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Status of KLOE Status of the detector The y2000 data taking

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1 Status of KLOE Status of the detector The y2000 data taking
Physics analyses The spring 2001 data taking Outlook G. Finocchiaro LNF 18 May 2001 Sci.Com. Open session

2 The KLOE detector d=4m 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

3 EmC: time and energy performances
) GeV ( ps 54 E = s(t)  50 ps Time resolution (neutrals channel only) Energy residuals e+e-e+e-g Eg from DC Energy resolution e+e-g effects due to the beam (spread and bunch to bunch fluctuation) and to EMC cell to cell variation have been subctracted from the constant term 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

4 EmC Calibration Monitoring & Stability
MeV November 2000, end cap (e+e-  gg events) Energy variations (~2%) measured and corrected every 100 nb-1 Nrun MeV Energy absolute calibration  0.1% After correction Nrun 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

5 EmC resolution on full neutral channels
f  p0(h)g  ggg mp0 = MeV sm = MeV mh = MeV sm = MeV p0  gg h  gg PDG ‘00 KLOE 10.7 pb-1 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

6 DC: s-t relations coefficients vs. P
Linear and quadratic Higher orders cm p (mbar) Constant term 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

7 DC resolution and stability
Residuals Resolution Well below 200 mm spatial resolution in most of the impact parameter range Drift distance (cm) Stability vs Pressure calibration performed when residuals > 40mm each color represents a calibration point 1 month 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

8 DC momentum resolution I
sp (MeV/c) fK+K- e+e-e+e- sp/p < 0.3% 45°<<135° After correcting for K  dE/dx: mf= MeV s = 1.2 MeV Polar angle 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

9 DC momentum resolution II
KS  p+p- pc.o.m. = 110 MeV/c sp = 1.8 MeV/c mpp = MeV/c2 sm = 1 MeV/c2 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

10 The KLOE Data taking 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

11 A good day in Y2K ® L=650nb-1 500 mA 2000 Hz 1  1031 currents
trigger rate 2000 Hz 1  1031 luminosity 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

12 Informations provided to DAFNE
Luminosity (with LABs) Crossing point position (60mm in x,y ; 1mm in z) Dimensions of luminous point (100mm in x,y ; 1mm in z) Center of mass energy (using Bhabha’s and KS  p+p-) Background see next slide QCAL rate Trigger rate EndCap rate (cosmic run) 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

13 Data quality control September/December 2000 Wt Avg = MeV
s Wt Avg = ± 0.001 Center of mass energy monitored by the KLOE offline analysis: all the “jumps” are correlated with machine changes and f scan. Wt Avg = Ks mass reconstruction stable during the physics runs MeV m(Ks) Wt Avg = ± 0.001 Kspp/pb-1 September/December 2000 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

14 Event streaming: datarec flow diagram
Data composition: 700 Hz Unvetoed cosmics 400 Hz Prescaled cosmics 900 Hz Mach.Bkg + Bhabha <20o 100 Hz Physics (f + Bhabha>20o) 2100 Hz RAW Prescaled cosmics 1650Hz Cluster reconstruction 5 ms/evt Cosmic filter Background filter Calibration Bhabhas 520Hz (26% of raw) DC track/vertex recon. 151 ms/evt DC track/vertex recon. UFO Event classification K +K - KLKS rp Rad m+m- p+p- 40Hz Bha 50Hz 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

15 datarec performance in fall 2000
Evts. acquired Evts. processed Acquisition rate Reconstruction rate Farm bandwidth 23 Sep 11 Dec End of data taking Follow-up After Xmas Missed runs Reprocessing No DC trig Once in stable situation, able to follow with ~75% of data processed 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

16 y2000 Data composition (Offline L int= 23.1 pb-1)
Stream Events (M) Volume (GB) Summary kpm ksl rpi rad clb 19 64 6 23 1 687 2270 166 520 112M Events 3.6 TB bha 127 2623 2.6 TB flt afl cos 1248 31 96 3791 92 273 1379M Events 4.2 TB Raw data: 5605M Events, 13.6 TB Physics: 2.0% of total events 25% of raw volume 160 GB/pb-1 Total : 24 TB Avg. rec. time per trigger: 38ms Avg. rec. time per tracked event: 151ms Avg. bandwidth on 40 CPU’s: 1060 Hz 10.9M KL tags 7.2M KL crash 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

17 The KLOE physics program
Luminosity arrow (pb-1) CPT limits (KS ® p+e -n /p-e+n vs KL ® p+e -n / p-e+n) CP violation studies (double ratio+interf.) rare and not so rare KS decays (gg, pee, pmm, pnn) kaon form factors (KL ® pl n, K  ® p0 l n) K± decays (in particular p0e±n, ppp) sHAD for (g-2)m and aem(mZ2) semileptonic KS decays (KS ® pl n) regeneration measurements at low momenta f®p+p-p0 radiative f decays (f ® hg , h’g , f0 g , a0g , …) 2000 1000 100 20 non Kaon physics Kaon physics 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

