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Reinforcement Learning: How far can it Go?

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Presentation on theme: "Reinforcement Learning: How far can it Go?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reinforcement Learning: How far can it Go?
Rich Sutton University of Massachusetts ATT Research With thanks to Doina Precup, Satinder Singh, Amy McGovern, B. Ravindran, Ron Parr

2 Reinforcement Learning
An active, popular, successful approach to AI 15 – 50 years old emphasizes learning from interaction Does not assume complete knowledge of world World-class applications Strong theoretical foundations Parallels in other fields: operations research, control theory, psychology, neuroscience Seeks simple general principles How Far Can It Go ?

3 World-Class Applications of RL
TD-Gammon and Jellyfish Tesauro, Dahl World's best backgammon player Elevator Control Crites & Barto (Probably) world's best down-peak elevator controller Job-Shop Scheduling Zhang & Dietterich World’s best scheduler of space-shuttle payload processing Dynamic Channel Assignment Singh & Bertsekas, Nie & Haykin World's best assigner of radio channels to mobile telephone calls

4 Outline RL Past RL Present RL Future Trial and Error Learning
1950 RL Past Trial and Error Learning RL Present Learning and Planning Values RL Future Constructivism 1985 2000

5 RL began with dissatisfaction with previous learning problems
Such as Learning from examples Unsupervised learning Function optimization None seemed to be purposiveful Where is the learning to how to get something? Where is the learning by trial and error? Earlier learning dealt with prediction, pattern recognition Where is learning that is both selective - tries a variety, prefers the best associative - associates best with the situation for fast recall Need rewards and penalties, interaction with the world!

6 Rooms Example Early learning methods could not learn how to get reward

7 The Reward Hypothesis That purposes can be adequately represented as maximization of the cumulative sum of a scalar reward signal received from the environment Is this reasonable? Is it demeaning? Is there no other choice? It seems to be adequate

8 RL Past – Trial and Error Learning
Learned only a policy (a mapping from states to actions) Maximized only Short-term reward (e.g., learning automata) Or delayed reward via simple action traces Assumed good/bad rewards immed. distinguishable E.g., positive is good, negative is bad An implicitly known reinforcement baseline Next steps were to learn baselines and internal rewards Taking these next steps quickly led to modern value functions and temporal-difference learning

9 A Policy Movement is in the wrong direction 1/3 of the time

10 Problems with Value-less RL Methods

11 Outline RL Past RL Present RL Future Trial and Error Learning
1950 RL Past Trial and Error Learning RL Present Learning and Planning Values RL Future Constructivism 1985 2000

12 The Value-Function Hypothesis
Value functions = Measures of expected reward following states: V: States  Expected future reward or following state-action pairs: Q: States x Actions  Expected future reward All efficient methods for optimal sequential decision making estimate value functions The hypothesis: That the dominant purpose of intelligence is to approximate these value functions

13 State-Value Function

14 Learning and Planning Values
RL Present Accepts reward and value hypotheses Many real-world applications, some impressive Theory strong and active, yet still with more questions than answers Strong links to Operations Research A part of modern AI’s interest in uncertainty: MDPs, POMDPs, Bayes nets, connectionism Includes deliberative planning Learning and Planning Values

15 Real-world applications using on-line learning
New Applications of RL CMUnited Robocup Soccer Team Stone & Veloso World’s best player of Robocup simulated soccer, 1998 KnightCap and TDleaf Baxter, Tridgell & Weaver Improved chess play from intermediate to master in 300 games Inventory Management Van Roy, Bertsekas, Lee & Tsitsiklis 10-15% improvement over industry standard methods Walking Robot Benbrahim & Franklin Learned critical parameters for bipedal walking Real-world applications using on-line learning Back- prop

16 RL Present, Part II: The Space of Methods
Exhaustive search Dynamic programming Also: Function Approx. Explore/Exploit Planning/Learning Action/state values Actor-Critic . full backups Monte Carlo sample backups Temporal- difference learning bootstrapping, l shallow backups deep backups

17 The TD Hypothesis That all value learning is driven by TD errors
Even “Monte Carlo” methods can benefit TD methods enable them to be done incrementally Even planning can benefit Trajectory following improves function approximation and state sampling Sample backups reduce effect of branching factor Psychological support TD models of reinforcement, classical conditioning Physiological support Reward neurons show TD behavior (Schultz et al.)

