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Alternative definitions of development

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1 Alternative definitions of development

2 Korten (1995) Argues that development should be aimed at the realisation of human potential. Suggests that development should be more ‘people-centred’. In order for development to be ‘authentic’ it should be guided by: Principles of justice (‘a decent human existence for all’) Sustainability (Using the resources of the planet with as little detriment for future generations as possible) Inclusiveness (every person must have the opportunity to be a recognised and respected contributor to family, community & society) Amartya Sen (1987) argues that development needs to be about restoring or enhancing basic human capabilities & freedoms, giving people real choices and power over their daily lives.

3 However Allan & Thomas note that such definitions of development are often over-romanticised. Sahlins (1997) argues that people in the developing world may lack possessions but they are NOT poor! Poverty is a social status and is the invention of civilisation. (not the most helpful of starting points if alleviation is your objective!)

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