18 Non-Kaon Physics: preliminary results
Analysis of f radiative decays: scalar sector BR(f0 g  p0p0g), BR(f  0 g  p+p-g) BR(fa0 g  hp0g) pseudoscalar sector BR(f  hg) and h-h mixing angle Measurement of s(e+e- p+p-) by using the process e+e- p+p-g with the g radiated in the Initial State f  p+p-p0 PRELIMINARY results based on ~ 17pb-1 unknown nature of f0,a0 mesons (qq,qqqq,KK,…) test of CHPT direct vs indirect (rp) contribution 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

19 Scalar states: f  0g  popog
Analysis cuts: 5 prompt clusters with g>21o Kin. Fit (mass constrained) |mpog-mw(PDG)|<3 s(mw) cos()>0.4 f  a0 g  p0 h g f  r0p0  p0 p0 g Preliminary 2000 result (17.2 pb-1): Nobs = 2164 Nbkg= Excess of 1712 ± 51 events p0 g cosy 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

20 Scalar states: f hpog Selection: Signal:
  p0 g (via f a0g, f rp0) Main backgrounds: e+e- w p0  gp0 f p0 p0 g f g 3,7 g (5 g observed) Selection: No tracks, 5 prompt photons, ETOT>900MeV Kin. fit to select  p0 g states 2nd kin. Fit imposing  and p0 mass Preliminary 2000 result (17.2 pb-1): Nobs = 1109 Nbkg= N(f hpog) = 565±42 events 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

21 Background estimate and subtraction
Main source = hg  7g , wp0  5g for f  p0p0g hg  “7g“ , p0p0g for f  hp0g 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

22 Scalar decays result summary
KLOE (*) SND CMD-2 BR (fp0p0g) 0.810.09 0.10   0.08  0.06 BR (fhp0g) 0.15 0.14   0.24  0.10 (*) KLOE 99 results: 193 evts (1712 in y2K data) evts (564 in y2k data) fhp0g fp0p0g m(p0p0) (MeV) 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro m(hp0) (MeV)

23 Pseudoscalar states: BR(fhg p+p-3g)
Bulk of fg events out of the figure range (365MeV g) ! fg p+p- g p+p-3 g 3 prompt g’s in EmC, 1 prompt vtx Eg=60MeV (radiative) Ep++ Ep-<412 MeV (ppp killer) Eggg>520 MeV (KsKL killer) Kin. Fit (no mass constraints) Ellipse Cut on energy of 2 most energetic g’s (fg rejection) 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

24 BR(fhg p+p-3g) (cont.)
KLOE Preliminary 1999 DATA (2.4 pb-1) 21.0±4.6 events selected (bkg< 0.4, eff~19%) (using a constr. mass fit) BR(fhg) = ( 8.9 ± 2.0 ± 0.6) 10-5 (6.7 ± 3.5) 10-5 (PDG) (6.7 ± 2.1) 10-5 (CMD2) 2000 DATA (16 pb-1) ~ 120 candidates after background subtraction (systematics still under study) s(mixing)~1o 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

25 f  g, f  p0g p0g band hg band Analysis of 3g events: Kin. fit
correlation between cosqgg and DEgg (non radiative gs). Background uniform in the sidebands. p0g band KLOE PDG N(h)/N(p) 0.02 0.35 BR(fhg) 0.008 0.033 (10-2) BR(fp0g) 0.01 0.10 (10-3) hg band 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

26 Hadronic cross section measurement
AIM: measure s (e+e-p+p-, Q2) RELEVANT FOR amhad NEW METHOD: measure s (e+e-p+p-g) vs. Eg (ISR) at fixed s=mf 1 vtx near IP, 35 o< < 155 o likelihood cut (Bhabha killer) |mtrack-mp|< 9.6 MeV 5°< g <21° (DC-based selection): enhance statistics, reduce FSR and ppp background Efficiency vs Q2 mostly from data (trigger effect) Absolute comparison with EVA Montecarlo generator including: 1) Matrix element ISR+FSR+Interf. 2) Collinear radiation at LO 20 pb-1 : check with MC 200 pb-1 : cross section measurement + fit to p form factor (r0 mass and line shape) 5°< g <21° Q2p+ p- (GeV2) 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

27 Preliminary f  p+p-p0 ~3M events
3 contributions to the binned Dalitz plot Preliminary f  r, 0 p0,  f  p+p-p0 (direct) e+e- wp 0 E0 – mp0 GeV Parameter Fit Result PDG value m(r0) MeV/c2 773.00.6 776.00.9 m(r+) MeV/c2 775.30.4 Dm(+/-) MeV/c2 0.40.3* G(r0) (MeV) 145.62.2 150.20.8 A(direct)/A(rp)% 8.50.5 -1511 f(direct)-f(rp) (889)o (E+-E-)/3 GeV * CPT test, at 5 ·10-4 Efficiency from MC. Work in progress to reduce systematics. 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

