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Partnership Forum 2017 Quality Assessment

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1 Partnership Forum 2017 Quality Assessment
Malcolm Dixon and Dr Louise Naylor

2 Annual Provider Review (APR)
Quality Assessment /17 Annual Provider Review (APR) 2. Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)

3 Annual Provider Review (APR)
APR involves: Self-assessment in the form of a report on an annual review of quality; The report to be signed off by the governing body by December 1st, (Council); Remote exercise undertaken by HEFCE on standard metrics reported by HEIs (HESA, NSS, Etc), measured against benchmarks; Decision from HEFCE Quality Committee on whether HEIs meet requirements

4 Annual Provider Review (APR)
Five yearly visit to test: “The reliability of the annual assurances, and the evidence on which they are based.” Kent /19

5 Annual Provider Review (APR)
Arrangements require governing bodies to consider annually a report from Senate on: the continuous improvement of the student academic experience and of student outcomes the reliability of degree standards The role of Council will be to provide assurances to HEFCE on the satisfactory management by Senate of the above two areas

6 Council’s Assurance Statements to HEFCE
The governing body has considered a report and accompanying action plan relating to the continuous improvement of the student academic experience and student outcomes. The methodologies used as a basis to improve the student academic experience and student outcomes are, to the best of our knowledge, robust and appropriate. The standards of awards for which we are responsible have been appropriately set and maintained.

7 Evidence Supporting the Assurance Statement
Report on the review of outcomes considered by Senate Boards in the last academic year: The annual and periodic reviews of programmes External examiners’ reports External accreditation reports Report on Statistical data for the last year: (e.g.) NSS scores Student destinations (DLHE) Analysis of trend data on student awards Action plan

8 APR and TEF The outcomes from the quality and standards aspects of the APR process will determine the eligibility of a provider to receive and retain a Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) award in Year Two, and to continue to meet the Home Office’s requirements for educational oversight for Tier 4 sponsorship. No APR…No TEF No international students





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