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Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility

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1 Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility
29th Meeting of the PAC for Nuclear Physics January 22–23, 2009 Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility I.Meshkov for LEPTA collaboration Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems

2 Low Energy Particle Toroidal Accumulator
LEPTA Collaboration I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP Low Energy Particle Toroidal Accumulator LEPTA Ps DLNP JINR Yu.K.Akimov, E.V.Ahmanova, V.F.Bykovsky, A.G.Kobets, V..Lokhmatov, V.N.Malakhov, V.N.Pavlov, R.V.Pivin, A.Yu.Rudakov, L.V.Soboleva, T.A.Stepanova, S.L.Yakovenko BLTP JINR E.A.Kuraev Lomonosov Pomorsky State University (Arkhangelsk) M.K.Eseev INR RAS (Troitsk) A.B.Kurepin, V.I.Razin, A. I.Reshetin Lebedev IP RAS (Moscow) N.N.Kolachevsky ITEP (Moscow) V.I.Grafutin, O.V.Ilyushkina, E.P.Prokopev INP BSU (Minsk) V.G.Baryshevsky, A.Ya.Silenko IKP FZJ (Juelich) J. Dietrich, D. Grzonka, V. Kamerdjiev, W. Oelert University of Wales Swansea/CERN M. Charlton, L.V. Jorgensen iThemba Labs ( SAR) L.Conradie, C.Naido FLAIR Collaboration (FAIR) E.Widmann, M.Grieser, K.Welsh, A.Wolf

3 LEPTA Ps Contents 1. LEPTA facility: the scheme and design parameters
Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility I.Meshkov for LEPTA collaboration Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna 2009 29th Meeting of the PAC for Nuclear Physics January 22–23, 2009 Contents 1. LEPTA facility: the scheme and design parameters 2. The main goals of the LEPTA project 3. Peculiarities of the experiments conditions at the LEPTA 4. Electron-positron recombination in-flight 5. Positronium spectroscopy and QED tests 6. ParaPositronium generation and studies 7. Experiments with orthoPositronium in-flight 8. Some concepts of Ps-detectors 9. Condensed matter studies with positron annihilation spectroscopy at LEPTA positron injector 10. Antihydrogen and Positronium in the FLAIR project 11. LEPTA facility status and the nearest plans Conclusion LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP

4 1. LEPTA facility: the scheme and design parameters
kicker septum cooling section Ps detector 10E4 o-Ps per sec e-gun positron trap 10E6100sec=10E8 e+ Helical quadrupole 22Na 10E6 e+ per sec LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP

5 LEPTA Ps Positron injector 4 5 1 2 9 10 3 8 11 6
7 1 2 9 10 3 8 11 6 LEPTA entrance Positron injector 1-positron source 22Na, 2-radioactive protection shield, 3-vacuum valve, 4-vacuum chamber for pumping out and diagnostic tools, 5-positron trap, 6 – vacuum isolator, 7 – positron vacuum channel, 8 – vacuum “shutter” (fast valve), 9 - ion pump, 10-turbopump, 11 –LHe vessel LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 1. LEPTA facility: the scheme and design parameters

6 1. LEPTA facility: the scheme and design parameters
LEPTA ring Injector LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP

7 LEPTA Ps Design Parameters of The LEPTA Facility Circumference , m
1. LEPTA facility: the scheme and design parameters Design Parameters of The LEPTA Facility Circumference , m 17.2 Positron energy, keV 4.0  10.0 Revolution time, ns 500  300 Longitudinal magnetic field, G 400 Average radius of the toroidal magnets, m 1.45 Helical quadrupole gradient, G/cm 10.0 Positron beam radius, cm 0.5 Number of positrons in the ring 1E8 Residual gas pressure, nTorr  0.1 orthoPositronium beam parameters Intensity, atom/s 110 oPs atom velocity, m/s (3.8 6)E7 (β  0.12  0.2) Angular spread, mrad 1 Velocity spread 1104 Beam diameter at the exit of the ring, cm 1.1 LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP

8 2. The main goals of the LEPTA project
Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 2. The main goals of the LEPTA project Particle dynamics in LEPTA Electron cooling of positrons Positronium generation in-flight Experiments on Positronium physics Feasibility studies of slow antihydrogen generation in-flight Applied research (Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy)

