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Cryptography CS Principles January 19, 2017.

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1 Cryptography CS Principles January 19, 2017

2 Needs for Privacy What are some specific needs for privacy when using the internet?

3 Information Security for…
Defending against external/internal hackers Defending against industrial espionage Securing E-commerce Securing bank accounts/electronic transfers Securing intellectual property Avoiding liability Pervasiveness of /networks Online storage of sensitive information Insecure technologies (e.g. wireless) Trend towards paperless society Weak legal protection of privacy

4 Sharing secrets activity
Find out the average GPA of THE PEOPLE in your group without anyone telling their GPA

5 History 50 B.C. Julius Caesar uses cryptographic technique
400 A.D. Kama Sutra in India mentions cryptographic techniques 1250 British monk Roger Bacon describes simple ciphers 1466 Leon Alberti develops a cipher disk 1861 Union forces use a cipher during Civil War

6 History 1914 World War I – British, French, and
German forces use encryption technology 1917 William Friedman, Father of U.S. encryption efforts starts a school for teaching cryptanalysis in Illinois 1917 AT&T employee Gilbert Vernam invents polyalphabetic cipher 1919 Germans develop the Engima machine for encryption

7 History 1937 Japanese design the Purple machine for encryption
1942 Navajo windtalkers help with secure communication during World War II 1948 Claude Shannon develops statistical methods for encryption/decryption 1976 IBM develops DES 1976 Diffie – Hellman develop public key / private key cryptography 1977 Rivest – Shamir – Adleman develop the RSA algorithm for public key / private key

8 50 B.C. Julius Caesar uses cryptographic technique
Make your cipher wheel

9 Practice encoding and decoding
HELP (ROT 6) -> NKRV Encoding NKRV -> HELP Decoding Decide on a encoding (ROTx) and encode a 2 word message. Exchange messages with someone at a different table and decode.

10 Substitution Cipher HAPPY wednesday What does this mean?

11 Caesar Cipher A substitution cipher where each plaintext letters is replaced by some letter a fixed number spaces down in the alphabet

12 ROT13 Network data encryption / decryption using ROT13 algorithm
Rotates characters by 13 places ‘A’  ‘N’, ‘M’  ‘Z’, ‘a’  ‘n’, ‘m’  ‘z’ Encryption Example: ‘Hello World’ encrypts to ‘Uryyb Jbeyq’ Decryption Example: ‘Uryyb Jbeyq’ decrypts to ‘Hello World’

13 Implementing ROT13 Consider the following four cases
IF (ch >= ‘A’) && (ch <= ‘M’) Rotate “Right” ch by 13 characters IF (ch >= ‘N’) && (ch <= ‘Z’) Rotate “Left” ch by 13 characters IF (ch >= ‘a’) && (ch <= ‘m’) IF (ch >= ‘n’) && (ch <= ‘z’)

14 1919 Germans develop the Engima machine for encryption
Enigma video Enigma simulator

15 Alice 3 Assignment Implement a caesar cipher in alice 3
Have a character say something in code and then decode it later in the animation Make it interactive allowing the user to input text and encode/decode the text Anything else

16 Interactivity in alice 3
Create events in “Edit Code” mode

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