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Integer Representations and Arithmetic

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1 Integer Representations and Arithmetic
Signed vs unsigned representations Conversions Addition and subtraction Multiplication class03.ppt F’02

2 Notations Assume we have a word X of size w. X: xw-1,xw-2,……..x0
B2U w: Binary to unsigned- unsigned representation B2T w : Binary to two’s complement- 2’s comp. representation UMAX w: unsigned maximum number TMAX w: maximum in 2’s complement UMIN, TMIN similar meanings

3 Encoding Integers Unsigned Two’s Complement Sign Bit
short int x = ; short int y = ; Sign Bit C short 2 bytes long Sign Bit For 2’s complement, most significant bit indicates sign 0 for nonnegative 1 for negative

4 Numeric Ranges Unsigned Values UMin = 0 UMax = 2w – 1
000…0 UMax = 2w – 1 111…1 Two’s Complement Values TMin = –2w–1 100…0 TMax = 2w–1 – 1 011…1 Other Values Minus 1 111…1 Values for W = 16

5 Values for Different Word Sizes
Observations |TMin | = TMax + 1 Asymmetric range UMax = 2 * TMax + 1

6 Unsigned & Signed Numeric Values
X B2T(X) B2U(X) 0000 0001 1 0010 2 0011 3 0100 4 0101 5 0110 6 0111 7 –8 8 –7 9 –6 10 –5 11 –4 12 –3 13 –2 14 –1 15 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Equivalence Same encodings for nonnegative values Uniqueness Every bit pattern represents unique integer value Each representable integer has unique bit encoding  Can Invert Mappings U2B(x) = B2U-1(x) Bit pattern for unsigned integer T2B(x) = B2T-1(x) Bit pattern for two’s comp integer

7 Casting Signed to Unsigned
C Allows Conversions from Signed to Unsigned Resulting Value No change in bit representation Nonnegative values unchanged ux = 15213 Negative values change into (large) positive values uy = 50323 short int x = ; unsigned short int ux = (unsigned short) x; short int y = ; unsigned short int uy = (unsigned short) y;

8 Relation between Signed & Unsigned
T2U T2B B2U Two’s Complement Unsigned Maintain Same Bit Pattern x ux X + • • • - ux x w–1 +2w–1 – –2w–1 = 2*2w–1 = 2w

9 Relation Between Signed & Unsigned
uy = y + 2 * = y

10 Sign Extension Task: Rule: Given w-bit signed integer x
Convert it to w+k-bit integer with same value; useful when you transfer the contents of a small word to a larger one Rule: Make k copies of sign bit: X  = xw–1 ,…, xw–1 , xw–1 , xw–2 ,…, x0 • • • X X  w k k copies of MSB

11 Sign Extension Example
short int x = ; int ix = (int) x; short int y = ; int iy = (int) y; Decimal Hex Binary x 15213 3B 6D ix B 6D y -15213 C4 93 iy FF FF C4 93 Converting from smaller to larger integer data type C automatically performs sign extension

12 Justification For Sign Extension
Prove Correctness by Induction on k: prove for extending one bit Induction Step: extending by single bit maintains value Proof:Show that B2Tw+1= B2Tw; write in open representation - • • • X X  + w+1 w

13 Negating with Complement & Increment
Claim: Following Holds for 2’s Complement ~x + 1 == -x Complement Observation: ~x + x == 1111…112 == -1 Increment ~x + x + (-x + 1) == -1 + (-x + 1) ~x + 1 == -x 1 x ~x + -1

14 Comp. & Incr. Examples x = 15213

15 Unsigned Addition Standard Addition Function
• • • Operands: w bits + v • • • True Sum: w+1 bits u + v • • • Discard Carry: w bits UAddw(u , v) • • • Standard Addition Function Ignores carry output Implements Modular Arithmetic s = UAddw(u , v) = u + v mod 2w

16 Two’s Complement Addition
u • • • Operands: w bits + v • • • True Sum: w+1 bits u + v • • • Discard Carry: w bits TAddw(u , v) • • • TAdd and UAdd have Identical Bit-Level Behavior Signed vs. unsigned addition in C: int s, t, u, v; s = (int) ((unsigned) u + (unsigned) v); t = u + v Will give s == t

