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The 6 Kingdoms Of Living Things.

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Presentation on theme: "The 6 Kingdoms Of Living Things."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 6 Kingdoms Of Living Things

2 Important Terms to Compare
Prokaryotic (no nucleus or membrane bound organelles) vs. Eukaryotic cell (nucleus and organelles) Heterotrophic (gets food from other source vs. Autotrophic(makes own food ) Asexual (1 parent)vs. sexual (2 parent) reproduction

3 Important Terms, cont. Volvox sp.
Multicellular vs. single or unicellular Types of multicellular existance 1. Colonial organization—group of cells that are permanently associated, but do not communicate with each other. Volvox sp.

4 Multicellular, cont. 2. Aggregations—a temporary collection of cells that come together for a short time and then separate. Plasmodial slime mold—when starved they come together to produce spores which can be dispersed to distant locations.

5 Multicellular, cont. 3. True Multicellular—cells that are permanently associated. Levels of multicellularity Cells, Tissues, Organs, Organ systems, and Organism

6 Domains

7 This phylogenetic tree, based on rRNA sequences, demonstrates the division of all living things into three broad domains.

8 The 6 Kingdoms Of Life

9 Archaebacteria Life’s Extremists…
Cell Type: Prokaryotic Cell Structure: Cell walls without peptidoglycan. Body type: Unicellular Nutrition: Usually autotrophic, but may be heterotrophic. Other: Live in extreme environments: hot, salt, high acidity, very alkaline Other: Reproduction by binary fission

10 Eubacteria Cell Type: Prokaryotic
Cell Structure: Cell wall with peptidoglycan Body Type: Unicellular Nutrition: Heterotrophic and Autotrophic Other: Many are disease causing Reproduce by binary fission Decomposers

11 Protista Cell Type: Eukaryotic
Cell Structure: Some have cell walls and some do not Body Type: Unicellular or colonial (multicellular) Nutrition: Heterotrophic and autotrophic. Other: Examples: Protozoa, Algae, Slime Mold, and Water Mold, Giant Kelp Eukaryotes that do not fit anywhere else go here Includes many types of plankton—zoo and phyto Many have cilia or flagella (flagellum)

12 Fungi Cell type: Eukaryotic cells Cell Structure: Cell wall of chitin
Nutrition: Heterotrophic by absorption Body type: Multi-cellular except for yeast Other: Examples include mushrooms Decomposers

13 Plantae Cell Type: Eukaryotic cells
Cell Structure: Cell walls of cellulose Body Type: multicellular Nutrition: Autotrophic by photosynthesis Other: Chloroplasts in many cells

14 Animalia Cell Type: Eukaryotic Cells Cell Structure: No cell wall.
Body type: Multi-cellular Nutrition: Heterotrophic by ingestion Other: Invertebrate (no backbone) vs. vertebrate (backbone)

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