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Creating a New Database

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1 Creating a New Database
The Sister Cities Database Development Project ImportingData 8/7/2018 Creating a New Database If you came to this presentation via a web browser, right-click and choose “Full Screen” before proceeding. Click mouse or press space bar to continue. This presentation was prepared by Professor Steve Ross, with the advice of other MIS Faculty, for use in MIS Classes at Western Washington University. Please contact Dr. Ross for permission to use in other settings..

2 Process Overview Create the database.
Steps described in this set of slides are marked here in red. Process Overview Create the database. Prepare the data for importing Change the column headings in the Excel spreadsheet to match the names the physical data design. Use the appropriate Management Studio import wizard method to simultaneously … Create the new table Import the data into the table Modify the table design Using the GUI, modify the attributes’ type and size to match the physical design. Step 1: Create database Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Original Data  Prepped Data  “Import” Table  “Final” Table

3 Logging into the DSCI Student DBMS
Before you can log in, your instructor will need to create your account. Open Management Studio and connect to the database engine Enter the DBMS (server name) as shown in the illustration Click Connect

4 Creating a New Database
Open Management Studio and connect to the database engine Right-Click Databases, choose New Database… Enter Database name Click OK

5 Assign Users to DBO Role
(Note: students do not have the required permissions to add new users to the database. Request your instructors to do this after you create the database . Until your teammates have been assigned the DBO role, the student who created the database must log into it in order to continue the implementation.) Expand Security; then Logins Right-click user name, choose Properties On User Mapping page Select the database Select db_owner role

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