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Lignin Effects on Intake and Ruminal Digestion

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Presentation on theme: "Lignin Effects on Intake and Ruminal Digestion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lignin Effects on Intake and Ruminal Digestion
OABP Spring Meeting April 13 & 14, Guelph Ontario Dr. Mike Brouk

2 Lignin – Enemy of Digestibility
Lower fiber digestibility Increased retention time in rumen Increased gut fill Lower intake Lower milk production Reduced body condition score? Reduced reproductive performance?


4 Van Soest Fiber Analysis
Ground forage material Digest with neutral detergent solution Neutral Detergent Solubles ( Cell Contents ) Neutral Detergent Insoluble Fiber (NDF) Digest with acid detergent solution Acid Detergent Solubles Hemicellulose, cell wall N Acid Detergent Insoluble Fiber (ADF) Digest with sulfuric acid Solubles ( Cellulose ) Acid Insoluble Lignin

5 Application of Fiber Analysis

6 NDF and Intake


8 Digestibility NDF Digestibility (NDFD)
30 or 48 hours of incubation in rumen fluid Estimation based on lignin content in vitro procedure 24, 30 or 48 hour

9 Influence of NDFD on TDN

10 Forage NDFD and DMI

11 Responses of Cattle 45% NDFD 50% NDFD 55% NDFD DMI, lb/d 45.1 48.6
51.3 NDF Intake, lb/d 18.7 19.0 21.6 Milk, lb/d 70.3 73.2 73.6

12 Grass Maturity and NDFD

13 Legume Maturity and NDFD

14 Corn Silage Maturity and NDFD

15 ---------------- % of DM ---------------
Corn Silage Composition and Maturity (Bal, et al JDS 80: ) Stage of Maturity ED ¼ ML 2/3 ML BL % of DM Moisture 69.9 67.6 64.9 58.0 CP 7.5 7.3 7.1 7.0 NDF 52.0 44.4 40.5 41.3 ADF 32.0 27.1 23.9 24.2 Lignin 3.3 2.8 2.9 2.7 Starch 18.2 28.7 37.2 37.4 15

16 Influence of Grain on NDF

17 ---------------- % of DM ---------------
Alfalfa Maturity Stage of Maturity Bud EB MB FB % of DM CP 22-23 20-21 18-19 16-17 NDF <40 40-45 45-59 >50 ADF <30 30-35 35-40 >40 Lignin 3.0 3-4 4-5 >5

18 Reduced Lignin and Animal Performance
Normal Sorghum BMR – 6 Sorghum BMR – 18 Sorghum Corn Silage ADF, % 24.4 22.8 20.8 20.7 Lignin, % 6.14 5.38 5.11 5.12 DMI, kg 23.2 25.2 23.4 24.3 Milk, kg 31.0b 34.1a 32.2ab 33.8a Oliver, et al. 2004

19 Lignin and Animal Performance
Normal Sorghum BMR Sorghum Alfalfa Corn Silage ADF, % 27.6 25.2 20.3 21.8 Lignin, % 6.4 5.2 4.7 3.3 DMI, kg 21.5 22.7 24.0 25.3 Milk, kg 21.5c 24.3b 25.2b 29.5a Aydin, et al. 1999

20 Application of Lignin in Formulation
How does lignin impact fermentation? What is the interaction between lignin and intake regulation?

21 Impact on Fermentation
Reduced digestibility Increased retention time Decreased intake Normal Sorghum BMR Sorghum Alfalfa Corn Silage ADF Dig., % 32.02c 39.1b 40.3b 48.5a Aydin, et al. 1999

22 Control of Feed Intake Dry Cow – Transition Early to Peak Lactation
Mobilization of body fat - NEFA Fermentability of the diet Early to Peak Lactation Distension Post Peak Plasma insulin concentration Tissue sensitivity to insulin

23 Potential of Lignin to Influence Animal Performance
Early Lactation Digestibility Intake – Gut Fill Post Peak

24 Challenges to Using Lignin in Formulation
Methods of testing Within lab variation Between lab variation Normal Sorghum BMR – 6 Sorghum BMR – 18 Sorghum Corn Silage ADL, % 2.78 2.54 2.63 2.62 KMnO4,% 6.14 5.38 5.11 5.12 Oliver, et al. 2004

25 Challenges to Using Lignin in Formulation
Grouping of animals Single Lactation TMR’s Lack of data on specific groups Identification of first limiting factor of production or efficiency

26 Challenges to Using Lignin in Formulation
Source of lignin Cottonseed hulls By-product feeds Lack of specific recommendations

27 Current Application in Formulation
Experimental Limited in practical application due to on farm practices and measurements

28 Research Needs Interaction of lignin with regulation of intake
Stages of production Group specific performance data

29 Summary Lignin can influence intake and digestibility
Lignin can influence productivity and efficiency of production Limited recommendations for TMRs at this time Variable results in the field Many variables involved


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