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Continuous Quality Improvement Process

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1 Continuous Quality Improvement Process
Oregon 21st Century Community Learning Centers Jaime Singer, Project Director Senior Consultant August 2016 Copyright © 2016 American Institutes for Research. All rights reserved.

2 American Institutes for Research
Established in 1946, with headquarters in Washington, D.C., American Institutes for Research (AIR) is an independent, nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization that conducts behavioral and social science research and delivers technical assistance both domestically and internationally. As one of the largest behavioral and social science research organizations in the world, AIR is committed to empowering communities and institutions with innovative solutions to the most critical challenges in education, health, workforce, and international development.

3 Background Statewide evaluation Collected data at the grantee, site, and student levels from multiple data sources including PPICS, site coordinator surveys, observations of a sample of programs, teacher surveys, and state assessment scores. Developed the Leading Indicators. Statewide needs assessment Heard from all grantees to understand current implementation, needs, and supports to implement quality programming. Piloted processes with 10 sites to better understand the time, effort, and supports needed in the future. Statewide continuous quality improvement process (CQIP) Designed to develop and implement a continuous quality improvement process for OR 21st CCLC grantees, as well as to understand what implementation looks like at the program level. - AIR partnered with ODE to conduct statewide evaluation of 21st CCLC program

4 CQIP in Oregon ODE and AIR are working together on a 3-year project. Purpose is two-fold: Task 1 – Develop and implement a Continuous Quality Improvement Process for Oregon 21st CCLC programs. Task 2 – Better understand what implementation looks like at the program level.

5 CQIP in Oregon Task 1 – Develop and implement a Continuous Quality Improvement Process (CQIP) Year 1 ( ) – work with ODE Advisory Group to develop tools and processes for the CQIP Year 2 ( ) – roll out CQIP as optional to all 21st CCLC grantees. Incorporate CQIP into new RFP. Year 3 ( ) – roll out CQIP to all grantees in new cohort

6 2016-2019 CQIP in Oregon Task 2 – Better understand implementation
Year 1 ( ) – recruit 10 grantees to commit to working with AIR for 2-years and conduct site visit. End-of- year youth experience survey to all grantees. Year 2 ( ) – 10 grantees participate in CQIP and share feedback with AIR. End-of-year youth experience survey to all grantees. Year 3 ( ) – ensure fidelity of CQIP practices. Update training and supports as needed. Year site visit each year and commit to going through CQIP in

7 Optional and Open for Volunteers
CQIP in Oregon CQIP Cohort All Grantees Year 1 (2016—2017) Overview of Continuous Quality Improvement Process (CQIP) at fall conference ü Webinar explaining CQIP and site visit process (or in-person meeting at fall conference) NA Baseline site visit: Observation of program activities conducted by AIR using a standard tool (to be determined with ODE) Interview with site coordinator about program organizational practices End-of-year youth engagement survey Year 2 (2017—2018) Implementation of Continuous Quality Improvement Process (CQIP) Development of center CQIP stakeholder advisory group (Summer 2017) Monthly (or bimonthly) meetings with center CQIP advisory group (Ongoing) Self-assessment of organizational processes (Fall 2017) Self-assessment of point-of-service quality practices (Fall 2017) Data use from fall activities to develop goals and create action plans (Winter 2018) Implement action plan (Spring 2018) Optional and Open for Volunteers Interviews with AIR to understand implementation of CQIP (Summer 2018)

8 Jaime Singer 10 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 600 Chicago, IL General Information:

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