohesion Community achieves unity, peace and cohesion when it negotiates conflicts meaningfully. Very productive period of community Tendency to “nest” and become self satisfied Can get caught up in self-maintenance and forget challenges of mission Least effective time to use consensus in decision-making The task at this time is to challenge the community to its mission To focus beyond itself When have I observed a tendency to nest? Are we opting for security than the pain of challenges? Does mission continue to be our motivating force?


11 Stage 6. Faith sharing Christian community is a faith sharing group
It needs a climate of trust, safety and security Desire to share and simultaneious fear to open up to others cause ambivalence Intense resistance to sharing: lack of trust, fear of being perceived as hypocritical, concern that my faith is poor Perfectionism in community blocks faith sharing How to deal? Create a climate where members feel comfortable to share this intimate part of life Invite community to faith sharing. When do we truly share faith? What are my fears? How do my community perceive it?

12 Stage 7. Near/Far Community now is an orchestrated dance
Members look for a level of intimacy and sharing that they feel comfortable. Members bring different needs and expectations form intimacy into community Need a balance among the varying intimacy needs of members Some look for more than community can give and get frustrated Develop one’s personal capacity for intimacy Clarify expectations of intimacy What level of intimacy do I expect and desire in community? What fosters intimacy in community?

13 stage. 8. Termination Help community to process the experience of loss
Every group has to die Second most difficult stage Failure to accept change and termination blocks growth Celebrations of initiation and conclusion needs also intentional grieving Resistance to change is normal. Help community to process the experience of loss Allow a process of grieving What previous losses in my life are an unfinished business? How do we address loss?

14 Dynamics of interaction in community Interpersonal dynamics among members
Functions A move provides direction A follow enables completion An oppose Creates correction A bystand Offers perspective Behaviour 1. A move: initiates a squence of behaviour- 2. A follow: supports a move- 3. An oppose: opposes move- 4. A bystand: observes and make comments-


16 Avoid three archetypes
All the four are present and contributes to community living. Community may value only one or two of the behaviours and utilize only one or two of the functions and impoverish itself. Avoid three archetypes Point-counterpoint. Only move and oppose. Always counter-arguments Courteous compliance: uncritical submission “Yes Father”. Covert opposition. Passive aggression or indirect resistance

17 Build community

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