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SHHHHH. Quiet reading please

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1 SHHHHH. Quiet reading please
SHHHHH! Quiet reading please. Don’t forget to be working on your homework task on compass in your own time. Persuasive writing Learning intention: To understand what persuasive writing is and to recognise that there are multiple forms of this writing

2 CAT tasks this term Analysing language in an article (reading)
Persuasive writing (writing) Presenting a news story (speaking and listening)

3 To start: Match the persuasive devices, with their meanings and their examples
Meaning/Function Example Rule of three Conveys that something is the best (e.g. ‘most ___’ or fastest. Who wouldn’t want to be pampered all day? Rhetorical Question Build a relationship and address the reader (e.g. you, us, we). Relax in the pool and spa; relax on our own private beech. Superlative Making 3 points in a list. Proven to be memorable. We look forward to welcoming you to our hotel Imperative This doesn’t need an answer – it is assumed the listener agrees. As you are the sort of customer that appreciates quality... Personal Pronouns Using a word more than once for emphasis and effect. Our spa offers massages, facials and manicures. Flattery A verb which commands or instructs you to do something. The stunning scenery of the Cornish coast is captivating. Alliteration The repetition of initial sounds in words in close proximity. The most delicious cream teas in Cornwall. Repetition Making someone feel special. Call now to reserve your room.

4 The answers... Device Meaning/Function Example Rule of three Making 3 points in a list. Proven to be memorable. Our spa offers massages, facials and manicures. Rhetorical Question This doesn’t need an answer – it is assumed the listener agrees. Who wouldn’t want to be pampered all day? Superlative Conveys that something is the best (e.g. ‘most ___’ or fastest. The most delicious cream teas in Cornwall. Imperative A verb which commands or instructs you to do something. Call now to reserve your room. Personal Pronouns Build a relationship and address the reader (e.g. you, us, we). We look forward to welcoming you to our hotel Flattery Making someone feel special. As you are the sort of customer that appreciates quality... Alliteration The repetition of initial sounds in words in close proximity. The stunning scenery of the Cornish coast is captivating. Repetition Using a word more than once for emphasis and effect. Relax in the pool and spa; relax on our own private beach. You should also look for facts, opinions, emotive language, similes, metaphors in adverts.

5 What is persuasive writing?
Persuasive writing is a form of nonfiction writing that encourages careful word choice, the development of logical arguments, and a cohesive summary.

6 What are the forms of persuasive writing? List any that you know.
Letter Editorial Opinion article Speech Review Persuasive essay Advertisement

7 And of course the language, headlines and devices they will use.
Writing to Persuade Layout Typography Travel advertising is a huge industry as people save all year for their holidays and all the travel companies or tourist boards want them to spend their money with them! You are influenced by the adverts and brochures you see all around you on the internet, on billboards and in newspapers. Colours And of course the language, headlines and devices they will use. When writing and designing adverts, advertisers have to consider what will attract the target audience. They must consider: Images

8 How to write a persuasive text
SHHHHH! Quiet reading please. Don’t forget to be working on your homework task on compass in your own time. How to write a persuasive text Learning intention: To understand how to structure a persuasive text

9 Persuasive writing focus
Think about (AFPP): Audience – eg young children who play with trucks Form (+ persuasive techniques) – eg advertisement, flyer, letter Persona – tone and approach, eg sarcasm, aggressive, friendly, conversational Purpose – eg to get someone to do/buy something

10 Task – you are trying to persuade your parents to go to …
Task – you are trying to persuade your parents to go to …. for your next holiday. Write out the AFPP for this text. Think about (AFPP): Audience – eg young children who play with trucks Form (+ persuasive techniques) – eg advertisement, flyer, letter Persona – tone and approach, eg sarcasm, aggressive, friendly, conversational Purpose – eg to get someone to do/buy something

11 Plan your persuasive writing

12 Establishing a contention and tone

13 Body paragraphs Use really strong topic statements.
Research facts or statistics that back up your reasons. Can you suggest some possible solutions? Try to look at the wider implications of your issue when discussing your reasons.

14 Wider implications? Wider implications = ’Big picture’ / Bigger principles The topic of your persuasive writing always has wider implications. It is important to talk about some of these implications.


16 Body paragraphs continued…
Your writing should be a series of points that build your original contention. The stronger your vocabulary, the more powerful your written speech will be.  

17 What might these be in your case? Make some notes under this heading.
Counter arguments Rebut any opposing arguments and point out their shortcomings. Ignore extreme arguments that you cannot answer and hammer those that you can. Adopt a firm tone and tonal shift – be critical or accusatory if it suits your purpose. What might these be in your case? Make some notes under this heading.

18 To finish Write a success criteria for a persuasive text. What does it need?

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