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Essential Question How can water and wind change the Earth over time?

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question How can water and wind change the Earth over time?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question How can water and wind change the Earth over time?
Jeopardy Review Game

2 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $20
Weathering Soils Fossils Mixed Review A Mixed Review B $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20

3 A large mass of ice moving down a slope is called a:

4 Glacier

5 Erosion by wind, water, or ice moves sediment
Erosion by wind, water, or ice moves sediment. Over time sediment drops into a new place. When sediment is dropped it is called ______.

6 Deposition

7 A crack in a rock has filled with water
A crack in a rock has filled with water. What might happen if the water freezes?

8 The rock will crack

9 What feature is produced by deposition?

10 Delta

11 If a rock has been weathered by moving water, how will the rock look and feel?

12 Worn down and smooth

13 Loose material that covers much of the Earth’s surface is called:

14 Soil

15 ________ is the decayed remains of plants and animals

16 Humus

17 The MOST humus is found in which layer of soil?

18 Topsoil

19 List and describe the three layers of soil.

20 Topsoil- a lot of humus Subsoil- bottom layer of soild, not much humus Bedrock- bottom layer of rock

21 Which type of soil has the largest particles?

22 Sandy

23 The preserved remains of a plant or an animal that lived long ago are _____________.

24 Fossils

25 What is the first step in how a fossil is formed?

26 A living thing dies

27 What can fossils tell paleontologists about organisms that lived long ago?

28 1. They can tell paleontologists what type of climate the organism lived in- hot or cold 2. How large the organism was 3. What type of food the animals ate.

29 Which type of fossil is formed from a mold?

30 Cast

31 Petrified fossils are formed when wood turns into ________

32 Rock

33 A fossil imprint of an animal that lived long ago is not likely to give clues about the animal’s: A. shape B. color C. size D. weight

34 B. color

35 Why can water pass easily through sandy soil?

36 the particles are bigger

37 A _______________ is a scientist that studies fossils.

38 Paleontologist

39 Which type of soil has the smallest particles?

40 Clay

41 Which is an example of erosion. A. wind moving sand from a dune B
Which is an example of erosion? A. wind moving sand from a dune B. plant roots splitting apart a rock C. large rocks wearing down

42 A. wind moving sand from a dune

43 . ___________ is the slow breaking apart or wearing away of rock into smaller pieces.

44 Weathering

45 List the four causes of weathering.

46 Wind, Water, Ice, Roots

47 List the four causes of erosion

48 Wind, Water, Glacier, Gravity

49 Which MOST LIKELY made this fossil. A. a sea creature B. a bone C
Which MOST LIKELY made this fossil? A. a sea creature B. a bone C. a plant

50 A. A sea creature

51 Which is NOT a cause of erosion. A. glacier B. bright sunlight C
Which is NOT a cause of erosion? A. glacier B. bright sunlight C. moving water

52 B. Bright sunlight

53 Final Jeopardy Question If a paleontologist finds a fossil of a fish on top of a mountain, she can infer that the are was once:

54 Underwater

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