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Mick Fleming President, ACCE

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1 Mick Fleming President, ACCE
Chamber Trends 2007 Mick Fleming President, ACCE

2 Trends 1: Membership More money from fewer members
Changed definition of membership Difficulty tying Metro regions together New exec (or new plan from old exec) Tiered, Packages & Total Resource ACCE Trends Show 2007


4 Members/Total Businesses in Service Area
Dues Volume Range Lowest 10 Average Average Top 10 Average Under $200,000 14.2% 36.1% 63.1% $200,000 - $499,999 6.0% 27.2% 51.5% $500,000 - $1,000,000 6.3% 20.8% 41.0% Over $1,000,000 1.6% 8.9% 20.6% ACCE Trends Show 2007

5 The New Model for Success
Creating relevance in the new model requires a different Chamber approach: Traditional Model New Model A membership organization A community organization Membership dues Investing in the community Builds relationships with business Business & community-building relationships What does the community need? What do members want? The priorities of business Focused on the top priorities Success = # of members Success = measurable impact

6 Tends 2: Public Affairs Even small chambers more engaged
More PACs than ever State federations solidifying Politics & policy even more local Issues & chamber stands vary widely! Health care, transportation, taxes, education, land use, housing, “pork” ACCE Trends Show 2007

7 Trends 3: Programs Affinities leaking Sponsorships growing
Bigger events Tighter peer linkages – subgroups Big money in community development – even for smaller chambers ACCE Trends Show 2007

8 Trends 4: Governance & Administration
CFO/COO as soon as size allows Bigger Boards But not really Directors less engaged until . . . Buildings are back – so are reserve funds Generations X, Y, Z Staff and board ACCE Trends Show 2007

9 Trends 5: Economic Development
Development as dirty word? Whatever setup is in place . . . “Edge” downtowns – suburban urbanism Life after Richard Florida Defense & Security vs. biomed & health The China Syndrome Productivity as driver and killer ACCE Trends Show 2007

10 Trends Six: Next Generation Chambers
Leaner & fatter (leaner ops, but meatier missions, wider geography & inclusion) Funding stream diversification intensified In terms of governance – more like trade associations Divisions of labor for org within regions Avoiding “Howard Johnson Syndrome” ACCE Trends Show 2007

11 Strengths Strengths are areas of equity for the Chamber, and should be leveraged in the key messages. They tend to be community-focused versus member or program focused. Note that both “leading communities” messages ranked in the top six overall. ACCE Trends Show 2007

12 Opportunities Some member-oriented messages begin to appear. Opportunities also provide a source for key messages in that they were rated highly for importance and agreement. ACCE Trends Show 2007

13 Weaknesses Many of the ROI and business success messages were rated as overall weaknesses, indicating potential credibility gaps that should be avoided in the short term. These perceived weaknesses should become areas of focus/improvement for the Chamber. ACCE Trends Show 2007

14 Threats The Chamber’s programs and services were not viewed as differentiated or “world-class”, and membership is not seen as something that influences the consumers’ buying decision. These messages were the most ROI-focused, and provide direction for long-term improvement. ACCE Trends Show 2007

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