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6th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change

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1 6th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change
Obstacles for the promotion of RES in Kazakhstan: Guide to the Development of a Renewable Energy Action Plan Prof. Sergey INYUTIN, Dr. Y. Kalashnikov, Dr. L. Inyutina SRC KAZHIMINVEST, Kazakhstan Athens 9-11 October 2013

2 Content Kazakhstan energy sector and current RES status
Obstacles for small hydro and ways to overcome RES development in Kazakhstan Approach RES potential Key findings - 2 -

3 Electricity Generation Type Installed Capacity (МW), 2010
RK Energy sector Electricity Generation Type Installed Capacity (МW), 2010 Thermal 17,173 500 MW Units (5,000) 300 MW Units (2,100) MW Units (1,855) CHP (7,013) Gas fired (1,204) Hydro 2,315 Total 19,488 Gaps 20% Sources: National Statistics (Kazakhstan Today,2005,2008, ) MINT program projection , State Program development up to 2020 Source: KEGOC

4 Current Status of RES Development
Because Kazakhstan has not performed as expected despite having national plan and policy, more RES development with action plan is required to meet national RES target Current Status Electricity Produced from RES Power Industry Power Plants – Coal-burning: 75% – Natural gas: 23% – Oil: 3% Electricity Consumption – Higher than OECD average Infrastructure Condition Power Stations & Facilities – Low energy efficiency Distribution system – 21.5% loss for every 2,500 km Indicators Units Amount 2011 2010 Installed Capacity MW 101.14 102.86 Electricity Production mln. kWh 403.27 420 Wind Power 2.59 Small Hydro 417.41 Solar Power Share of Electricity % 0.49 0.48 Electricity Production by RES National Plan & Policy More RES Development National RES Target Successful RES Deployment Source: Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of Kazakhstan; KPMG Analysis

5 Obstacles to promote small hydro and ways to overcome Barriers for RES development in Kazakhstan
Obstacles for small hydro should be considered in complex of RES, in composition of RE needed to meet Kazakhstan’s renewable energy targets development Provide guidance on developing scenarios for different compositions of renewable energy needed to meet Kazakhstan’s renewable energy targets for 2020- Develop regional priorities for oblasts in Renewable Energy Sources (RES) development based on economic feasibility resulting from a unit-cost of generation analysis Provide guidance on rural off-grid electrification through utilization of renewable energy Provide guidance to promote development of the renewable energy industry

6 Approach Policy / Legal Framework National Development Plan
National plan and policy have been developed for promoting RES in Kazakhstan, but further development and realistic improvement are necessary Policy / Legal Framework National Development Plan Strategy of Industrial-Innovative Development National RES Target 3% of Energy Consumption (≅ 2.5 TWh) with Renewable Energy Sources by 2020 Strategy of Transport Sector Development Territorial Development 3 Laws 4 Rules Law on Investments Law on Power Industry Rules for Purchase of Electricity Rules for Connection to Grid Rules Monitoring RES Rules for Considering Feasibility Studies RES Law* Practical Amendment to Laws & Rules National RES Target Successful RES Deployment * RES Law: Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan about Support of Use of Renewable Sources of Energy Source: Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of Kazakhstan; KPMG Analysis

7 RES Potential Potential Implication
There is enough room for further RES development and improvement as Kazakhstan has tremendous RES potential, especially for wind, solar and small-scale hydro energy Potential Implication Wind Energy Total Potential Wind Power : 353,500 MWt Total Potential Electricity : 929,000 GWt Has developed with support from UNDP Number of projects currently underway with institutional reforms  Expected continuous development Solar Energy Total Solar Radiation Incident on Horizontal Surface (Annual) – Shevchenko: 5,368 MJ/m3 – Aral Sea: 6,085 MJ/m3 – Alma-Ata: 5,218 MJ/m3 Underdeveloped in spite of its abundant solar energy potential Great promise considering abundant Silicon reserves Hydro Energy (Small-Scale) Total Economic Potential: 2,414.5 MW – Existing SHPP: MW – Additional SHPP Potential: 2,311.9 MW Expected continued development Potential is concentrated mainly in the east, south, southeastern parts Bioenergy Total Primary Crop Production (avg ) : 25,125,958 tonne Annual Roundwood Production (avg ) : 852,000 m2 Have not yet met development potential Source: Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of Kazakhstan; Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan; EBRD; UNDP; AF-Mercados EMI; KPMG Analysis

8 Overview Current Target Questions to be asked
Developing a national plan is required to meet Kazakhstan’s 2020 RES target Policy directions for development Current Target Questions to be asked To meet 3%(equivalent to 2.5TWh) of total energy consumption with renewable energy sources by 2020 How to mix in order to meet targets achievement The amount of government funds required to execute plans Provide Guidance through Case Studies Development of Strategic Direction RES Mix Composition Estimation of Gov. Funds Selection of promising RES RES mix composition to meet targets for 2020 RES mix composition per time-period Estimation of required gross investment costs to meet targets Estimation of required government funds for development per time-period Analysis of key factors in renewable energy development from benchmark countries Set strategic direction for development tailored for Kazakhstan