18 Planning Modern RL includes planning
value/policy Modern RL includes planning As in planning for MDPs A form of state-space planning Still controversial for some Planning and learning are near identical in RL The same algorithms on real or imagined experience Same value functions, backups, function approximation acting planning direct RL model experience model learning Interaction with world Imagined interaction RL Alg. Value/Policy

19 Planning with Imagined Experience
Real experience Imagined experience

20 Outline RL Past RL Present RL Future Trial and Error Learning
1950 RL Past Trial and Error Learning RL Present Learning and Planning Values RL Future Constructivism 1985 2000

21 Piaget Drescher Constructivism The active construction of representations and models of the world to facilitate the learning and planning of values Representations and Models Value functions Great flexibility here Policy

22 Constructivist Prophecy
Whereas RL present is about solving an MDP, RL future will be about representing the States Actions Transitions Rewards Features to construct an MDP. Constructing the world to be the way we want it: Markov  Linear  Small Reliable  Independent  Shallow Deterministic  Additive  Low branching The RL agent as active world modeler

23 Representing State, Part I: Features and Function Approximation
Linear-in-the-features methods are state of the art  Memory-based methods Two-stage architecture: Compute feature values Nonlinear, expansive, fixed or slowly changing mapping Map the feature values linearly to the result Linear, convergent, fast changing mapping Works great if features are appropriate Fast, reliable, local learning; good generalization Feature construction best done by hand ...or by methods yet to be found State Features Values Constructive Induction

24 Good Features Bad Features
Features correspond to regions of similar value Features unrelated to values

25 Representing State, Part II: Partial Observability
When immediate observations do not uniquely identify the current state; non-Markov problems Not as big a deal as widely thought A greater problem for theory than for practice Need not use POMDP ideas Can treat as function approximation issue Making do with imperfect observations/features Finding the right memories to add as new features The key is to construct state representations that make the world more Markov – McCallum’s thesis

26 Representations of Action
Nominally, actions in RL are low-level The lowest level at which behavior can vary But people work mostly with courses of action We decide among these We make predictions at this level We plan at this level Remarkably, all this can be incorporated in RL Course of action = policy + termination condition Almost all RL ideas, algorithms and theory extend Wherever actions are used, courses of action can be substituted Parr, Bradtke & Duff, Precup, Singh, Dietterich, Kaelbling, Huber & Grupen, Szepesvari, Dayan, Ryan & Pendrith, Hauskrecht, Lin...

27 Room-to-Room Courses of Action
A course of action for each hallway from each room (2 of 8 shown)

28 Representing Transitions
Models can also be learned for courses of action What state will we be in at termination? How much reward will we receive along the way? Mathematical form of models follows from the theory of semi-Markov decision processes Permits planning at a higher level

29 Planning (Value Iteration) with Courses of Action

30 Reconnaissance Example
Mission: Fly over (observe) most valuable sites and return to base Stochastic weather affects observability (cloudy or clear) of sites Limited fuel Intractable with classical optimal control methods Actions: Primitives: which direction to fly Courses: which site to head for Courses compress space and time Reduce steps from ~600 to ~6 Reduce states from ~1011 to ~106 Enable finding of best solutions 2 5 1 5 ( r e w a r d ) 2 5 ( m e a n t i m e b e t w e e n 5 w e a t h e r c h a n g e s ) 8 ? 5 5 1 1 5 B a s e 1 d e c i s i o n s t e p s B. Ravindran, UMass

31 Courses of action permit enormous flexibility

32 Subgoals Courses of action are often goal-oriented
E.g., drive-to-work, open-the-door A course can be learned to achieve its goal Many can be learned at once, independently Solves classic problem of subgoal credit assignment Solves psychological puzzle of goal-oriented action Goal-oriented courses of action create better MDP Fewer states, smaller branching factor Compartmentalizes dependencies Their models are also goal-oriented recognizers...

33 Perception Real perception, like real action, is temporally extended
charger Dockable region Perception Real perception, like real action, is temporally extended Features are ability oriented rather than sensor oriented What is a chair? Something that can be sat upon Consider a goal-oriented course of action, like dock-with-charger Its model gives the probability of successfully docking as a function of state I.e., a feature (detector) for states that afford docking Such features can be learned without supervision

34 This is RL with a totally different feel
Still one primary policy and set of values But many other policies, values, and models are learned not directly in service of reward The dominant purpose is discovery, not reward What possibilities does this world afford? How can I control and predict it in a variety of ways? In other words, constructing representations to make the world: Markov  Linear  Small Reliable  Independent  Shallow Deterministic  Additive  Low branching

35 Imagine An agent driven primarily by biased curiosity
To discover how it can predict and control its interaction with the world What courses of action have predictable effects? What salient observables can be controlled? What models are most useful in planning? A human coach presenting a series of Problems/Tasks Courses of action Highlighting key states, providing subpolicies, termination conditions…

36 What is New? Constructivism itself is not new. But actually doing it would be! Does RL really change it, make it easier? That is, do values and policies help? Yes! Because so much constructed knowledge is well represented as values and policies in service of approximating values and policies RL’s goal-orientation is also critical to modeling goal-oriented action and perception

37 Take Home Messages RL Past RL Present RL Future
Let’s revisit, but not repeat past work RL Present Do you accept that value functions are critical? And that TD methods are the way to find them? RL Future It’s time to address representation construction Explore/understand the world rather than control it RL/values provide new structure for this May explain goal-oriented action and perception

38 How far can RL go? A simple and general formulation of AI
Yet there is enough structure to make progress While this is true, we should complicate no further, but seek general principles of AI They may take us all the way to human-level intelligence

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