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The Original 13 Colonies.

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1 The Original 13 Colonies

2 Jamestown First successful settlement in Virginia.
England believed colonies could supply raw materials and land.

3 Religious Turmoil brings more settlers to the colonies
Pilgrims: immigrants from England, who came to the colonies on the Mayflower. Wanted to start their own form of religion, free from control of King James.

4 Religious Persecution increases in England
Puritans: religious group of immigrants who wanted to Purify the Church of England. Settled in the Massachusetts, and founded the city of Boston. Government and religion closely entwined. Taxes collected to support the Church. Puritans set strict rules of behavior. Punishment was very public.

5 Colonies develop into 3 sections
New England Middle colonies Southern Colonies

6 New England Located in northern region, along the east coast.
Land was rocky, making farming difficult. mostly fishing, whaling, lumber, ship building. Subsistence farming: raising only enough to feed their family. Or they had to import food. Mostly puritan, relations with Indians difficult as Colonist began to demand Indians follow English laws and customs.

7 Middle Colonies: New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware
Henry Hudson hired by the Dutch, discovers Hudson bay. Called the area new Netherlands, and New Amsterdam. (Manhattan island) Became the main rival of England. Charles II, King of England, takes New Netherland from the Dutch and give it to his brother The Duke of York. Becomes known as New York

8 Why such competition with England?
Deep harbors for ships. Coastal plains and rolling hills. Warm summers and cold winters. Fertile land and a long growing season. Called the “Bread Basket of the New World” Grew lots of wheat, rye, oats, barley (grains) and potatoes. Promise of prosperity, land and Religious tolerance brought lots of immigrants from different areas of Europe.

9 William Penn: begins Pennsylvania
Called a “Holy Experiment”. Settlers would have religious freedom and a voice in government. Allowed Quakers to worship freely. Quakers objected to all political and religious authority, including taxes and military. Opposed war or violence. Penn acquires a small coastal are to guarantee access to the Atlantic ocean, soon becomes known as Delaware.

10 Southern Colonies: Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia
Hot summers and mild winters. Coastal plains with mountain in the western sections. Rich soil perfect for farming, with a long growing season. Land of plantations, (large farms) worked by slaves and indentured servants. Religion: not such a big impact because people lived on plantations, far away from their neighbors.

11 Economy almost all agriculture sustained by slave labor.

12 Slaves first arrives in colonies in 1619
By 1775 : 540,00, about 20% of the population of the colonies. Long working days, subjected to beatings and brandings by planters or cruel overseers (Crackers) If beatings didn’t work, planters threatened to sell their family away from them. African Codes: could not own property, receive an education, move about freely, or meet in large groups.

13 Europeans begin to immigrate to America
America: lots of land, no workers. England: Lots of workers, but no land Many Europeans immigrate to America Indentured Servant: signed contract agreeing to work for four or more years in return for paid passage to America. Cheap labor and populated the colonies.


15 Women also had few rights.
Married women could not legally own property, sign a contract, or make a will. Women could not vote. Husbands were sole guardians of children and were allowed to physically discipline their children AND their wives. (Thumb law) Widows had some rights, but was expected to remarry quickly.

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