9 3. Peculiarities of the experiment conditions at the LEPTA
The peculiarities and advantages of o-Ps generation at LEPTA: 1) Generation in-flight  pure vacuum conditions, no influence of a surrounding matter. 2) The o-Ps flux has a small angular and velocity spread. 3) One can scan the o-Ps velocity with a high precision by variation of the electron energy, because positrons are “carried away” by electrons (getting the electron velocity): e e+ LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP

10 LEPTA Ps 4. Electron-positron recombination in-flight
I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 4. Electron-positron recombination in-flight The application of electron cooling in LEPTA allows us to measure, with a high precision, the dependence of recombination coefficient (“recombination cross section”) on temperature of the recombining particles: The electron temperature variation can be produced by modulation of electron energy with a frequency f >> 1/(_cool) ~ 10 MHz . It will be the very first experiment on Positronium physics at LEPTA and is of interest of quantum mechanics. Peculiarities: both electron and positron are “magnetized”, electron density distribution is non-isotropic - so called “flattened distribution”. (See details in The Hard Copy of the report). Recombination of positrons with cooling electrons is an unavoidable process at electron cooling of positrons.

11 LEPTA Ps 5. Positronium Spectroscopy and QED tests
I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 5. Positronium Spectroscopy and QED tests Why Ps spectroscopy is interesting? The importance of precise measurement of Ps states characteristics relates to fundamental problems of QED. It will suffice to mention the relativistic problem of two-body bound system (the Bethe-Salpeter equation approach, etc.), which still needs in precise experimental tests for its further development. Positronium, as a system of two electromagnetically bound particles, is a very fertile ground for such an application. See details in S.Karshenboim, Precision Study of Positronium: Testing Bound State QED Theory, Intern. Journal of Mod. Phys. A19 (2004) 3879 Two possible experiments – measurement of 5.1) Hyperfine structure of Ps ground state 5.2) Spectroscopy of excited states, Lamb shift

12 “Triple fitting” (_RF, v_oPs, B)
5. Positronium Spectroscopy and QED tests 5.1) Hyperfine structure of Ps ground state Parameter Theory Experiment Value Precision Ground state energy , eV 6.79 - Hyperfine splitting energy 13S1 - 11S0 , eV MHz 8.411·10E-4 (16) ·10E-4 (0.74)  3.6·10E-6 “Triple fitting” (_RF, v_oPs, B) The result: Hyperfine splitting of Ps ground state can be measured with accuracy ( / )_HFS < 1E-6 or better (instead 3.6E-6). LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP

13 LEPTA Ps 5.2) Spectroscopy of excited states, Lamb shift
I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 5. Positronium Spectroscopy and QED tests 5.2) Spectroscopy of excited states, Lamb shift Transition frequency, MHz 23 S S0 23 S P1 23 S P2 23 S P1 23 S P0 Transition - (0.06)  8E-4 11180(5) (4) (0.13)  4.7E-4 (2.7)(0.9) (0.13) 1.5E-4 (0.67)(1.54) (0.13)  2.7E-4 (1.20)(4.00) (0.13) Precision Value Experiment Theory Rather low precision of experimental data Experiment: One can improve the precision by several orders of magnitude. Main limitation – statistics: a poor occupancy of excited levels

14 LEPTA Ps 5.3) Two-photon 13S1 – 23S1 transition  2.6E-9
I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 5. Positronium Spectroscopy and QED tests 5.3) Two-photon 13S1 – 23S1 transition  2.6E-9 5.1 (32) (1.0) 13 S S1 *) transition energy, eV frequency, PHz - 6.79 Ground state energy , eV Precision Value Experiment Theory Parameter Laser Doppler-free spectroscopy of two-photon 13S1 – 23S1 transition measurement M.S.Fee, A.P.Mills et al.,1993 Very important, but… very hard experiment: One can hope to improve the precision by several times. Main limitation – statistics: a small number of two photon transitions.

