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The Patterns of Eights The following is a demonstration of the patterns of eights. This can assist some individuals who have learning differences to learn.

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Presentation on theme: "The Patterns of Eights The following is a demonstration of the patterns of eights. This can assist some individuals who have learning differences to learn."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Patterns of Eights The following is a demonstration of the patterns of eights. This can assist some individuals who have learning differences to learn and use fractions. After you have viewed the demonstration, practice it on paper until you can complete it with ease.

2 There are four patterns to remember.
1. Write the numbers 1 to 8 without the 4. 2. Place a 5 behind the 2 and the 7. 3. Place 25 behind the 1, 75 behind the 3, 25 behind the 6, 75 behind the 8. 4. Place a decimal point in front of each number.

3 1

4 2 1

5 3 2 1

6 Skip 4












18 .875 = 7/ = 3/ = 5/8 .5 = 1/ = 3/ = 1/ = 1/8

19 Repeat the process until you can do it correctly and quickly.

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