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The Canterbury Tales Review Round 1 Review Round 2 Review

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Presentation on theme: "The Canterbury Tales Review Round 1 Review Round 2 Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Canterbury Tales Review Round 1 Review Round 2 Review
Geoffrey Chaucer Review English IV Mrs. Urbanec Round 1 Review Round 2 Review

2 Canterbury Tales – Round 1
Characters The Prologue Pardoner’s Tale Wife of Bath More Characters 20 40 60 80 100 Menu Round 2

3 Epitome of Chivalry and Christianity
Characters– 20 points Epitome of Chivalry and Christianity Knight, Yeoman, Prioress, or Friar Answer: Knight Category

4 Sentimental, tenderhearted Knight, Yeoman, Prioress, Merchant
Characters–– 40 points Sentimental, tenderhearted Knight, Yeoman, Prioress, Merchant Answer: Prioress Category

5 Knight, Yeoman, Prioress, Cleric
Characters–– 60 points Coat and hood of green Knight, Yeoman, Prioress, Cleric Answer: Yeoman

6 Knight, Yeoman, Prioress, or Merchant
Characters–– 80 points Extremely neat eater Knight, Yeoman, Prioress, or Merchant Answer: Prioress

7 Wants money, not prayers for penance
Characters–– 100 points Wants money, not prayers for penance Answer: Friar

8 In what month does the pilgrimage take place?
The Prologue– 20 points In what month does the pilgrimage take place? Answer: April

9 Whose shrine are the pilgrims visiting?
The Prologue– 40 points Whose shrine are the pilgrims visiting? Answer: St. Thomas a Becket

10 According to the host’s plan, each pilgrim would tell how many tales?
The Prologue– 60 points According to the host’s plan, each pilgrim would tell how many tales? Answer: four

11 The Canterbury Tales was originally written in what language?
The Prologue– 80 points The Canterbury Tales was originally written in what language? Answer: Middle English

12 The pilgrims were also called _______.
The Prologue– 100 points The pilgrims were also called _______. Answer: Palmers

13 The Pardoner’s Tale– 20 points
What one specific sin does the Pardoner admit he is guilty of? Answer: Avarice (greed)

14 The Pardoner’s Tale– 40 points For whom are the three rioters looking?
Answer: Death.

15 The Pardoner’s Tale– 60 points
How do the rioters eventually find what they are looking for? Answer: They kill one another in their efforts to get more gold

16 The Pardoner’s Tale – 80 points
How does the youngest brother kill the other two? Answer: Poison

17 The Pardoner’s Tale– 100 points List the seven deadly sins
Answer: Avarice (Greed), Sloth, Lust, Gluttony, Pride, Anger, Envy

18 What is the knight’s original crime?
Wife of Bath – 20 points What is the knight’s original crime? Answer: Raping a young woman

19 How does the old woman help the knight escape the queen’s punishment?
Wife of Bath – 40 points How does the old woman help the knight escape the queen’s punishment? Answer: She tells him the secret of what women want

20 In return for saving the knight’s life, the old woman demands….
Wife of Bath– 60 points In return for saving the knight’s life, the old woman demands…. Answer: That he marry her

21 Which mythical king is mentioned in the first line of this tale?
Wife of Bath– 80 points Which mythical king is mentioned in the first line of this tale? Answer: King Arther

22 He completely gives into her demands and truly loves her by the end.
Wife of Bath – 100 points The knight’s final treatment of the old woman supports the old woman’s assertion about what women want because…. Answer: He completely gives into her demands and truly loves her by the end.

23 More Characters – 20 points Spends his money on books.
Friar, Merchant, Cleric, Franklin Answer: Cleric

24 More Characters– 40 points Loud, garish; appears wise and busy
Friar, Merchant, Cleric, Sergeant Answer: Sergeant at Law

25 More Characters– 60 points Philosophical, studious.
Cleric, Franklin, Sergeant, Merchant Answer: Cleric

26 More Characters– 80 points shrewd in business yet his in debt
Merchant, Friar, Sergeant, Franklin Answer: Merchant

27 More Characters– 100 points Well-versed in astronomy and horoscopes
Answer: Doctor

28 Canterbury Tales – Round 2
Characters More Characters Lord Randall 20 40 60 80 100 Menu

29 Calls sinners to church Reeve, Summoner, Pardoner
Characters– 20 points Calls sinners to church Reeve, Summoner, Pardoner Answer: Summoner Category

30 Long, yellow, greasy hair; a despicable character.
Characters–– 40 points Long, yellow, greasy hair; a despicable character. Pardoner, Summoner, Host Category Answer: Pardoner

31 Reeve, Summoner, Pardoner
Characters–– 60 points Children fear him Reeve, Summoner, Pardoner Answer: Summoner

32 Bold but tactful speaker Host, Pardoner, Summoner
Characters–– 80 points Bold but tactful speaker Host, Pardoner, Summoner Answer: Host

33 Pillowcase full of relics; corrupt.
Characters–– 100 points Pillowcase full of relics; corrupt. Answer: Pardoner

34 More Characters – 20 points The ideal parish priest
Parson, Plowman, Miller Answer: Parson

35 More Characters – 40 points Steward at a law school, caterer
Manciple, Miller, Plowman Answer: Manciple

36 More Characters – 40 points Tells dirty tavern stories
Miller, Plowman, Parson Answer: Miller

37 More Characters – 80 points Well educated, devout, diligent
Parson, Plowman, Miller Answer: Parson

38 More Characters – 100 points
The four humors Answer: Doctor

39 Where had Lord Randall been?
Lord Randall – 20 points Where had Lord Randall been? Answer: Hunting and having dinner with his love

40 Who killed Lord Randall
Lord Randall – 40 points Who killed Lord Randall Answer: His girlfriend

41 What was the motive, or reason, for the murder?
Lord Randall – 60 points What was the motive, or reason, for the murder? Answer: No motive is given in the ballad

42 Lord Randall is an example of a ballad whose structure is ….
Lord Randall – 80 points Lord Randall is an example of a ballad whose structure is …. Answer: A question-and-answer conversation

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