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Safety Orientation Chem H301 Superlab F2017 2nd Qtr

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1 Safety Orientation Chem H301 Superlab F2017 2nd Qtr
* Adapted from a presentation by Alex, Dan, Mark, and Karin

2 Safety orientation Hygiene Chemical storage and handling
Chemical waste stream Sharps Instruments and equipment Accidents











13 Hygiene Food or water – NONE in lab spaces!
Hands should be washed upon entering and leaving the lab Clothing No open toed shoes Avoid shorts and short sleeved shirts Lab coat (discuss with your mentor when appropriate) Backpacks and other belongings NOT ON FLOOR! Safety gear Eye protection is required at all times in the lab!!! (Visiting friends too!) Gloves – worn when needed, never out of the labs Hoods – keep the sashes lowered Safety shields should be used when working with large volumes of solvents

14 Chemical storage and handling
At the bench Label everything (Sharpies / pencils) – I’ll get us more if needed!!! Understand the appropriate type of glassware to use (Erlenmeyers with volatile solvents) Stoppered/secondary confinement when moving chemicals between/in labs Keep reagent containers sealed Balances – keep them clean Hoods for volatile materials MSDS – see Joanne Brown Acids and bases must be kept separated No more than 10 gallons of flammable liquid can be in one lab at any given time

15 Others Peroxidizable chemicals – record the date on which the bottle was opened Diethyl ether, THF, dioxane = dispose after 6 months If you find an older bottle, a bottle the age of which you are unsure, or see the formation of solids on the covers of bottles for such compounds, seek assistance from Rob immediatley – DO NOT OPEN

16 Others Pyrophoric (spontaneously ignites in air)
n-BuLi, t-BuLi, others (always read all warnings on bottles!) ONLY Rob will use t-BuLi if called for Use n-BuLi ONLY after instruction from Rob or TA trained in its use; ask Rob about others Handle and store under Ar! Wear appropriate labcoat! Downloaded on 8/31/16 from: Downloaded on 8/31/16 from:

17 Inventory Our chemical inventory, Vertere:
Joanne Brown is the administrator of our chemical inventory system Empty bottles need to be triple rinsed and placed in the white bins in E108 near the sink near the door – please leave them in E108 in the appointed bin near the door Rob will return these to Joanne for removal from inventory system 

18 Cryogens Safety glasses (or better face shields) and thermal gloves must be worn. Watch for the formation of liquid oxygen (oxygen monitors)

19 Chemical waste stream NO CHEMICALS down the sink
Sharps containers – for syringes/needles with chemical residue in/on; NEVER recap a needle; NEVER put syringes/needles in the trash Yellow tags are required to label waste for waste room disposal, with approximate compositions and amounts of the waste (from Joanne) Organic solvents moved daily to a secondary accumulation location halogenated vs. non-halogenated Solid waste containers

20 Sharps Broken glass – cardboard containers, no chemicals
Handing glass – stuck joints, inserting glass in anything – SEE ROB! DON’T FORCE! Syringes (including barrels) – red sharps containers – NEVER RECAP A NEEDLE!

21 Instruments and equipment
If you have questions, ASK – Work with Jia Hu or Rob 1st before going it alone Never use a new-to-you piece of equipment before you have had training from Jia or Rob Report problems (noises, alarms, leaks, smells..) Gas tanks must be secured at all times only moved on carts by Rob only moved after the tops have been secures (never with a regulator)

22 Accidents Safety equipment Reporting accidents fire extinguishers
eye wash stations showers Reporting accidents 1. Use the buddy system 2. Routine issues – advisor 3. Potential health hazard – Security x1111 (phone in NMR Lab) or cell phone NEAR system Notify – Evacuate – Assemble – Report Unusual event report

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