15 Two experiment schemes
2-photon transition Photoionisation, Nd:YAG laser, 2nd harmonics 5. Positronium Spectroscopy and QED tests 5.3) Two-photon 13S1 – 23S1 transition Two experiment schemes M.S.Fee, A.P.Mills e al.,1993 Different scheme 13S1, m = 0, 1 13S0 23P0,1,2 Spontaneous decay (L) = 243 nm, (L) = 3.2 ns Interference of 13S1, m = 0 and 11S0 states in B-field with fast decay of p-Ps state RF induced transition: 8.6, 13.0, 18,5 GHz LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP See details in The Hard Copy of the report

16 LEPTA Ps 6. ParaPositronium generation and studies
6.1. QED test in measurement of p-Ps life time The experiment principle: interference of 11S0 and 13S1 (m=0) states in magnetic field Experiment PALM: para-Positronium Life Time Measurement ΔE /E1S 1.5 1.0 -1.0 -1.5 B, [ T ] m = 0 m = ±1 13S1 11S1 E1S LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP

17 6.1. QED test in measurement of p-Ps life time: experiment PALM
LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 6. ParaPositronium generation and studies 6.1. QED test in measurement of p-Ps life time: experiment PALM o-Ps o-Ps/p-Ps N1(B) – number of counts during time interval T1 when solenoid field B is ON, N2 – the count number during T2 when B = 0. The function to be measured: NbTi Target 130 mm PMTube BGO-crystal  1 m Fe SC solenoid 150 mm Pick-off annihilation

18 6. ParaPositronium generation and studies
6.1. QED test in measurement of p-Ps life time: experiment PALM Theory Experiment Precision p-Ps lifetime, ps 125.16(08) (27) 2E-4 The only experiment on para-Ps life time measurement is known ! (A.H.Al_Ramadhan, D.W.Gidley, PRL 72 (1994) 1632) To obtain the necessary statistic precision p / p = 1·10-4 one has to register in PALM experiment Nexp  41010 events number. The full duration of the experiment will be of ~ 9 months. The PALM project was presented to PAC NP at 21st (Nov.2004) and 22nd (April 2005) meetings and has been approved (see details in The Hard Copy). LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP

19 LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 6. ParaPositronium generation and studies L.B. Okun’, “C, P, T are broken. Why not CPT?” In Proc. Of 14th Rencontres de Blois "Matter-Antimatter, June , edited by L. Iconomidou-Fayard and J. Tran Than Van (The Gioi Publishers) k -k  = +1  = -1 p-Ps The asymmetry in number of the left- and right- circularly polarized photons would be a signal that CPT is broken. 6.2. Test of CPT theorem in search for circularly polarized photons in p-Ps =>   The p-Ps flux can be ~ 3000 с-1 at LEPTA design parameters. That allows us to reach, at k ~ 3·10-3, the level of  < 1·10-8 at the experiment duration ~ 1 year (see details in The Hard Copy).

20 LEPTA Ps 6.3. Rare and forbidden decay channels of p-Ps
I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 6. ParaPositronium generation and studies CL 90% < 2.8E-6 - p-Ps  3 , Г(3)/ Г(2) Relative probability of forbidden decay Branching ratios of rare decay rates Precision Value Experiment Theory Parameter < 2.7E-7 < 10-27 p-Ps  5 , Г(5)/ Г(2), 1.14(39)E-6 1.4388(21)E-6 p-Ps  4, Г(4)/Г(2) 2·10-4 (27) 125.16(08) Life time, ps 6.3. Rare and forbidden decay channels of p-Ps

21 LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 6. ParaPositronium generation and studies Application of o-Ps flux of the LEPTA design intensity of ~ 10E4/sec and generation of p-Ps by a target bombardment one can decrease the branching ratio level for rare and forbidden decay channels up to 1E-8 – 1E-9. The main task is design and construction of a multipurpose detector (see section 8 in The Hard Copy). 6.3. Rare and forbidden decay channels of p-Ps

22 LEPTA Ps 7. Experiments with orthoPositronium in-flight
I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 7. Experiments with orthoPositronium in-flight 7.1. Test of CPT theorem in direct comparison of e+e- electric charges: Project Electron-POsitron Charge Comparison The EPOCC experiment concept: o-Ps “non-deflection” in transverse magnetic field. o-Ps Co-ordinate detector CsI B p-Ps

23 LEPTA Ps e/e < 410-10 The method resolution:
I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 7. Experiments with orthoPositronium in-flight <4E-8 Experiment < 1(2)4E18 Charge inequality e/e Precision Theory Parameter If Ee= 10 keV, x~0.1 mm, BLm, one can obtain e/e < 410-10 The method resolution: L is the o-Ps trajectory length in the field, p is electron (positron) momentum. 7.1. Test of CPT theorem in direct comparison of e+e- electric charges (project EPOCC) (See the resolution of 17th session of the PAC for Nuclear Physics, November 2002 in The Hard Copy and the comments there)

