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Peer Educator Training

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1 Peer Educator Training
Rannissa Puspita Jayanti Universitas Yarsi

2 Kenalan yuukk.... Nama : Rannissa Puspita Jayanti TTL : Bogor, 15 Januari 1994 Universitas : Yarsi Angkatan : 2012 Returnee ISMKI delegate of Sub Regional Training Global Health, Japan Contact /


4 Peer Education A 'peer' is one that is of equal standing with another; one belonging to the same societal group especially based on age, grade, or status. Thus, the term 'peer education' would indicate a process whereby those of the same societal group or social standing are educating each other. (UNICEF, 2007)

5 Criteria for Peer Educators
• Age within the range of the target population • Commitment to the goals and objectives of the program • Ability and willingness to make the necessary time commitment • Interest in working with peers and the community • Tolerant and respectful of others’ ideas and behaviors • Dynamic, motivated, innovative, creative, energetic, questioning, trustworthy, discreet

6 Role of peer educator The five roles are: 1. Friend 2. Educator 3. Activist 4. Role Model 5. Team Member

7 Being a friend It is in the role as a friend that we have the opportunity to impact a person positively. There are three ways that we can do that. Be available to listen Be a bridge or link to people and the resources that may help them. Be supportive and encourage other people in their attempts to move forward.

8 Being an educator Peer educators take on the role of educator by creating change in a number of different ways. You mentioned these: Teach people the latest health information. Teach people strategies to stay safe. Teach decision-making skills that people can use to take better care of themselves. Increase issues about various health issues that could affect them. Increase awareness of various activities where they can have fun, meet people, and have a positive social life. Correct myths and misperceptions about community behavior.

9 Being an activist An activist is someone who has learned the skills and knowledge to create change and understands how their work can have influence and impact individuals and communities. There are four main ways that peer educators can create positive change through leadership: 1. Focus on changing the environment, not just the individual 2. Create partnerships and networks that can increase your effectiveness 3. Challenge unhealthy attitudes and behaviors. 4. Refuse to be a passive bystander by confronting unhealthy attitudes and behavior.

10 Being Role Model Lead lives that are healthy and safe
Balance between peer health educator duties, academics, social life, physical health Confront unhealthy behaviors we see within our group Share our own stories of struggling and asking for help

11 Being a team member Commit to being active in the group
Support and encourage other team members Contribute ideas and constructive feedback Know when to ask for help from others Make healthy and safe choices Never gossip Speak with care and concern if you see a fellow peer educator making unhealthy choices Use positive means to solve disagreements

12 Advantages of Peer Educator
Enables the active participation of children and young people Suits the sensitive nature of sexual and reproductive health work, as children and young people can discuss issues at their own level Based on active learning, where children and young people learn for themselves and each other rather than being taught Can be adapted to meet the specific needs of marginalised children and young people Promotes messages

13 KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS be a peer! (BASIC) Good interpersonal (7 Traits)
Interest in teaching and learning Develop knowledge Leadership Motivational skills

14 Ground Rules in Peer session
1. Respect— Give undivided attention to the person who has the floor. 2. Confidentiality — What we share in this group will remain in this group. 3. Openness — We will be as open and honest as possible, but we won’t disclose or discuss others’ (family, neighbors, friends) personal or private issues or lives. 4. Nonjudgmental Approach— We can disagree with another person’s point of view or behavior without judging or putting him/her down. 5. Sensitivity to Diversity— We will remember that members in the group may differ in cultural background and/or sexual orientation. We will be careful about making insensitive or careless remarks. 6. Right to Pass— It is always okay to pass, to say I’d rather not do this activity or I don’t want to answer that question. 7. Anonymity— It is okay to ask a question anonymously 8. Acceptance 9. Have a Good Time

15 Tips for being peer educator
Needs the skills to bring out the views and concerns of the participants Realize peer educator’s role Avoid being directive and authoritarian Try not to discuss the opinions of some certain individuals outside the groups Discussion should be not personalized and spesific Evaluation form


17 So, What is our role in SDGs??

18 What could we do? lead in campaigns that shape developmental agendas
Advise our parents, our teachers and all other adults to make the real steps for ensuring sustainable development. Youth should lead awareness of the need for sustainable development. play our part in peer education to reduce negative actions in campus and in the community.

19 “For youth our most valuable resource is our future” – Amy Colgan, Global youth leaders for Change Peer Education programme (Y-PEPS) 


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