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Chapter 6 Age of Exploration Question to consider:

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1 Chapter 6 Age of Exploration Question to consider:
What was special about 1492 that allowed Europeans to successfully colonize the New World?

2 Exploration in the 1500’s misconceptions-
sea monsters flat world

3 Who actually did the exploring?
Spanish Portuguese

4 When- late 1400’s What route would you take to Asia via water? (known world at the time)

5 Where- Atlantic Ocean VS. Silk Road

6 Why- Gold (spice and middle men)

7 Why- Gold, God Council of Trent: one of the 3 pillars to reform the church

8 Why- Gold, God and Glory Give each picture an emotional tag: one word only

9 What- Technology made it possible to be consistently successful in trips to the new world.
Caravel (triangular sails and hull shape) VS.

10 What- Technology made it possible to be consistently successful in trips to the new world.
Relative Location Astrolabe (thanks crusades) VS

11 What- Technology made it possible to be consistently successful in trips to the new world.
Cartography Navigation schools Prince Henry of Portugal

12 Claiming the New World

13 Indigenous Native Empires
Both will be wiped out by the early conquistadors

14 Bow and Arrow (tooth/stone)
Deadliest Warrior Weapons of choice: (Aztec) Shark-tooth Sword Bow and Arrow (tooth/stone) Hide- Buckler Animal Skin Armor Weapons of Choice: (Conquistador) Steel Sword Crude Fire Arms Metal Armor (vitals) Horse

15 Secret of Cortez 11 ships, 500 soldiers, 13 horses, few cannons, guns, and personal weapons Quetzalcoatl legend (52 years, appearance, arrival from the sea, strange items/powers) Hatred of dominated tribes Invited into Tenotitchilan Small Pox strikes (before and during Cortez)

16 Pizarro : Conqueror of the Incas
- Destroyed the Incan Empire in - Brought 200 men and similar weapons as Cortez - Nothing left of the Incan Empire except buildings, artifacts, etc.

17 What pattern do we see emerging when Europeans come into contact with Natives of the New World?

18 Proof : Circumnavigation is possible

19 The Slave Trade Pros of Natives Cons Pros of Africans Cons
Already there Easily conquered/controlled Cons Escape Risk Die too rapidly No knowledge of farming (European style) Pros of Africans Used to demands of Farming life 2. Resistant to European disease 3. Less of an escape risk Cons Expense of transporting

20 Triangular Trade

21 The Middle Passage Left the slave port after being sold into slavery by fellow Africans. Africans were treated as product (i.e. similar to cattle)

22 Why were slaves needed? 2) Originally, sugar plantations but expands to all types of cash crops. 1) No farm technology, so labor intensive.

23 Columbian Biological Exchange

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