24 LEPTA Ps 7. Experiments with orthoPositronium in-flight
I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 7. Experiments with orthoPositronium in-flight 7.2. Rare and forbidden decay channels of o-Ps CL 90% < 3.5E-6 < 1E-27 o-Ps  2 , Г(2)/ Г(3 ) < 2.8E-4 (“invisible decay”) 6.2E-18 o-Ps  (~)e , Г(~)e / Г(3) Branching ratios of weak decay rates < 2.6E-6 o-Ps  4 , Г(4)/ Г(3) 2E-4 2.2 ( stat. 0.5 syst.)E-6 1E-6 o-Ps  5 , Г(5)/ Г(3) Branching ratio of forbidden decay rates Branching ratio of rare decay rate Precision Value Experiment Theory Parameter 9.5E-21 o-Ps  (~), , Г(~),/ Г(3) At o-Ps flux of ~ 10E4/sec one can improve the precision of rare decay branching ratio and decrease the upper level values of the forbidden decays up to 1E-8 – 1E-9.

25 Branching ratios in decay o-Ps  A, 7.3. Search for the Light Axion
7. Experiments with orthoPositronium in-flight Branching ratios in decay o-Ps  A, 7.3. Search for the Light Axion LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP References (see next slide) What do we know today? Experiment “Old” theory “New” theory: m_Axion  0.1 eV => a candidate for Dark Matter constituent

26 7.3. Search for the Light Axion
7. Experiments with orthoPositronium in-flight LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP References [1] S. Orito et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 63, 597 (1989). [2] U. Amaldi et al., PL, 153B, 444 (1985). [3] G. Carboni and W. Dahme, PL, 123B, 349 (1983). [4] S. Asai et al., PL, 323B, 90 (1994). [5] M. Tsuchiaki et al., PL, 236B, 81 (1990). [6] V. Metag et al., Nucl.Phys. 409A, 331 (1983). [7] W. Bernreuther and O.Nachtmann, Z.Phys., 11C, 235 (1981). [8] M.V. Akopyan et al., PL, 272B, 443 (1991). *Region Br<2.8∙10-5 m<30 keV [9] S. Asai, S. Orito, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, (1991) [10] T. Maeno et. al., PL, 351B, (1995) [11] S. N. Gninenko et. al., PL, 237 B, (1990) *Region Br < 3.8E-4 m < 30 keV Theory: Rev. of Part. Physics (2008) 479 7.3. Search for the Light Axion

27 LEPTA Ps Why we are so interested of the Axion (A0)?
7. Experiments with orthoPositronium in-flight LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 7.3. Search for the Light Axion “The Axion (A0) - a light, neutral, short-lived and weakly interacting boson, is among the two best known and most studied cold dark matter candidates… The Axion is predicted by extensions of the Standard Model which resolve the strong CP problem. Its mass must be approximately 10E-5 eV…” [Eur. Phys. J. C 3 (1998) 125] Why we are so interested of the Axion (A0)?

28 LEPTA Ps Statistics and the experiment duration:
7. Experiments with orthoPositronium in-flight LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 7.3. Search for the Light Axion Statistics and the experiment duration: At the branching of 10E-10 one needs to have ~ ~ 10E10 o-Ps integral flux. That requires ~ 10E6 sec  280 h facility run at design o-Ps intensity and 100% detector efficiency. (See details in The Hard Copy, section 8). One has to look for single photons in o-Ps decay! Unfortunately, peculiarity of 500 keV -quanta interaction with matter does not allow us to construct an efficient tracking! Only criterion we have is photon energy measurement. (See details in The Hard Copy, section 8)

29 the hypothesis of “The Mirror Universe"
7. Experiments with orthoPositronium in-flight 7.4. o-Ps life time and the hypothesis of “The Mirror Universe" This is another fascinating task related to Ps physics. Formulated in the 60th by I.Kobzarev, L.Okun’ and I.Pomeranchuck the idea of The Mirror Universe was developed later by S.Glashow and others. One associates nowadays The Mirror Universe with The Dark Matter and “The Brane World” [See L. B. Okun', Uspekhi Phys. Nauk, 177 (2007) 397]. LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP

30 LEPTA Ps i.e. o-Ps atoms “escaping” into the Mirror World!
7. Experiments with orthoPositronium in-flight LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 7.4. o-Ps life time and the hypothesis of “The Mirror Universe" The Basic Idea: I Kobzarev, L.Okun, I.Pomeranchuk [Yad. Fiz., 3 (1966] T.D.Lee and C.N.Yang (1960): L- particles (“usual”) R-particles (“mirror”) L- and R- particles can interact only by exchange with photons or gravitons. The idea of a test: S.Glashow [Phys. Letters 167B (1986) 35], Positronium as a test system: an existense of “the disappearing o-Ps”, i.e. o-Ps atoms “escaping” into the Mirror World!

