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GRB prompt optical/UV emission and dust sublimation

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Presentation on theme: "GRB prompt optical/UV emission and dust sublimation"— Presentation transcript:

1 GRB prompt optical/UV emission and dust sublimation
崔晓红 国家天文台 SVOM组 厦门

2 Outline Observation & motivation Dust sublimation
Model application: GRB B Other bursts & prediction

3 Observation z=0.937 γ- ray: t0 -4 s--t0+57 s
optical: t0 +10 s- t t0 +45 Lp,1~5×1049 erg/s GRB B, Racusin et al. 2008

4 Dust sublimation τ: effective optical depth
Rcl Waxman & Draine 2000 τ: effective optical depth ρ: density of grain material m: mean atomic mass B: chemical binding energy per atom Sublimation rate: GRB <Q>T: Plank-averaged absorption efficiency QUV: absorption efficiency over 1-7.5eV

5 Energy Absorption The grain survival time:
The fraction of the flash energy absorbed by dust nd: dust number density, determined by a standard dust-to-gas ratio R c l

6 Parameters from the model
L, tdur, trise, nH f-r Rcl (molecular cloud): f_obs=trise/tdur Rd (Dust destruction radius Rd)

7 GRB B Increasing nH, Rd and Rcl decrease, but Rcl decrease more rapidly than Rd

8 GRB B A rectangular pulse is assumed to be the eV emission from the GRB Lobs~L1-7.5 e-τ Dust optical depth: τ= QUVndπa2(Rcl-r)

9 Other bursts & prediction

10 Dark rate nH, tdur, trisefobs (Rcl)
The transition point (Rt,Lt) from observed to dark Rcl-L Rd-L Rcl=Rd Gauss distribution of L with Lmean and σ

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