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Upper Primary Week 2 Focus

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1 Upper Primary Week 2 Focus
‘ w sounds spelled wh’

2 The Rule wh The digraph sound ‘wh’ is not spelt any other way and is found at the beginning of words.

3 wharf wheeze

4 whimsical whirlwind

5 whisper whistleblower

6 whittle whitewash

7 Whippersnapper whiplash

8 whey whimper

9 whisk Whitsunday

10 whiteboard

11 wharf wh-ar-f Sounds: 3 Digraphs: wh, ar Syllables: wharf = 1
(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, ar Syllables: wharf = 1

12 wheeze wh-ee-ze Sounds: 3 (dot for graphs & underline for digraph)
Diagraphs: wh, ee, ze Syllables: wheeze = 1

13 whimsical wh-i-m-s-i-c-a-l
Sounds: 8 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh Syllables: whim / si / cal = 3

14 whirlwind wh-i-r-l-w-i-n-d Sounds: 8 Digraphs: wh
(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh Syllables: whirl / wind = 2

15 whisper wh-i-s-p-er Sounds: 5 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, er Syllables: whis/ per = 2

16 whistleblower wh-i-st-le-b-l-ow-er Sounds: 8
(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, st, le, ow, er Syllables: whist / le / blow / er = 4

17 whittle wh-i-tt-le Sounds: 4 Digraphs: wh, tt, le
(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, tt, le Syllables: whitt/ le = 2

18 whitewash wh-i-te-w-a-sh
Sounds: 6 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, te, sh Syllables: white / wash = 2

19 whippersnapper wh-i-pp-er-s-n-a-pp-er
Sounds: 9 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, pp, er Syllables: whipp / er / snapp / er = 4

20 whiplash wh-i-p-l-a-sh Sounds: 6 Digraphs: wh, sh
(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, sh Syllables: whip / lash = 2

21 whey wh-ey Sounds: 2 Digraphs: wh, ey Syllables: whey = 1
(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, ey Syllables: whey = 1

22 whimper wh-i-m-p-er Sounds: 5 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, er Syllables: whim / per = 2

23 whisk wh-i-s-k Sounds: 4 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs)
Digraphs: wh Syllables: whisk = 1

24 whitsunday wh-i-t-s-u-n-d-ay
Sounds: 8 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, ay Syllables: whit / sunday = 2

25 whiteboard wh-i-te-b-oar-d
Sounds: 6 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, te Trigraphs: oar Syllables: white / board = 2

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