31 LEPTA Ps And the idea of a test relates to
7. Experiments with orthoPositronium in-flight 7.4. o-Ps life time and the hypothesis of “The Mirror Universe" And the idea of a test relates to a precise measurement of o-Ps life time ! Present status: Precision Value Experiment Theory Parameter 2.5E-4 1.0E-4 (0.02)(0.016) R.S.Vallery et. al., 2003 (14) S.Asai et al., 2008 Life time, ns “The puzzle” of o-Ps life time is over! However, the task of the precise measurement remains… LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP

32 7. Experiments with orthoPositronium in-flight
LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 7.4. o-Ps life time and the hypothesis of “The Mirror Universe" S, [m] 1E-6 -1E-6 -2E-6 - 3E-6 (s) The Task for the experiment is to measure the distribution of o-Ps intensity along the travel channel (s co-ordinate): N(s)/N(0) = exp{-s/)}·cos2(s/v)  exp{-s/v} - (s), (s) = exp{-s/v}∙ (s/v)2 ,  is Lorentz-factor of o-Ps. An example: v = 6·107 m/s (10 keV/u) ,  = 3·10 - 8 The measurement of (L) ~ 2E-6 requires N(si) ~ 2.5E11 i.e. ~ 1 year data acquisition at oPs flux ~ 1E4 s-1.

33 LEPTA Ps 8. Some concepts of Ps-detectors
I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 8. Some concepts of Ps-detectors 8.1. Positron pick-off detector o-Ps 130 mm PMTube BGO-crystal Pick-off annihilation YAP crystall 4π detector “BGO Ball” Detector consists of 30 BGO-counters situated at a spherical surface and the target placed in the center of the sphere. As a target in the “Pick-off Detector” is used scintillating YAP crystal (Ce: YAlO3). (See details in The Hard Copy, section 8).

34 LEPTA Ps 8. Some concepts of Ps-detectors
I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 8. Some concepts of Ps-detectors 8.1. Positron pick-off detector The pick-off detector will be applied in the following experiments: - Electron-positron recombination in-flight (section 4), - Ps spectroscopy (sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.3(?), - Experiment PALM (section 6.1), - Experiment EPOCC (section 7.1), - Precise measurement of o-Ps life time and search for The Mirror Universe (section 7.4). (See details in The Hard Copy, section 8.)

35 LEPTA Ps 8. Some concepts of Ps-detectors
I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 8. Some concepts of Ps-detectors 8.2. Gamma-quanta detector for o-Ps decay in-flight A.B.Kurepin and team (INR RAS) Such a detector will be based on NaI (CsI?) crystals and Micropixel Avalanche Photodetectors (MAP). Efficiency of registration is close to 100%. MAP o-Ps Plastic scintillator cut in cylindrical sectors The diodes analyze TOF and amplitude of a signal. [Absorption length of 500 keV -quanta in NaI  2.1 cm ] (See details in The Hard Copy, section 8). 8 – 10 m

36 LEPTA Ps 8. Some concepts of Ps-detectors
I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 8. Some concepts of Ps-detectors 8.2. Gamma-quanta detector for o-Ps decay in-flight (See details in The Hard Copy, section 8). The gamma-quanta detector will be applied in the following experiments: - Rare and forbidden decays of p-Ps (section 6.3) - Rare and forbidden decays of o-Ps (section 7.2), - Search for The Light Axion (section 7.3). (See details in The Hard Copy, section 8.)

37 LEPTA Ps 9. Condensed matter studies
I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 9. Condensed matter studies with positron annihilation spectroscopy at LEPTA positron injector Positron injector and transfer channel e+ injector Acceleration gap +10 kV Research stand 0 ÷ - 70 kV The project is applied for RFBR grant 2009 in collaboration with ITEP group.

