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Steps:. 1. Introduction – Karel Vostrý. 2. E. D. E. 3. APSS CR. 4

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Presentation on theme: "Steps:. 1. Introduction – Karel Vostrý. 2. E. D. E. 3. APSS CR. 4"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cooperation in the Field of Health and Social Care Education Contact Seminar October 11, 2017 Prague

2 Steps:. 1. Introduction – Karel Vostrý. 2. E. D. E. 3. APSS CR. 4
Steps: 1. Introduction – Karel Vostrý 2. E.D.E. 3. APSS CR 4. Brand of quality

3 Introduction Ing. Karel Vostrý /39/
The University of Economics, Prague (Dipl. Ing.) 3/  EAHSA – European Association of Homes and Services for the Ageing – Secretary 3/  E.D.E. – European Association for Directors and Providers of Long-Term Care Services for the Elderly – Secretary 3/  CRA UZS ČR - Center of Development activities of The Union of the Employers' Associations of the Czech Republic – Director 3/ /2016 UZS ČR – The Union of the Employers´Associations Czech republic - Director of international cooperation, financial manager, project manager  Expert of “Brand of quality” in social services 10/2005 – 1/2014 Director of Nursing home (more than 100 beds)

4 E.D.E.

5 Who we are? international umbrella organisation representing national associations for directors and providers of long-term care services in Europe. We care since 1989 21 countries 26 national associations 8 000 LTC facilities beds

6 Across the Europe

7 Activities Interests of our members and its members, newsletter
Congresses, events Education Projects Save Age ProFouND Interlinks WeDo DAPHNE Eustacea project CEN/TC 449

8 Education Couple of modules in our vocational education and trainigs
Vocational education for care home directors 800 teaching units (45 minutes), of which the candidate must be present at not less than 600. The remaining 200 teaching units may be completed in other ways (e.g. e-learning, projects and peer-learning). Advanced training in “Business Management”– Management of Social Organizations Advanced training in “Network management” Mr. Edgar Führer – Austria – EDE education expert

9 Contact Karel Vostrý Secretary Na Pankráci 1618/30 CZ Praha 4 Czech Republic Tel.: Skype: edeskype

10 Association of the Providers of Social Services in Czech Republic (APSS CR)

11 Basic information The biggest professional organization uniting providers of social services in the Czech Republic Established in 1991 1 693 members 1 081 organizations 2 370 registered services

12 Our activities Represent and defend interests of its members by the government and not government institutions Mediate new scientist and researched findings in the work of providers of social services Organize congresses, specialized conferences and programs of education Organize traditional activities like „Week of social services of the Czech Republic,“ „Happy age in the eyes of children,“ „Caregiver of the Year“

13 Institute of Education APSS CR
The biggest institute in the area of social services 13 types of education workshops (elderly care, palliative care, ethics, communication, psychology, legislation etc.) Institute organize more than 500 workshops per year Unique workshops

14 Publishing activities
Social services – popular science magazine The leaves of social work – expert magazine Expert publications

15 The selection of our participation in a European Union granted project
EU programme Year Applicant/ Beneficiary Inteligent Energy-Europe 2013 E-Institute Slovenia (APSS CR partner) Partnership Fund, Swiss – Czech cooperation programme APSS CR Programme of Implementaition of Swiss – Czech cooperation (Ministry of Health) Programme on Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue, PESSIS 3 FEGAPEI (APSS CR partner) European Social Fund, Education – a common way to development !

16 Contact - projects Bc. Pavel Jirek DiS. Project manager Tel: Mobile:

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