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Lesson 5: Excel – Tracking Firefighter Training

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1 Lesson 5: Excel – Tracking Firefighter Training

2 Learning Objectives After studying this lesson, you will be able to:
Identify important parts of the Excel window Navigate in a spreadsheet and freeze panes Enter and edit data Move, copy, and sort data Insert, delete, and resize columns and rows

3 The Excel Start Screen Offers several ways to begin working
Choose a recent spreadsheet Start a new blank spreadsheet Navigate to a spreadsheet Start a spreadsheet with a template

4 The Excel Window Quick Access Toolbar Title Bar Ribbon Name Box
Sheet tab New Sheet button Active cell Formula Bar

5 Cell Addresses Cell addresses are determined by the column and row indicators Address of the active cell Notice highlighted column and row indicators Active cell

6 Excel Mouse Shapes Hovering over cell Move pointer AutoFill handle
Pointer over row header Pointer over column header Hovering over cell AutoFill handle Resize pointer Hovering over Ribbon or scroll bar Move pointer Entering or editing data

7 Navigate in Spreadsheet
Scroll bars Keyboard

8 Freeze Panes Column headings remain on screen when you scroll down
Row headings remain on screen when you scroll right Column headings remain on screen when you scroll down

9 Enter and Cancel Data Cancel button Enter button Entering data
Tip! You can also use the Enter, Tab, or arrow keys to enter data. You can tap Esc to cancel an entry.

10 Edit Data Click in Formula Bar to edit
Double-click in the cell to edit

11 Align Cell Contents Align Left Center Align Right

12 Click and drag to select a range
Select Ranges of Cells Click to select column Click to select row Click to select entire spreadsheet Click and drag to select a range

13 Move and Copy Data Cut: Removes data
Copy: Copies data to a new location as original remains in place Paste: Places a copy of last object cut/copied in the active cell Tip! Use Cut and Paste together to move data from one place to another. Tip! Use Copy and Paste together to copy data from one place to another.

14 Smallest to largest sort
Sort Data Organize data in alphabetic, numeric, or date order A to Z sort Smallest to largest sort Oldest to newest sort

15 Resize Columns and Rows
Drag mouse pointer between two column headers to resize Drag mouse pointer between two row headers to resize Resizing to add row height Resizing to accommodate wide column heading

16 Insert and Delete Columns and Rows
Add or remove entire columns or rows to accommodate changes in data Insert a new row to add a firefighter to the roster Tip! Selecting multiple rows or columns before issuing the Insert or Delete command inserts or deletes the number of rows you selected.

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