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Cicero and the Catilinarian Conspiracy

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1 Cicero and the Catilinarian Conspiracy

2 Marcus Tullius Cicero: 106 – 43 BC
born in Arpinum, SE of Rome born into equites novus homo – 1st man in his family to hold a curule office

3 Cicero: His Family married Terentia (lived to 103!), from wealthy family their children = Marcus & Tullia divorced her after 30 years (had trouble repaying her dowry); perhaps because of financial dishonesty (?)

4 Cicero: His Family 2nd wife = Publilia, who’d been his young ward
married briefly divorced – not enough grief over Tullia’s death

5 Catilinarian Conspiracy
Lucius Sergius Catilina (108 – 62 BC) patrician family supported Sulla and even killed his own brother-in-law (on proscription list)

6 Catilinarian Conspiracy
ran for consul several times, but never won was even defeated once by Cicero October 63 BC – uprisings in Rome, kill consuls (including Cicero)

7 Catilinarian Conspiracy
appealed to those on fringes of society offered to clear their debts

8 Catilinarian Conspiracy
Cicero persuaded senate: senatus consultum ultimum “ultimate decree of the senate” gave power to consuls to suppress threats to res publica

9 Catilinarian Conspiracy
Cicero wrote 4 speeches speeches published in 60 BC 1st speech delivered to senate November 7 Catiline left Rome to meet conspirators 2nd speech, to masses November 8

10 Catilinarian Conspiracy
3rd speech, delivered to populace December 3 included written proof, which had previously been absent 4th speech, delivered to senate December 5

11 Catilinarian Conspiracy
Caesar, Cicero’s political enemy, recommended lifetime imprisonment and confiscation of lands 5 conspirators put to death without a trial

12 Cicero hailed pater patriae
would later be exiled for killing conspirators stay tuned for details on his enemy Clodius

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