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SUICIDE Eman abahussain, MD clinicat Assistant professer,

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1 SUICIDE Eman abahussain, MD clinicat Assistant professer,
Consultant Psychiatrist King Saud University College of Medicine

2 SUICIDE intentional Self killing
Over 800,000 people die due to suicide every year and there are many more who attempt suicide Suicide occurs throughout the life span and was the second leading cause of death among year olds globally in 2012 in Suicide accounted for 1.4% of all deaths worldwide, making it the 15th leading cause.

3 Over 90% of suicide victims have a diagnosable psychiatric disorder—over half have a depressive disorder Suicidal behaviors are the most common psychiatric emergency In Saudi Arabia no data are available

4 METHODS USED firearm 61% in men and 37% in women
Self-poisoning. around 30% of global suicides more common in women hanging, cutting, burning , jumping from high places etc

5 Common underlying factors:
Psychiatric disorders: Depressive disorder Substance abuse. Bipolar disorder Schizophrenia Personality disorder Chronic medical illness Family Hx. Of Affective Illness or suicide

6 Risk of suicide increase in the weeks following psychiatric contact after beginning of treatment
Previous Suicidal Attempts impulsiveness History of childhood abuse (physical, verbal, or sexual)

7 Sociodemographic risk factors
Male Age >45 and adolescence Divorced ,widow>single>married living alone unemployed. Recent bereavement, separation, loss. Financial problems Certain occupations: police officers, physicians Poor social support Stressful life events migration –incarceration Lower rates among Muslims, Jews and Catholics, presumably due to religious prohibition

8 Psychological factors/theories
Freud: aggression turned inward Escape from rage Guilt; self-punishment or Hopelessness. Rebirth or reunion fantasies Control over a relationship Revenge

9 Sociological factors Durkheim theory: three social categories:
egotistic suicide: occurred in individuals who lost their sense of integration with their social group Altruistic suicide: ###sacrificed their lives for the good of the social group Anomic suicide:##with disturbed integration

10 Highly important underlying risk factors
History of previous attempts Depression Alcohol or drug abuse

11 Suicide and Schizophrenia (I)
33-50% with schizophrenia will attempt suicide Approximately 10% with schizophrenia die by suicide Gender: equal attempt ratio, more men die by suicide Risk factors : Isolation (single, living alone, unemployed) Substance abuse 50% have made previous suicide attempt Small % because of hallucinations or delusions

12 Suicide and Schizophrenia (II)
Young men early in the course of illness. Depressive symptoms(75%) hopelessness and helplessness After resolution of an acute psychotic exacerbation Days, weeks, months after hospitalization Persons with more “insight” thought to be at higher risk of suicide

13 Assessment of suicide History Mental state presence of risk factors
Careful evaluation of: thoughts wither life is not worth living Wish to be dead non specific Suicidal thoughts. Suicidal thought with intent to act. Suicidal thoughts with specific Plan Preparatory Acts (Suicidal note ) Actual attempt Lethality of the method

14 Frequency, Duration of suicidal thoughts
Controllability. Deterrents. Reasons for Ideation Presence of homicidal ideation


16 MANAGEMENT Short term: Detect high risk group.
Admission: psychiatric vs. medical wards Instructions to nurses(level of observation, policy for visitors) Management of medical problems Involvement of family Treat psychiatric disorder Manage social stress Psychological treatments

17 Long-term: Maintenance of treatment OPD follow-up Social support easy contact to service(crisis centers and hotlines) Watch of relapse

18 Parasuicide or attempted suicide or deliberate self harm

19 DELIBERATE SELF-HARM An act of self damage carried out with destructive intent without the will to finish one’s life. Causes:- personality disorder(impulsive behavior, attention seeking behavior) - alcoholism. - situational crisis.

20 Risk Factors - no intention to be dead - female Young
- not planned act. - no intention to be dead - female Young Personality problem - previous attempts. -non lethal method - psychosocial stresses. - broken home background

21 Methods Drug over dose Self injury: laceration of wrist jumping

22 Management of DSH - assessment of physical seriousness
- assessment for Suicide Risk Factor. - treatment of any Psychiatric Illness. - psychotherapy. -problem solving and counseling.


24 Thank you

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