38 10. Antihydrogen and Positronium Positron Cooler Storage Ring
LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 10. Antihydrogen and Positronium in The FLAIR Project Positron Cooler Storage Ring at FLAIR “Budker’s scheme” (G.Budker, A.Skrinsky,1978) p _ H, p o-Ps

39 LEPTA Ps 11. LEPTA Facility Status and The Nearest Plans
11.1. LEPTA ring development: test with circulating electron beam 2005 year 400G 510G Life Time vs Electron Energy Life Time, ms Electron energy, keV 470G P  5E-8 Torr June 2008 400 G 510 G Life Time vs Electron Energy Life Time, ms Electron energy, keV October 2008 LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP

40 LEPTA Ps 11.2. Cryogenic Positron Source
moderation in frozen Neon LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP T ~ 5 K 22Na Ne e+ 11. LEPTA Facility Status and The Nearest Plans 11.2. Cryogenic Positron Source Test bench for the e+ source Positron source E E5 Positron Energy Spectrum of 22Na Isotope and the moderation effect Positron energy spectrum of 22Na Moderated positrons

41 LEPTA Ps 11.2. Cryogenic Positron Source
I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 11. LEPTA Facility Status and The Nearest Plans 11.2. Cryogenic Positron Source The positron spectrum at the e+ flux of 1.75*103 positrons per sec of the average energy of 1.2 eV at the width of 1 eV was obtained in experiments with test Na-22 radioactive source of low activity of 0.8 MBq (2005) . The moderation efficiency was of 1.0 %. Slow Positron Yield vs Frozen Neon Thickness d, mcm 2000 1600 1200 800 400 Ncounts/sec 130мкм 90мкм 50м км 30мкм Epos, eV Slow Positron Spectrum 16000 12000 8000 4000 dN/dE

42 LEPTA Ps e+ source of 25 mCi activity
I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 11. LEPTA Facility Status and The Nearest Plans 11.2. Cryogenic Positron Source e+ source of 25 mCi activity Na_22 positron source of activity of 25 mCi for LEPTA facility has been donated by iThemba LABS (RSA) and transferred to JINR: it has been received February 27, 2008 and not mounted yet due to delay with injector elements manufacturing.

43 11.3. Positron trap (“The Surko trap”)
11. LEPTA Facility Status and The Nearest Plans 11.3. Positron trap (“The Surko trap”) Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 eU z 10-3 Pressure, Torr N2 е+ 10-4 10-6 LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP

44 The trap has been tested with electrons of ~ 50 eV energy.
LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 11. LEPTA Facility Status and The Nearest Plans 11.3. Positron trap The trap has been tested with electrons of ~ 50 eV energy. Stored electron number vs time Same + transverse correction field is optimized Same + rotating field is ON and optimized Pressure distribution and potential are optimized “The rotating wall “method application: Optimal “wall” parameters: Frequency = 650 kHz, Amplitude = 1 V, ε = 0.4, life = 80 s

45 11.4. Injector status summary
LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 11. LEPTA Facility Status and The Nearest Plans 11.4. Injector status summary 1.0 0.5 Efficiency of the 22Na spectrum transformation, % Achieved Design Parameter 1E-4 1E8 300 100 1E-9 1000 4  10 310E-8 Vacuum, Torr 80 (e-) Positron life time in the trap, sec. 500 (e-) Pulse duration of extracted positrons, ns - Momentum spread of extracted positrons, p/p 0.8E8 (e-) Positron number per pulse < 0.5 Positron beam radius, cm 1500 Magnetic field in the Trap, G Positron energy, keV

46 11.4. Injector status summary
LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 11. LEPTA Facility Status and The Nearest Plans 11.4. Injector status summary Injector completion: e+ transfer channel manufacturing and mounting of e+ source. Transfer channel e+ injector

47 11.5. The ring development status
LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP 11. LEPTA Facility Status and The Nearest Plans 11.5. The ring development status Test with electrons – in progress, Trajectory of cooling electrons has been tested, Electron cooling system – close to completion, Diagnostics of circulating electron beam – under preparation. 11.6. The nearest plans The main goals: positron injection into the ring, electron cooling of positrons and Positronium generation. Year 2009

48 Thank you for your attention!
LEPTA Ps I.Meshkov Research Programme at the LEPTA Facility PAC NP Conclusion The proposed research Programme at the LEPTA facility is very attractive for both fundamental and applied experimental studies based on Positronium flux and monochromatic positrons. The Programme needs an approval by PAC and JINR Directorate and the team at DLNP needs corresponding support. The interest to the LEPTA project was expressed by many collaborating groups and they will form a research community at LEPTA facility as soon as the facility construction and commissioning is completed. Thank you for your attention!

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