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1 Hotel Intercontinental
SCWI Summer Institute Monday, August 25, 2014 Hotel Intercontinental Toronto

2 School College Work Initiative
Began 1997 Designed to build and sustain better linkages between the college system and the secondary school system to support expanded and improved transitions by secondary students to college

3 Graduation Rates The graduation rate increased to 83%, a gain of 1% from Each 1% point increase represents 1,500 students. 115,500 more students have graduated than would have if the rate remained at 68%. This significant success allows us to think now more deeply about what successfully completing secondary school should give our students… A graduation certificate, yes An entry qualification for post secondary learning Preparation for a successful life A sense of their interests , goals, assets / strengths, and ability to learn Good character and judgement An “entrepreneurial” (in full, not just business) orientation (ie. a predisposition to action) 3

4 School College Work Initiative
Led by Directors of Education and College Presidents Goal: to support expanded and improved transitions by secondary students to college Represents 24 colleges and 70 eligible school boards Began with wide variety of activities and forums Expanded to include DUAL CREDITS in

5 SCWI Organization 16 Regional Planning Teams Chair Board Reps College Reps Ministry of Education and Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Council of Ontario Directors of Education Administers SCWI, convenes meetings of CMT, provides reports to EDU/TCU, as per contract with CODE Project Officer and Liaison Team School-College-Work Initiative Co-Management Team Comprised of: Directors of Education College Presidents EDU Representatives TCU Representatives

6 Dual Credit Programs 2005-6: 361 students, 36 school boards in pilot projects at 14 colleges Comprised of college-level courses in which carefully selected secondary school students may be enrolled Basically courses count as both secondary and college credits Students who meet the college-level standards in these courses granted OSSD credits as well as college credits Eligible students may take up to 4 non-compulsory OSSD credits Dual Credit Programs - Policy and Program Requirements, 2013 Ontario Ministry of Education Could you refer to the new Policy and Program Requirement guide at this point – audience will have a copy

7 Growth in Dual Credit Programs
14 pilot projects 472 programs 455 450 Approx. 500 361 students 12,200 15,961 18,584 21,256 Hi David, Did you want to skip and ?

8 Dual Credit Student Data Report 2012-13 Source: Ontario Ministry of Education, 2013

9 DC Student Participation
Student participation increased by 16 % over (15,961 students to 18,584 students) Number of programs increased by 11% In , approved vs actual student participants was 93% as compared to 80% in the previous year.

10 Retention Rates Sandra – steady improvement

11 Success Rates Sandra Notable improvement particularly given the increased number of students.

12 Target Group Participation by Program Focus
18,584 dual credit students provincially 13,769 in the primary target group (74%) 3,560 SHSM students (19%) 1,255 OYAP students (7%) New for , RPTs were asked to identify the main target group by program. This slide shows the relative proportion of programs by main target group. Important that the 3/4 of the programs are for the primary target audience.

13 2012-13 Retention by Target Group
Number of Students Retention Rate Primary Target Group 13,769 86% SHSM 3,560 91% OYAP 1,255 90% Provincial 18,584 87% We were curious to see if students in different target groups were more or less likely to stay to the end of the dual credit – very little variance. Highlights that the right students are being selected for this program – particularly those in the primary target group.

14 2012-13 Success by Target Group
Number of Students Success Rate Primary Target Group 13,769 86% SHSM 3,560 90% OYAP 1,255 Provincial 18,584 We see here that the students in the primary target group clearly have the “potential to be successful” as defined in the policy document as they are doing as well as most other dual credit students.

15 2012-13 Approved vs Actual by Target Group
Number of Students Approved vs. Actual Primary Target Group 13,769 93% SHSM 3,560 87% OYAP 1,255 83% Provincial 18,584 What can we attribute these differences to? Why are programs for students in the primary target group more likely to be filled? [David will talk about approved vs actual in terms of student #’s and finances]

16 Provincial Dual Credit Footprint 2012-13 (RPT Data)
Dual Credits Students Grade 11 and 12 Students 18,584 = % Sandra [5.3% in ] [Our target is about 7.5%; Would mean 29,000 students] This footprint is based on the number of dual credit students as reported by the RPTs divided by the provincial number of grade 11 and 12 students. We want boards and RPTs to be able to calculate their individual footprint. For the first time with the approvals, as part of the approvals process, one of the criteria was the saturation by board for new program approvals or expansion of existing programs. In areas where there was a high percentage of dual credits/grade 11 and 12 students, we were less likely to approve expansion or to approve new programs in order to have funds for “underserved” areas. We do want to reach all schools. If there are schools where students in the primary target group do not have dual credit opportunities, RPTs should consider ways to involve these schools. 389,252* * grade 11 and grade 12 enrolment (source: OnSIS)

17 Students who Earned an OSSD 2011-12 (OnSIS Data)
6,026 students who earned a dual credit (as reported to OnSIS) earned their OSSD in 56% of dual credit students (OnSIS data) Grad rate continues to improve The focus of dual credits continues to be on helping students to earn their OSSD For the first time this year, we’re able to present how many students went on to apply and register at Ontario colleges and universities

18 Number of dual credit students who have applied to go to college ( and dual credit students) Dual Credit Students Dual Credit Students Total Students in Dual Credits 7,570 12,202 College Applicants – One Year After 1,473 19% 2,458 21% College Applicants -- Two Years After 2,347 31% -- Data on applications and registration is from OnSIS who receives the data from OCAS and OUAC In , we know the number of dual credit students is under-represented, particularly in team-taught dual credits Total students in row one represents the numbers submitted by RPTs

19 Number of dual credit students who have registered for college ( and dual credit students) Dual Credit Students Dual Credit Students Total Students in Dual Credits 7,570 12,202 College Registrants – One Year After 1050 14% 1842 15% College Registrants -- Two Years After 1852 24% --

20 College Conversion Rates (2009-10 and 2010-11 dual credit students)
One Year After 71% 73% Two Years After 79% -- Dual credit students who apply to college are far more likely to actually register than applicants in general which is typically around 50%.

21 “Did they stay or did they go?”
% DC Students Registered Dual Credit Students Dual Credit Students One Year After Two Years After at same college where taken dual credit 555 908 950 at different college than where taken dual credit 353 670 593 This simply indicates the number of students who registered in a dual credit at the same college where they took their dual credit or at a different

22 Dual Credit Programs - Policy and Program Requirements, 2013
Learn More New policy document: Dual Credit Programs - Policy and Program Requirements, 2013 Ontario Ministry of Education

23 & &
Learn More Check out the SCWI websites: & & Annual symposium – May 12, 2015 Humber College SCWI Newsletters

24 Thank you

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