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Ambiguities & epistemology (ways to know and produce knowledge): documentary as organized ethnographic texts SM6324 Dr. Linda C.H. LAI.

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Presentation on theme: "Ambiguities & epistemology (ways to know and produce knowledge): documentary as organized ethnographic texts SM6324 Dr. Linda C.H. LAI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ambiguities & epistemology (ways to know and produce knowledge): documentary as organized ethnographic texts SM6324 Dr. Linda C.H. LAI

2 From last week (3rd meeting)…
*the epistemic…photography in ethnographic research is tied to questions of knowledge production… *”Objectivity” and “truths” could be misleading and take us away from the more important issues, especially the fact that the epistemic and the aesthetic work together hand in hand. *theorization of photography: should move beyond medium-oriented approach as well as the “photography-artist-subject” triangle to include usage and the users

3 Photos as field notes, as documents…
…Photos as organized texts, as ethnographic texts…

4 What matters with the term “documentary”? – a “usage” approach
Convention, narrativity Truth claims > method The term ‘documentary’ properly describes NOT ONLY a style or a method or a genre of filmmaking BUT an assumed MODE OF RESPONSE to film material: a mode of response founded upon the acknowledgment that every photograph is a portrait signed by its sitter. Anticipated documentary response (assumed usage): A documentary film is one which seeks, by whatever means, to elicit the idea that ‘the image is perceived as signifying what it appears to record.’ Viewers’ perception

5 Interdisciplinary approach to the Visual in Ethnography
Anthropological and photographic theories of representation may be combined to produce a deeper understanding of the expressive possibilities of photography for anthropological representation. Ethnography is only one aspect of a research project. Different disciplinary uses of it are likely to situate ethnography differently.

6 Epistemology: different positions
Realist / Representationalist view Certain degree of certainty of knowledge produced about a real world is possible with awareness of the methodology itself (reflexivity). Post-structuralist/Postmodern view “Sentences are the only things that can be true or false.” (Chris Barker interpreting Nietzsche) Knowledge is a matter of the construction of interpretations about the world. *When we say something is true, we mean certain construction is taken to be true. *An idea of truth is also taken so within a historical context, and as the consequence of certain power function and power structure.

7 Post-structuralist/Postmodern view
Production of knowledge occurs within the language-games of such activities.

8 Post-structuralist/Postmodern view
Reflexivity is a key feature…

9 Ethnography: what kind of knowledge production?
Between… numbers   meanings Counting   interpreting Lived experience Intensive field work Thick descriptions (detailed holistic description)

10 Ethnography: what kind of knowledge production?
Thick description (Clifford Geertz) Details……………..…………….social processes (multiplicity of complex conceptual structures) (whole way of life) (life-worlds and identities)

11 A mixed range of qualitative methods…
Ethno-methodologies A mixed range of qualitative methods… Interviews, participant observation, focus groups, textual analysis…

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