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Asher McCord and Bain Jenkins

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1 Asher McCord and Bain Jenkins
Weed ID Asher McCord and Bain Jenkins

2 White Clover Scientific Name Trifolium repens Common Name White Clover
Small flower with white buds extending from the clover plant No pre emergent Post Emergent Brush Master Herbicide

3 OrchardGrass Scientific Name Dactylis Glomerata
Common Name Orchard Grass Under dryland conditions, it usually develops distinct clumps and flower culms 15 to 18 inches tall. Leaves usually stand less than 12 inches in height No pre emergent Post emergent Barrier Ornamental Landscaping Herbicde

4 Blue Grass Scientific Name Poa Annua Common Name Blue Grass
Small turfed to clump yellow to green and leaf is green and with two clear lines on both sides. Pre emergent Pre San Grandular Post emergent Katana Turf herbicide

5 Bermudagrass Scientific Name Cyndon Dactylon Common Name Bermudagrass
Lateral buds develop at the nodes to produce erect or ascending stems that reach 5 to 40 cm (rarely over 90 cm) in height Pre emergent Tupersan Herbicide No post emergent herbicide

6 Dandelion Scientific Name Taraxacum Officinale Common Name Dandelion
Widespread perennial weed, with leaves growing from the base and yellow composite flowers. Pre Emergent Pronto Vegetation Killer Post Emergent Brush Master Herbicide

7 Cupids Shaving Brush Scientific Name Emilia Fosbergii
Common Name Cupids Shaving Brush The leaves at the base are broadly lanceolate, with broad tip, and winged petioles. A central floral stem is then produced. The leaves at top of the stem have no petioles and are clasped to the stem (sessile). All leaves have toothed margins. No Pre Emergent Post Emergent Speed Zone Southern broad leaf herbicide

8 Oxalis Scientific Name Oxalis Stricte Common Name Oxalis
Small, low-lying plant that measures approximately cm. in height. This wildflower is easily recognizable by its light-green, clover-shaped leaves. Its flowers are small, delicate. Pre Emergent Pronto Vegetation Killer Post emergent Brush Master Herbicide

9 Wild Onion Scientific Name Allium Canadeance L Common Name wild onion
 It has slender grass-like leaves and reaches about 2 feet in height when flowers appear in late summer. Pre emergent Pronto Vegetation Killer Post emergent Brush Master Herbicide

10 Yellow Woodsorrel Scientific Name: Oxalis Stricitia
Common Name Yellow Woodsorrel Small, low-lying plant that measures approximately cm. in height. This wildflower is easily recognizable by its light-green, clover-shaped leaves. Its flowers are small, delicate and yellow in color Pre emergent Barrier 50 w Dichlobenil Herbice Post emergent Brush Master Herbicide

11 Barnyardgrass Scientific Name Echinochloa Crus- Gally
Barn Yard Grass is the common name A summer annual with thick stems that may reach 5 feet in height. Post herbicide: Avenue South Broadleaf herbicide Pre emergent: Pre San Grandular

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