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admire Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 5 TEACHER TALK

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1 admire Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 5 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 1 image. 1. One word to learn this week is admire. Say it with me: admire. To admire means “to respect.” When we admire a person, we think the person is special because of what he or she is or does. You might admire someone who is very kind. You might admire someone who can play the piano well. 2. En español, to admire quiere decir “respetar, pensar que alguien es especial por lo que es o lo que hace, admirar.” Tal vez admiras a alguien que es muy amable. Tal vez admiras a alguien porque toca el piano muy bien. 3. To admire in English and admirar in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. PARTNER TALK 4. Now let’s look at a picture that shows what it is like to admire. The family in the photo looks at the father. They look at him with love and respect. We can tell that they think he is special. They admire him. 5. Take turns telling your partner people you admire. Explain why you admire each person you name. 6. Make a card for someone you admire. On the front, show why you admire the person. Inside write a message, I admire you. (Write the message on the board.) 7. Now let’s say admire together three more times: admire, admire, admire. admire

2 challenging Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 5 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 2 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is challenging. Say it with me: challenging. Challenging means “hard to do.” Sometimes we have to work hard to do something challenging, such as riding a bike up a hill. Sometimes we have to think hard to do something challenging, such as solving a puzzle. 2. En español, challenging quiere decir “difícil.” Algo difícil requiere mucho esfuerzo para hacer. A veces tenemos que esforzarnos mucho para lograr algo difícil, como manejar la bicicleta subiendo una colina. A veces tenemos que pensar mucho para hacer algo difícil, como terminar un rompecabezas. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows something challenging. The people in the photo are doing something challenging. They are doing a handstand. They are standing on their hands instead of their feet. MOVEMENT 4. I am going to name some things to do. If I say something challenging to do, stand up and say challenging. If I say something that is not challenging, sit down and say nothing. Let’s begin: Read a hard book. Take a nap. Eat one grape. Eat one hundred grapes. Figure out the answer to a hard riddle. Climb a mountain. Write your name. 5. I am going to do something challenging. Then you will do it. (Do an action such as stand on one foot and hop.) Who has something challenging they would like us to try? Be sure it is safe to do in the classroom. (Call on several volunteers for the class to imitate.) 6. Now let’s say challenging together three more times: challenging, challenging, challenging. challenging

3 charity Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 5 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 3 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is charity. Say it with me: charity. Charity is helping people who do not have things they need. For example, giving coats to children who need warm clothes is an act of charity. 2. En español, charity quiere decir “ayuda a las personas necesitadas, caridad.” Donar sacos a niños que no tienen ropa abrigada para el invierno es un acto de caridad. 3. Charity in English and caridad in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. 4. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word charity. We see two teens who are doing an act of charity. They are serving food to people who are hungry and do not have food. PARTNER TALK 5. Tell your partner about an act of charity you saw someone do. Tell why it was an act of charity. 6. You and your partner will take turns naming things a person needs to stay alive and well. Your partner will tell an act of charity someone could do to help a person who needed that thing. 7. Now let’s say charity together three more times: charity, charity, charity. charity

4 focus Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 5 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 4 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is focus. Say it with me: focus. To focus means “to look hard or pay close attention to something.” When I write something on the board, you all look at it. You focus on what I am writing. 2. En español, to focus quiere decir “mirar fijamente o concentrar la atención en algo, enfocar.” Cuando escribo algo en el tablero, ustedes lo miran. Ustedes se enfocan en lo que estoy escribiendo. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows what it is like to focus. (Point to the leaf the boy is holding.) The boy focuses on this leaf. He is looking at it very closely. He is even using a special tool to focus on the leaf. It is called a magnifying glass. The tool makes things look bigger. The tool helps him pay attention to every little part of the leaf. MOVEMENT 4. We will play a game. I will tell you to focus your eyes on something. You will turn around and focus on it. Focus on the door. Focus on your left foot. Focus on the board. (Say several more commands with focus. Then call on volunteers to take turns telling the class what to focus on.) 5. The boy in the photo uses a magnifying glass to focus on a leaf. Pretend you have a magnifying glass. (Demonstrate curling your fingers into a circle to hold a pretend magnifying glass.) Find something in our room to focus on with your pretend magnifying glass. Then I will ask you to tell us what you are focusing on. 6. Now let’s say focus together three more times: focus, focus, focus. focus

