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Temple and Family History Consultants

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1 Temple and Family History Consultants
High Point Stake Temple and Family History Consultants

2 From our years serving in family history, we know that yours can be a solitary calling.

3 Today that is no longer the case.

4 You are now part of a team that truly understands the importance of your calling.

5 Other people in our stake and in your ward also have responsibility for this work and they are willing to do it. It’s not just you.

6 Stake president Lead temple and family history work in the stake. Work with high counselor to organize and coordinate the work. Engage the stake councils in integrating family history in stake plans and objectives. Directed and Trained by: Area Seventy Assisted by: Area temple and family history consultant

7 High councilor assigned to family history
Work with stake presidency and stake councils to integrate family history into stake plans and objectives, and coordinate the work. Recommend individuals for stake and family history consultant callings. Organize indexing efforts and family history center operations. Directed and Trained by: Stake president Assisted by: Area temple and family history consultants and Stake temple and family history consultants

8 Stake temple and family history consultant
Support temple and family history efforts in the stake. Proactively assist ward temple and family history consultants with personalized, one-on-one, spiritual experiences in: Finding their ancestors. Performing temple ordinances on ancestors’ behalf. Teaching their family and ward members to do the same. May be given a specific assignment to direct or serve in a family history center, lead stake indexing efforts, or facilitate stake family history activities and events. Directed and Trained by: High councilor Assisted by: Area temple and family history consultant

9 Bishop Provide family history training and support to ward consultants. Lead temple and family history work in the ward. Call ward temple and family history consultants. Work with high priests group leader to engage the ward council in blessing the lives of ward members through family history and temple work. Directed and Trained by: Stake president Assisted by: Area temple and family history consultants and Stake temple and family history consultants

10 Ward Council Counsel together to identify individuals and families who need help with family history. Counsel together to identify individuals and families for consultants to help with family history. Incorporate temple and family history work into annual activity and teaching schedules. Seek to involve the youth in family history. Directed and Trained by: High priests group leader Assisted by: High councilor; Stake temple and family history consultant

11 High priests group leader
Provide assignments and training to consultants. Work with the bishopric and ward council to integrate family history into ward plans and objectives. Direct the work of the ward temple and family history consultants. Recommend individuals to serve as ward temple and family history consultants to the bishop. Directed and Trained by: High councilor Assisted by: Stake temple and family history consultant

12 Ward temple and family history consultant
Prayerfully consider who you might help with family history. Coordinate with the high priests group leader. Proactively assist members with personalized, one-on-one, spiritual experiences in: Finding their ancestors. Performing temple ordinances on behalf of their ancestors. Teaching their family members to do the same. May also be assigned to work in a family history center or to lead ward indexing efforts. Directed and Trained by: High priests group leader Assisted by: Stake temple and family history consultant

13 We, together with the stake presidency and high council, will work to raise the stature and awareness of the calling you each share as Temple and Family History Consultants.

14 Consider the blessings that will come to those who faithfully engage in this work.

15 2015-01-27-the-promised-blessings-of-family-history (3-min).mp4

16 These blessings are promised to you, too, not just to those you teach.

17 Please teach these blessings with the same importance that you give to teaching family history.

18 We are confident that you and every life you touch needs these blessings.
You are the instruments God has chosen to help bring these blessings into their lives.

19 If the veil were to be opened now, you would see an enormous host of people, including a great many of your own ancestors. With great hope they look to us and to those whom you will teach to be “saviors on Mt. Zion.”


21 Teach… With a prayer before each lesson The promised blessings
The joy of feeling the Spirit of Elijah Cheerfully… with encouragement With patience We’re not in a race To testify of good experiences Then teach others

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