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Community Partners San Mateo County Probation Department “What lies behind us, and what lies before us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within.

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3 Community Partners San Mateo County Probation Department
“What lies behind us, and what lies before us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson San Mateo County Probation Department San Mateo County Private Defenders Program Superior Court of California, San Mateo County Branch, Juvenile Justice Judges San Mateo County Office of Education Nonprofit Organization: Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)

4 Influencing Models Preparation Bridge First-Year Support Partnerships
National Youth Employment Coalition: Promoting Postsecondary Success for Court-Involved Youth, 2013 American Youth Policy Forum: Building Postsecondary Pathways for Opportunity Youth, 2015 Berkeley and Stanford Law School: Degrees of Freedom- Expanding Opportunities for Currently and Formerly Incarcerated Californians, 2016 U.S. Department of Education: Reentry Education Model- Promoting Reentry Success Through Continuity of Educational Opportunities, 2017

5 Access, Equity, Achievement
“The engaged voice must never be fixed and absolute but always changing, always evolving in dialogue with a world beyond itself” - Bell Hooks, Teaching to Transgress: Education as Means for Freedom Enriched Preparation Postsecondary Bridging First-Year Support

6 Project Change at CSM Students Bridge Support
Population: Court-involved and incarcerated youth in San Mateo County Location: Juvenile Hall, Camp Kemp, Camp Glenwood, and Gateway Community School Bridge College-readiness workshops at juvenile youth facilities In-person/online college courses in juvenile youth facility (Keys to Success, Sociology, and Writing Workshops ) 2 each semester (Fall, Spring) Welcome Day on Campus at College of San Mateo Support Faculty and staff mentors One-on-one counseling and curricular pathways Student-led weekly meetings and events/activities Jobs on campus

7 Comprehensive Pathways
College courses in juvenile hall Transition support to campus First-year support at College of San Mateo

8 Support Services Financial Aid:
Free Tuition on campus and in the juvenile hall Book stipends and material costs covered Assistance with financial aid (workshops and one-on-one support) Academic Support: Designated counselors with case-load model for Project Change students SMCOE staff to assist with enrollment and student selection for courses at the juvenile hall CASA Volunteers in each “Keys to Success” class Technology: Computer lab and laptops available for college courses in the juvenile hall Individual laptops provided to students on campus

9 Student Profile (Access and Equity)
First-time college student: 100% Enrollment status on campus: Majority part-time or less Students served 2015/16: 122 students have participated in Project Change Programming Average class size inside juvenile hall: 25 students for “Keys to Success,” 5-10 for online and writing workshop courses Persistence 2015/16: 79% of the 28 students enrolled on campus completed one semester or more of courses Gender: 61% male, 31% female, 8% undisclosed Age: Range Majority younger than 20 Ethnicity: Representative of the county, majority Latino(a)


11 2015/16 Highlights Students toured UC Berkeley and met with Underground Scholars Three Project Change students currently serve as Youth Representatives for the San Mateo County Juvenile Justice Delinquency and Prevention Commission (JJDCP) Students attended the Umoja Conference in L.A. and the NCORE Conference in SF Students spoke on multiple panels in the county to highlight ways to best serve youth in the justice system Students established their own club on campus Students hosted a screening of the debut documentary about the justice system, “They Call Us Monsters” in SF


13 Awards, Reports, and County Impact
Project Change was honored to receive “Partner Organization of the Year,” from San Mateo County Probation, 2015 Project Change was highlighted as a model program for California in the Youth Law Council report The Superior Court of California, San Mateo County Court Judges, identify Project Change as a key program for providing educational services to incarcerated youth:


15 Activity First fifteen minutes: Unite
Gather with your county group. Ex: representatives from Alameda County (Probation, Office of Education, and community college). Identify as a group three top goals you have regarding serving incarcerated populations and three top challenges you face.

16 Activity Next fifteen minutes: Mix
Contra Costa and Alameda County Representatives join together. In collaboration with San Mateo County, identify possible solutions and expanded goals based on previous discussion.

17 Activity Final fifteen minutes: Share out

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