17 Detecting 2’s Comp. Overflow
Task Given s = TAddw(u , v) Determine if s = Addw(u , v) Example int s, u, v; s = u + v; Claim Overflow iff either: u, v < 0, s  0 (NegOver) u, v  0, s < 0 (PosOver) ovf = (u<0 == v<0) && (u<0 != s<0); 2w –1 2w–1 PosOver NegOver

18 Multiplication Computing Exact Product of w-bit numbers x, y Ranges
Either signed or unsigned Ranges Unsigned: 0 ≤ x * y ≤ (2w – 1) 2 = 22w – 2w+1 + 1 Up to 2w bits Two’s complement min: x * y ≥ (–2w–1)*(2w–1–1) = –22w–2 + 2w–1 Up to 2w–1 bits Two’s complement max: x * y ≤ (–2w–1) 2 = 22w–2 Up to 2w bits, but only for (TMinw)2 Maintaining Exact Results Would need to keep expanding word size with each product computed Done in software by “arbitrary precision” arithmetic packages

19 Unsigned Multiplication in C
• • • Operands: w bits * v • • • True Product: 2*w bits u · v • • • • • • UMultw(u , v) • • • Discard w bits: w bits Standard Multiplication Function Ignores high order w bits Implements Modular Arithmetic UMultw(u , v) = u · v mod 2w

20 Unsigned vs. Signed Multiplication
Unsigned Multiplication unsigned ux = (unsigned) x; unsigned uy = (unsigned) y; unsigned up = ux * uy Truncates product to w-bit number up = UMultw(ux, uy) Modular arithmetic: up = ux  uy mod 2w Two’s Complement Multiplication int x, y; int p = x * y; Compute exact product of two w-bit numbers x, y Truncate result to w-bit number p = TMultw(x, y)

21 Multiplication Example
Consider two 5 bit numbers X and Y in 2’s c. representation X= -3(10) , Y=3(10) X*Y= -9, which is represented in 5 bits as 10111 X= Y= in 10 digits: XxY= , Rightmost 5 digits give the correct unswer. That is: as long as there is no flowing to more than w its, direct multiplication gives the correct result. For flowing results to 2w bits, other algorithms such as Booth’s are used.

22 Unsigned vs. Signed Multiplication
Unsigned Multiplication unsigned ux = (unsigned) x; unsigned uy = (unsigned) y; unsigned up = ux * uy Two’s Complement Multiplication int x, y; int p = x * y; Relation Signed multiplication gives same bit-level result as unsigned up == (unsigned) p

23 Power-of-2 Multiply with Shift
Operation u << k gives u * 2k Both signed and unsigned: always fill in with zeros from the right side Examples u << 3 == u * 8 u << 5 - u << 3 == u * 24 Most machines shift and add much faster than multiply Compiler generates this code automatically k u • • • Operands: w bits * 2k ••• 1 ••• True Product: w+k bits u · 2k • • • ••• UMultw(u , 2k) ••• ••• Discard k bits: w bits TMultw(u , 2k)

24 Unsigned Power-of-2 Divide with Shift-(signed-unsigned different)
Quotient of Unsigned by Power of 2 u >> k gives  u / 2k  (rounds toward zero) Uses logical shift: Fill in with zeros from the left k u Binary Point ••• ••• Operands: / 2k ••• 1 ••• Division: u / 2k . ••• ••• ••• Result:  u / 2k  ••• •••

25 Signed Power-of-2 Divide with Shift
Quotient of Signed by Power of 2 x >> k gives  x / 2k  Uses arithmetic shift: fill in with the sign bit from the left Rounds wrong direction when u < 0(not towards zero) 1 ••• x 2k / x / 2k Division: Operands: k RoundDown(x / 2k) Result: . Binary Point

26 Correct Power-of-2 Divide
Quotient of Negative Number by Power of 2 Want  x / 2k  (Round Toward zero): compute  (x+2k-1)/ 2k  (add 2k-1 and shift right by k digits): use the equality  x/y  =  x+y-1/y  In C: (x + (1<<k)-1) >> k Biases dividend toward 0 Example: want to divide -5(1011) to 2 (k=1). We would obtain -2 in C. But No Biasing: 011 shifted one bit to the right results with 1101=-3 Biasing:1. