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Animal Cruelty How bad do you feel?.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Cruelty How bad do you feel?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Cruelty How bad do you feel?

2 (These were among the most conservative ads)
Sex Appeal PETA Foundation (These were among the most conservative ads)

3 Why is this somewhat effective?
The most well known group that advocates the idea of not using fur. Uses TONS of celebrities, which generates mass appeal. But some of their advertisements are borderline pornography… Kind of gets away from the whole idea….

4 BCSPCA- Starring Sarah Mclachlan!
Ineffective BCSPCA- Starring Sarah Mclachlan!

5 Why does this suck? 4 of the 18 seemed somewhat abused.
“For just $18 a month… 60 cents a day… you can help rescue animals from their abusers.” (Also you get a sweet bag!) Sad songs over animals in slow motion 14 out of 18 animals shown- Not injured, most looked happy being petted and loved. 4 of the 18 seemed somewhat abused. No statistics or meaningful information. Only a ton of guilt appeal (somewhat effective, so you may actually donate money- THE MAIN GOAL

6 High School PSA Film Project- By Ashley
Fear Appeal High School PSA Film Project- By Ashley For the ASPCA Most Effective

7 Why is this most effective?
Shows actually injured animals, although most are severely abused or even dead Gives statistics and Information Focuses more so on all sorts of animals (not just cute puppies and kittens…) Gives reasons for abuse. (neglect financial problems, etc.) Shows good ways to stop animal abuse! (contact authorities, animal shelters) Gives contact information for help, Not Simply Donations!

8 Video Links ASHLEY-
Sarah M-

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