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Warm up 10/20/15 Which of the following describes a liquid?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up 10/20/15 Which of the following describes a liquid?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up 10/20/15 Which of the following describes a liquid?
The particles are far apart and moving fast. The particles are close together but moving past each other. The particles are far apart and moving slowly. The particles are close together and vibrate in place. Boiling points and freezing points are examples of… physical properties. chemical properties. energy. matter.

2 3.2 Changes of State

3 Temperature Temperature is a measure of the speed of the particles in a substance Gases have the fastest moving particles (highest temperature), and solids have the slowest moving particles (lowest temperature)

4 Exothermic vs endothermic
An exothermic process is one where energy is released. An endothermic process is one where energy is absorbed.

5 Change of state Changes of state may occur when a substance gains energy (increases in temperature) or loses energy (decreases in temperature).

6 Melting/Freezing Point
Changes of State Gas Boiling Point Particles moving faster Gaining energy (Endothermic) Particles moving slower Losing energy (Exothermic) Liquid Melting/Freezing Point Solid

7 Changes of state Melting – solid to liquid Freezing – liquid to solid
Vaporization – liquid to gas Condensation – gas to liquid Sublimation – solid to gas Deposition – gas to solid

8 All changes in state require a change in energy
Changes in States (Physical Changes) Why do you think Bose-Einstein and plasma are not equally distanced from the other three states of matter? Plasma Deposition Vaporization (Evaporation/Boiling) Gas Melting Liquid Condensation Solid Freezing Sublimation Bose-Einstein All changes in state require a change in energy

9 Boiling vs Evaporation
Vaporization can occur through evaporation or through boiling. Evaporation occurs only at the surface of the liquid Boiling occurs throughout the liquid

10 Sublimation Sublimation occurs when a solid turns directly into a gas.
Dry ice is one of the best known substances that undergoes sublimation. When the solid heats up, it turns directly into a gas (no melting = “dry” ice).

11 Review questions What is an exothermic process?
What does the temperature of a substance tell you about its particles? What is the change of state called where a solid turns into a liquid?

12 Warm up 10/20/15 (w/3.2 notes) During which change of state do the atoms or molecules slow down? Boiling Melting Condensation Sublimation Which change of state is exothermic? Evaporation Freezing

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