5 offer Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 5 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 5 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is offer. Say it with me: offer. To offer means “to give something to someone.” When we offer something to someone, they may take it or they may not. For example, a friend could offer you a snack after school. 2. En español, to offer quiere decir “dar algo a alguien, ofrecer.” Cuando le ofreces algo a alguien, esa persona puede aceptarlo o puede no aceptarlo. Por ejemplo, un amigo te puede ofrecer algo de comer después de clases. 3. To offer in English and ofrecer in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. 4. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word offer. The girl offers a gift to her grandmother. The grandmother smiles. She reaches out to take what the girl offers her. MOVEMENT 5. I will pretend to offer you some different foods. Decide if you want each food. If you do, reach out as if you will accept my offer. If you do not want the food, put your hands behind your back. (Name various items such as a banana, a bowl of spinach, a pretzel, cereal with ketchup on it.) 6. I will give you time to gather three things from the classroom. Then you will offer each thing to your partner. Say: I want to offer you this ____________. If your partner wants the item, he or she will take it and say: Thank you. If the partner does not want the item, he or she will not take it and say: No, thank you. 7. Now let’s say offer together three more times: offer, offer, offer. offer

6 over there Function Words & Phrases Unit 1 ● Week 5 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use over there to describe where something is. Say it with me: over there. Over there means “in that place.” (Point to the classroom window as you say the following sentence.) The window is over there. 2. En español, over there quiere decir “allá, en ese lugar.” (Señale la ventana del salon mientras lee la siguiente frase.) La ventana está allá. 3. This picture shows the words over there. Suppose you are standing by the door and are asked, “Where is the computer?” You point to the computer and say, “It is over there.” PARTNER TALK 4. Look back at the photo with your partner. Ask each other questions about where different items are in the picture. Answer the questions by pointing and using the words over there. 5. Repeat the activity you just did, but this time ask and answer questions about items in our classroom. Remember to answer each question with the words over there. 6. Repeat the words three times with me: over there, over there, over there. over there

7 over (in a position higher)
Function Words & Phrases Unit 1 ● Week 5 TEACHER TALK 1. In English, we sometimes use over to describe a position above. Say it with me: over. Over can mean “in a higher place or position.” The ceiling is over our heads. 2. En español, over quiere decir “sobre, encima.” El techo está sobre nuestras cabezas. 3. This picture shows the word over. It shows the clouds that are above the ocean. The white, fluffy clouds have formed over the water. MOVEMENT 4. Let’s put our hands over our heads. Now let’s put the right hand over the left hand. Now let’s switch and put the left hand over the right hand. 5. (Provide children with several different colored counters or blocks to practice over.) Let’s put the red block over the yellow block. Now let’s put the blue block over the red block. (Continue with other instructions that illustrate the concept.) 6. Repeat the word three times with me: over, over, over. over (in a position higher)

8 over (upside down) Function Words & Phrases Unit 1 ● Week 5
TEACHER TALK 1. In English, we sometimes use over to describe a different position. Say it with me: over. Over can mean “in an upside down position.” If we turn a cup over, the top is then on the bottom. The cup is over, or upside down. 2. En español, over también quiere decir “volteado, al revés.” Si volteamos una taza, la parte de arriba está abajo. La taza está al revés. 3. This picture shows the word over. It shows children hanging upside down. They are hanging over the bar. PARTNER TALK 4. Look at the picture again. Tell your partner about a time when you or someone you know hung upside down. Use the word over to mean “upside down.” 5. Tell your partner how a glass, a pancake, and a wagon turned upside down. Use the word over in your sentences. 6. Repeat the word three times with me: over, over, over. over (upside down)

9 over (to be done with) Function Words & Phrases Unit 1 ● Week 5
TEACHER TALK 1. In English, we can also use the word over to tell about the end of an event. Say it with me: over. Over can mean “to be done with or finished.” When a runner crosses the finish line, the race is over. 2. En español, over también quiere decir “haber terminado.” Cuando un corredor cruza la línea de meta, la carrera ha terminado. 3. This picture shows the word over. The art project the girl was working on is finished. She is hanging up her painting now that the project is over. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. I am going to say some words. If the word means over as in “The race is over,” say “over.” If not, say nothing. (Read these words: done, begin, finished, start, stopped, ended.) 5. I am going to describe some events. If you think I am describing an event that is over and done with, clap and say, “It’s over!” If not, don’t say anything. The curtain comes down at the end of the show. The school day is finished at three o’clock. The race has begun. The television show has come to an end. 6. Repeat the word three times with me: over, over, over. over (to be done with)

10 soccer Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 5 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. soccer

11 tennis Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 5 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. tennis

12 baseball Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 5 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. baseball

13 basketball Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 5 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. basketball

14 football Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 5 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. football

15 softball Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 5 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. softball

16 Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 5 ROUTINE
Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category. During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word.

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