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Quarter Honors English 9

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1 Quarter 1 2017 Honors English 9
Essay Feedback Quarter Honors English 9

2 Thesis Statements Example of an expository (explanatory) thesis statement: The life of the typical college student is characterized by time spent studying, attending class, and socializing with peers. The paper that follows should: Explain how students spend their time studying, attending class, and socializing with peers

3 Thesis Statement Examples
What’s wrong?

4 Thesis Statement Examples
What’s wrong?

5 Thesis Statement Examples
What’s wrong?

6 Thesis Statement Reminders
Only ONE sentence Last sentence in intro paragraph Your thesis statement should be specific—it should cover only what you will discuss in your paper and should be supported with specific evidence. Your topic may change as you write, so you may need to revise your thesis statement to reflect exactly what you have discussed in the paper.

7 Using Quotes Placement –where should you use a quote in your essay?
Integration- cannot have a “hanging” quote Citation format- Author’s last name and page number YOU HAVE TO HAVE QUOTES!! THERE WERE SEVERAL PEOPLE WHO USED ZERO QUOTES IN THEIR ESSAY.

8 Quote Examples in Essays
What’s wrong?

9 Quote Examples in Essays
What’s wrong?

10 Quote Examples in Essays
What’s wrong?

11 Quote Examples in Essays
While amongst his thoughts in the tunnel Equality states, “it is a sin to think words no others think” (Rand 17). This is a CORRECT example.

12 Citation Examples in Essays
Which one is correct?

13 Conclusions DO NOT SAY “IN CONCLUSION” !!!!!
The conclusion should restate the problem you explored, outline some of its possible causes, review the institutions and people involved, and highlight some possible solutions. If you still have any questions about the problem (and it’s ok to have some), you will discuss them here. Talk about why you think you still have questions regarding the problem you explored. DO NOT SAY “IN CONCLUSION” !!!!!

14 Conclusion Examples What’s wrong?

15 Conclusion Examples What’s wrong?

16 Conclusion Examples What’s wrong?

17 This is a CORRECT example.
Conclusion Examples This is a CORRECT example.

18 Miscellaneous No personal pronouns! Anthem “Anthem”

19 Rubric Explained

20 Questions? Concerns? Any questions or concerns?
Feedback for Mrs. Patt?

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