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Dick Foreman ABEC President & CE0 Title Slide.

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1 Dick Foreman ABEC President & CE0 Title Slide

2 Mining For Education Gold!
The first schools in the 13 colonies opened in the 17th Century. Boston Latin was the first public school opened in the United States, in To this day, it remains the nation’s oldest public school.

3 Mining For Education Gold!
Early public schools in the United States did not focus on academics like math or reading. Instead, they taught the virtues of family, religion and community.

4 Mining For Education Gold!
The reason school teachers originally used chalkboards was because paper was more expensive and in short supply.

5 Mining For Education Gold!
Girls were usually taught how to read but not how to write in early America.

6 Mining For Education Gold!
School athletics as an organized competition was outlawed in Massachusetts because the risk of liability was determined too much a risk in 1944.

7 Mining For Education Gold!
By the mid-19th Century, academics became the sole responsibility of public schools.

8 Mining For Education Gold!
Four out of five school children that went to public high schools in the United States in 1970 attended some kind of post high school community college or university coursework. That percentage has gone down every year since then.

9 Mining For Education Gold!
In the South, public schools were not common during the 1600s and the early 1700s. Affluent families paid private tutors to educate their children.

10 Mining For Education Gold!
Public Schooling in the South was not widespread until the Reconstruction Era after the American Civil War.

11 Mining For Education Gold!
Home economics and shop class were mandated for school instruction in all 50 states by

12 Mining For Education Gold!
Common Schools emerged in the 18th Century. These schools educated students of all ages in one room with one teacher. Students did not attend these schools for free. Parents paid tuition, provided housing for the school teachers, or contributed other commodities in exchange to allow their children to attend the school.

13 Mining For Education Gold!
By 1900, 31 states had compulsory attendance for students from ages By 1918, every state required students to complete elementary school.

14 Mining For Education Gold!
The idea of a progressive education, educating the child to reach his or her full potential and actively promoting and participating in a democratic society, began in the late 1800s and became widespread by the 1930s. John Dewey was the founder of this movement.

15 Mining For Education Gold!
The great Chicago teacher strike in led the Illinois Legislature to pass a statute that required jail time for any teacher caught catching the “Blue Flu” or declaring fake illnesses as an excuse to not show up for work.

16 Mining For Education Gold!
Through the 1960s, the United States had a racially segregated system of schools. This was despite the Brown vs. Board Supreme Court ruling. By the late 1970s segregated schooling in the United States was eliminated.

17 ABEC = Arizona Business & Education Coalition
A 501(c)(3) non-partisan, statewide membership organization which represents: 70+ public K-12 school districts and charter schools enrolling over two-thirds of state's K-12 total student population; Arizona-based public and private higher education institutions enrolling a combined 500,000-plus students; Public and privately-owned businesses, associations and organizations representing approximately 2,000 Arizona businesses – large and small; Organizations employing well over 100,000 Arizona residents when combined. Who is ABEC; Why Am I Here?

18 “When I vote FOR an Override, Bond or for Additional District Assistance, my actual property taxes paid will always increase.” Slide 7:  Outcome 3)  When I vote FOR an Override, Bond or for Additional District Assistance, My Taxes Increase; Fact or Myth? Fade in or Swipe In Comment:  “Myth.  Taxes may increase or decrease depending upon how much debt has been retired from previous bonds and overrides and additional property valuation changes in the district.  Actual taxes paid sometimes go down!” Fact or Myth?

19 Property taxes may increase or decrease depending upon how much debt has been retired from previous bonds and overrides and additional property valuation changes in the district.  Actual property taxes paid sometimes go down! Slide 7:  Outcome 3)  When I vote FOR an Override, Bond or for Additional District Assistance, My Taxes Increase; Fact or Myth? Fade in or Swipe In Comment:  “Myth.  Taxes may increase or decrease depending upon how much debt has been retired from previous bonds and overrides and additional property valuation changes in the district.  Actual taxes paid sometimes go down!”

20 “Investing in public schools has direct, financial benefits to ALL taxpayers, regardless of whether they have children attending the public schools.” Slide 9:  Outcome 5)  Investing In Public Schools Has Direct, Financial Benefits to EVERY Taxpayer, Regardless On Whether They Have Children Attending the Public Schools; Fact or Myth? Fade in or Swipe In Comment:  “FACT.  (Show study or cite for A rated schools and property values and crime rate stats associated with high performing schools versus poorly performing schools.) Fact or Myth?

21 “Living near a high scoring school (e. g
“Living near a high scoring school (e.g., an A or B rated school) can increase your home value by over $200,000.” ~ Brookings Institution (Dec 2014) Slide 9:  Outcome 5)  Investing In Public Schools Has Direct, Financial Benefits to EVERY Taxpayer, Regardless On Whether They Have Children Attending the Public Schools; Fact or Myth? Fade in or Swipe In Comment:  “FACT.  (Show study or cite for A rated schools and property values and crime rate stats associated with high performing schools versus poorly performing schools.)

22 “Improving high schools will lead to increased graduation rates, which, in turn, will lower crime rates …” ~ Alliance for Excellence Education (Sept 2013) Slide 9:  Outcome 5)  Investing In Public Schools Has Direct, Financial Benefits to EVERY Taxpayer, Regardless On Whether They Have Children Attending the Public Schools; Fact or Myth? Fade in or Swipe In Comment:  “FACT.  (Show study or cite for A rated schools and property values and crime rate stats associated with high performing schools versus poorly performing schools.)

23 “Businesses cite poor public school commitments in Arizona as one of the primary reasons they do not relocate here.” Slide 11:  Outcome 7)  Businesses Cite Poor Public School Commitments in Arizona as One of the Primary Reasons They Do Not Relocate Here; Fact or Myth? Fade in or Swipe In Comment:  “Fact.  The annual reports of various economic development groups have shown a constantly increasing trend that businesses considering relocating to Arizona are citing the quality of schools as one of their primary reasons to NOT choose Arizona.” Fact or Myth?

24 Reports from various economic development groups cite the quality of schools as one of the primary reasons companies do NOT relocate to Arizona. Slide 11:  Outcome 7)  Businesses Cite Poor Public School Commitments in Arizona as One of the Primary Reasons They Do Not Relocate Here; Fact or Myth? Fade in or Swipe In Comment:  “Fact.  The annual reports of various economic development groups have shown a constantly increasing trend that businesses considering relocating to Arizona are citing the quality of schools as one of their primary reasons to NOT choose Arizona.”

25 “Education IS economic development.”
Lawsuit settlement Fact or Myth?

26 Other Questions?

27 Thank you for your support of my future education!!!
Thank you for your support of Education!!!

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