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Employment opportunities in the changing NHS architecture

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Presentation on theme: "Employment opportunities in the changing NHS architecture"— Presentation transcript:

1 Employment opportunities in the changing NHS architecture
Caroline Waterfield Deputy Head of Employment Services NHS Employers

2 Context The position in 2012 Safety Quality Productivity
Innovative solutions

3 Changing structures Smaller Department of Health
New NHS Commissioning Board New Clinical Commissioning Groups New Commissioning Support units New Health Education England New Local Education and Training Boards

4 Changing structures Abolition of Strategic Health Authorities
Abolition of Primary Care Trusts

5 Other employers in the system
National bodies: NHS Employers Centre for Workforce Intelligence NHS Institute Professional regulators System regulators Health unions

6 Key attributes Solutions focused Can do attitude
Driving forward changes for patients Different ways of delivering care for patients Innovation focused Understands and maintains professional responsibility

7 An opportunity for talent to flourish
Seek advice Piece together a varied career including shadowing Jobs are advertised on NHS Jobs; HSJ; Guardian

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