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Who’s Fighting God and Why?

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1 Who’s Fighting God and Why?
Acts 5: 17-42

2 Who’s Fighting God and Why? Acts 5:17-42
Last time ‘overview section’, now a detailed story of temple leaders ‘filled with jealousy’. =Zeal, envy, indignation, and fervent mind. We definitely see fierce indignation and ‘punitive zeal’ in their efforts to punish. Apostles were successful on High Priests turf. Put them in jail publicly to show their power. Luke now goes from overview to specifics. Angel who released them said, “Go, stand in the temple courts,” he said, “and tell the people the full message of this new life.”.

3 Who’s Fighting God and Why? Acts 5:17-42
“life” and “salvation” are virtually the same and used interchangeably. Why would God want them to go back there? Telling of salvation is point of whole story! They obeyed God, apparently not concerned for their safety. Scene gets even more interesting, jail secure but no apostles in it! They were ‘puzzled’! On cue, ‘news’ came, they were back.

4 Who’s Fighting God and Why? Acts 5:17-42
Captain handled it personally, convincing them to come to the Sanhedrin. This trial very different from the first! Now charges were made, 1. violating council’s order, and 2. trying to “make (them) guilty of this man’s blood.” The death penalty is now ‘on the table.’ High priest did NOT say: -anything about their miraculous escape. -the name of Jesus

5 Who’s Fighting God and Why? Acts 5:17-42
Responsible for Jesus blood very significant! Peter is not trying to get them killed, but saved! Obeying God was mark of the church. This was first time Peter used ‘Savior’ of Jesus. Even though THEY had Jesus killed, forgiveness and salvation was available to them! They did not accept, they were furious! Gamaliel calmed their fury with wise reason. If God isn’t in it, it will fail. If it is God at work, it will prevail.

6 Who’s Fighting God and Why? Acts 5:17-42
Council was fighting God, did Gamaliel see that? They conceded, had apostles flogged, zealous cruel persuasion to obey them! If you knew you would be severely beaten, would you keep telling people about Jesus? ‘Obey God rather than men’ no slogan, life and death important! “never stopped” teaching and preaching – will we? Not obeying God is to fight God! Obey God and share boldly!

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