9 Priority Rankings by RES Overall Priority Ranking
Key Findings :Regional RES Development Although marginal costs of renewable energy vary among sites within oblasts, Almaty and South Kazakhstan showed the highest potential for RES development among others Priority Rankings by RES Overall Priority Ranking Wind Priority Oblasts 1 Almaty, East Kazakhstan 2 Aqmola, North Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, Qostanay 3 Atyrau, Mangghystau, West Kazakhstan 4 Aqtobe, Qyzylorda, South Kazakhstan 5 Qaraghandy, Zhambyl Priority Oblasts 1 Almaty 2 South Kazakhstan 3 Zhambyl 4 East Kazakhstan 5 Qyzylorda 6 Mangghystau 7 Atyrau 8 Pavlodar 9 Aqmola 10 West Kazakhstan 11 Qostanay 12 North Kazakhstan 13 Aqtobe 14 Qaraghandy SHP Priority Oblasts 1 Zhambyl 2 South Kazakhstan 3 Almaty 4 East Kazakhstan Solar PV Priority Oblasts 1 South Kazakhstan, Qyzylorda, Almaty, Zhambyl 2 Mangghystau, Atyrau, Qaraghandy 3 East Kazakhstan, Aqtobe, West Kazakhstan, Pavlodar 4 Aqmola, Qostanay, North Kazakhstan Source: “Modeling Regional Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariffs within Kazakhstan,” published by AF-Mercados EMI in 2011, MKE 2008

10 Key findings: Estimation of Required Gov. Funds
Example: Estimation of gross investment costs and required government funds based on a preliminary analysis Gross Investment (Million KZT) Government Funds(Million KZT) Price-weighted Price-weighted RES 2013 2016 2020 SHP 13.46 10.90 9.11 Wind 1.22 11.99 343.63 Solar PV 0.23 10.76 3,019.24 Solar-thermal - 5.16 2,869.69 Biomass 135.08 83.10 Total 14.91 173.89 6,324.77 2013 2016 2020 7 82 2,692 Related industrial development potential-weighted Related industrial development potential-weighted RES 2013 2016 2020 SHP 0.68 0.50 0.37 Wind 1.22 11.96 342.03 Solar PV 0.24 11.93 3,682.97 Solar-thermal - 5.22 3,016.22 Biomass 191.89 120.94 Total 2.14 221.50 7,162.53 2013 2016 2020 1 104 3,049 Source: KPMG Analysis

11 Key findings: RES Mix Composition
Example: Kazakhstan’s RES mix composition based on a preliminary analysis 2020 RES mix RES mix per Time-period (TWh) Price-weighted (Unit: TWh) Price-weighted RES 2012 2015 2020 SHP 0.51 0.56 0.66 Wind 0.01 0.92 Solar PV 0.61 Solar-thermal 0.14 Biomass 0.15 0.17 Total 0.72 2.5 Related industrial development potential-weighted Related industrial development potential-weighted (Unit: TWh) RES 2012 2015 2020 SHP 0.51 0.52 Wind 0.01 0.92 Solar PV 0.74 Solar Themal 0.15 Biomass 0.16 0.17 Total 0.66 0.68 2.5 Source: KPMG Analysis 11

12 Key findings: Rural off-grid Development
Kazakhstan’s abundant RES potential can be used for rural off-grid electrification and heating uses more easily than grid extension or conventional energy sources Rural Off-grid Development Goal Grid Extension Conventional Energy RES 1. Economic Feasibility Costly, requires economies of scale Costly for households Becoming more cost effective 2. Ease of Deployment Time consuming, resource intensive Easy to access Rural deployment relatively easy 3. Sustainability N/A Resource intensive, potentially high emissions Environmentally friendly 4. Contribution to long-term energy policy Conducive Very Poor 5. Contribution to regional economies Key Considerations for off-grid RES utilization Policy and Institutions - must be in line with overall goals set forth in Sustainable Energy Action Plan Financing and Markets – Private sector participation, long-term financing plans necessary for effective deployment Technology and Data – Full utilization and development of local technology and deployment based on accurate data

13 Key findings: RES Industry Development
Developing a domestic RES industry can be a new source of economic growth but requires a strong home market based on supportive policies ▶ Home Market Development : Strong local market for RES attracts foreign investment Local markets can act as a technology test-bed for local manufacturers Central Factor for Domestic RES Industry Development ▶ Cost savings ▶ Ease of maintenance ▶ Conducive to technology transfer ▶ Export potential Benefits of Domestic RES Industry Policy support and financial support strategies must be designed to support home market development Continued R&D investment and cooperation with international firms for technology transfer Alignment with national energy strategies such as off-grid RES utilization to serve as test-bed for domestic producers Key Implications

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