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Transition, Globalisation and Labour in the BS & CA Region

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1 Transition, Globalisation and Labour in the BS & CA Region
23-24 February 2009 Athens Kiichiro Fukasaku Head of Regional Desks Development Centre

2 OECD and the BS Region The BS region is a key component of OECD’s broader Eurasia initiative Regional focus and national strategies 3 Main Objectives: Improve the business climate by sharing OECD- country best practices and policy experiences Peer review and peer learning Assist partner countries in stimulating investment, creating jobs and supporting local businesses

3 An OECD Development Centre Economic Outlook
BSECAO 2008 An OECD Development Centre Economic Outlook Focus on the BSEC-CA Regions A cross-country comparative analysis of macroeconomic and policy developments of the BSEC-CA region, involving 12 BSEC and 5 CA countries Black Sea and Central Asia: Promoting Work and Well-being Recent economic developments in the BSEC-CA regions (Part I) Work and well-being: policy challenges in the global environment (Part II)

4 Strong & Sustained Overall Growth
Over , average growth rate for the 11 CIS countries was around 8 per cent, comparing favourably with Asian economies. Substantial improvements in productivity have been the driving force behind this strong growth. TRADE: The European Union is the main trade partner for the region, accounting for over half of all trade for the six non-CIS countries. Russia is the main intra-regional trading partner,

5 Specialisation in BSEC-CA Countries
Exports Specialisation in BSEC-CA Countries Export specialisation (Balassa) Index average SITC group 1 2 3 4 6 beverages & tobacco crude materials (ex. fuel) mineral fuels animal & vegetable oils manufactured goods Albania 1.9 3.4 0.3 0.1 Armenia 10.7 3.5 3.9 Azerbaijan 0.8 0.9 8.8 2.3 0.2 Bulgaria 2.5 0.7 1.8 Georgia 18.8 7.4 0.4 Greece 4.6 6.4 1.5 Kazakhstan 2.1 6.9 1.4 Kyrgyz Rep. 3.6 Moldova 33.3 2.8 8.7 0.6 Romania Russia 5.3 1.1 Serbia 2.6 Tajikistan* 7.6 4.4 Turkey 0.5 1.2 Turkmenistan* 9.3 Ukraine 2.4 5.2 3.1 Uzbekistan* 10 No BSEC-CA countries have any form of specialisation in exports of food and animals (SITC 0), chemical products (SITC 5) or machinery and transport products (SITC 7) Source: OECD Development Centre / Comtrade, 2008

6 Successive Waves of FDI Flows
Investment Successive Waves of FDI Flows FDI in USD Million SEE: Second wave of FDI Central Europe: First Wave of FDI SCU: Third wave? Source: EBRD Transition report 2007, OECD DAF/PSD

7 Labour Market Policies in the Global Environment
BSECAO 2008 Labour Market Policies in the Global Environment SHOCKS: Transition Globalization Firms (chapter 4) Households (chapter 5) Governments (chapter 6)

8 Labour Market Outcomes
BSECAO 2008 Labour Market Outcomes Transition in an open economy → more severe recession than expected ↑ volatility and job insecurity During the 1990s labour market policy responses were limited The Outlook describes how labour market policies evolved during the 2000s but the context was also set by households’ responses during the 1990s

9 A heavy social cost: death rates in BSEC-CA countries
Social indic. A heavy social cost: death rates in BSEC-CA countries Source: OECD Development Centre / IMF

10 Households’ Coping Mechanisms
BSECAO 2008 Households’ Coping Mechanisms Short-term coping mechanisms family and community support Longer-term coping mechanisms Informality* migration Vulnerable groups and coping mechanisms gender roles, urban-rural gaps, ethnic relations, pensioners, children * Jütting & de Laiglesia (2009), Informal Is Normal?, Development Centre Studies , OECD; and Parleviet & Xenogiani (2008), “Report on Informal Employment in Romania”, Development Centre Working Paper 271, OECD

11 Policy Responses BSECAO 2008
ILO Conventions and improving the labour market environment employment protection, unemployment insurance, minimum wage legislation, reducing informality Active Labour Market Policies public employment, vocational training, microfinance, youth employment Public redistribution targeting social assistance Facilitating private redistribution

12 Conclusions and Policy Recommendations
BSECAO 2008 Conclusions and Policy Recommendations Investment on statistics Regularising informal activities Active labour market policies Employment-oriented social polices and targeted assistance Migration, remittances and migrant workers’ rights Sustaining reforms for better job creation

13 GDP growth disparities across countries in the BS region
From BSECAO 2008 to the OECD Initiative for the South Caucasus and Ukraine ( ) GDP growth disparities across countries in the BS region FDI levels and growth still relatively low in the BS region Average FDI per capita up to 6 times lower than South East Europe or CEE Average FDI growth a third lower than regions like South East Europe Limited FDI diversification in most countries Prioritise policies to improve the business climate and meet the skill gaps facing the private sector

14 The OECD Initiative for the South Caucasus and Ukraine - Key Dates for 2009 -
Preparatory meeting (2-3 March, Paris) Ministerial conference (31 March-1 April, Paris) Financial market development (4-5 June, Austria) Investment climate policy and promotion (16-17 June, Berlin) Human capital for financial and business services (October) Advisory Council (November)

15 Thank you

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