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2 Set goals to increase MOTIVATION
Starter “I can’t seem to motivate myself, I know I can improve my fitness and ability in sport but I can’t seem, to get there. What can I do?” Set goals to increase MOTIVATION

3 Learning Outcomes Identify how goal setting helps to improve performance – Grade C Analyse examples of goal setting to identify the characteristics of SMART – Grade B Create a personalised SMART target linked to Circuit Training – Grade A

4 Brainstorm How does goal setting help a performer?
Brainstorm your answers on your sheet.

5 Goal setting helps performers to:
Achieve more (working harder) Determine exactly what is to be achieved Gain direction (sign posting) Improve performance Improve quality of training Gain confidence Feel in control Goal setting helps performers to: Be less anxious Increase pride and satisfaction in your performance Evaluate your performance Increase motivation to achieve Focus your attention Check progress against targets Be prepared mentally for performing

6 SMART TARGETS In order for the goals you set to be successful, you need to use SMART targets. SMART targets are set at the start of a personal exercise programme or as part of long term goal.

7 Specific Description The goal must be clear and the performer must know exactly what the goal is. Current fitness levels and performance levels should be evaluated before specific goals are set. Application/Example – underline the words that ensure this target is specific To reduce the percentage of unforced errors in my passing from the centre third in netball.

8 Measurable Description In order to know if your goal has been met successfully, it must be something that can be measured. Units should be included to measure your goal e.g. time, distance, numbers. Application/Example – underline the words that ensure this target is measurable “To run 10k 3 seconds faster than my previous best”

9 Achievable Description It is something that is possible for you to do. Avoid setting targets that would be too difficult for someone to complete and would be demotivating. Important that the performer has the ability to reach the targets set. Application/Example – Explain in your own words why this target is achievable “I currently run 110m in 14.30seconds. My goal is to run 100m in seconds”

10 Realistic Description A realistic goal is one that is possible, given all the factors involved. Your goal might be achievable but are the other factors in place realistic. E.g. Do you have access to training facilities? Application/Example – Explain in your own words why this target is realistic “I currently throw the javelin 30m, I am going to start an additional training session each week and my goal is to throw 35m by the end of this session”

11 Time - Bound Description Goals must be assigned a time frame for completion. You need to have a cut off point so that you can see if your training is having the effect you want. Application/Example – underline the words that ensure this target is time – bound “My goal is to run 200m in 45 seconds by the 4th July this year”

12 Independent Task Using your circuit training sessions as a focus, set yourself a SMART target to help you improve your performance. Please remember to include all 5 aspects of SMART.

13 Peer Assessment – Mark Scheme
The target is linked to circuit training All 5 elements of SMART are included Write a comment linked to how effective you feel the target will be

14 Homework For three days over the next week I would like you to keep an accurate food diary. Try to be as precise as possible, you may even include measures!

15 Exam Question TASK/QUESTION: Ethan is inspired by performers in the run up to the London 2012 Olympic games, and is determined to improve his performance. He decides to set SMART targets as a first step to achieving his long-term goal. Discuss the use of target setting to improve performance You must make reference to examples in your answer. 6 marks SUCCESS CRITERIA: Must: Describe each principle of SMART Should: Provide sporting examples for each SMART principle Could: Discuss the value of target setting and why it is used.

16 How did you get on??? Identify how goal setting helps to improve performance – Grade C Analyse examples of goal setting to identify the characteristics of SMART – Grade B Create a personalised SMART target linked to Circuit Training – Grade A

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