28 KAON PHYSICS: Ks tagging by KLcrash
db = (compatible with machine energy spread) Clean Ks selection by time of flight of KL interacting in calorimeter KS b* distribution “KLCrash” Ecl  100 MeV |cos(cl)|  0.7 b* = [0.195,0.245] 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

29 KSKL: BR (KS p+p-)/BR (KS p0p0)
Important for e/e measurement Tag from Klcrash Efficiency from DATA First result on: =  0.016 (PDG mean value  ) Most of systematics from data (dominated by reco. efficiency uncertainties) 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

30 Ks semileptonic decays
BRth(KS®pen) = BR (KL®pen) GL/GS  6.7 if DS=DQ Only measurement: (7.2±1.4)·10-4 from CMD-2 (based on 75 candidates) Background from KS®pp (Signal/bckgd  10 -3) KS®ppg (Signal/bckgd  1/3) Strategy: Kinematic cuts (2-body vs.3-body decays) KS®pp KS®pp KS®pen 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

31 Ks semileptonic decays
Strategy (cont): time-of-flight to reduce KS®pp and KS®ppg ...and identify KS®pen D tpe = (t-L/bc)p- (t-L/bc)e Reconstruct pn from KL KS®pp KS®pe n p- e+ n KL 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

32 Ks semileptonic decays
(global efficiency ~7% mainly due to KLCRASH and geometrical acceptance) KLOE very preliminary Nov data, ~6pb-1: 226 signal events July 2000 data, ~3.6pb-1: 136 signal events Emiss-pmiss (MeV) Emiss-pmiss (MeV) 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

33 Analysis of KL pp events
KS Selection: charged vertex r < 5 cm from I.P. 50 < P < 170 MeV/c 400 < M < 600 MeV/c2 KL- tag by KS  p+p- KL lS = 5.8±0.1 mm 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

34 KL p+p- eFV=28% eselection=57% D.C. p - Em.C. p +
Kin. Fit to reject Km3 background eFV=28% eselection=57% purity = 98% rejection factor 40,000 ~ 130 evts./pb-1 Use KS p+p- for KL tagging D.C. Em.C. p + p - ~ 5 pb-1 KL mass (MeV/c2) 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

35 KL p0p0 eFV=31% eselection=55% ~ 14 pb-1 KS p+p- KL p0p0
Kin. Fit to reject p0p0 p0 bckgd eFV=31% eselection=55% purity ~ 70% rejection factor ~ 790 ~ 90 evts./pb-1 ~ 14 pb-1 KS p+p- KL p0p0 KL mass (MeV/c2) 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

36 KL Regeneration Decay length for selected events
Incoherent regen. expected (elastic) due to K momenta and small regen. volume BP DC (sreg)bp = 75.7  9.6  10.6 mb (sreg)dc = 51.9  6.2  mb DC wall 750 mm C mm Al Beam pipe 500 mm 61%Be + Al Fit of Ks lifetime on sperical beam pipe yields the correct value. 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

37 The spring 2001 data taking A good day in spring (27 April) 500 mA
Currents (mA) Lumi (1030) Int Lumi (nb-1) 500 mA 1.5·1031cm-2s-1 1.2·pb-1 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

38 Data filtering 2000 DATA 2001 DATA <Event processing time> (ms)
Total Tracked Fraction of tracked events (function of DAFNE conditions) has increased Fully reconstructed events per trigger (%) 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

39 2001 DATA taking: bgkd rates
Both luminosity and background increased Rate of energy releases > 7 MeV 23-30 Nov 2000 23-30 Apr 2001 E W 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

40 2001 DATA taking: bgkd rates
… but the ratio is (almost) unchanged E W 23-30 Nov 2000 23-30 Apr 2001 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

41 2001 DATA taking: bgkd rates
Rates on the inner layer of DC increased more… 23-30 Nov 2000 23-30 Apr 2001 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

42 2001 DATA taking: impact on physics
Denominator: KSp0p0 e2000=34% e2001=34% Denominator: KLcrash 1 track w/p*=106MeV/c e2000=96.7% e2001=96.6% 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

43 2001 DATA taking: impact on physics (2)
fhg, hgg fhg, hp+p-p0 Change in rate compatible with different s 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

44 Conclusions Several analyses are close to publication.
The KLOE detector is performing well. Several analyses are close to publication. The KLOE detector is sensitive to high background rates (mainly the DC: how much integrated charge before damaging the wires in the innermost layers)? A first look at data collected in 2001 (quite respe- ctable bckd rates) indicates that the data quality is not spoiled. It would be VERY important to integrate ~200pb-1 in stable conditions. 18 May 2001 G. Finocchiaro

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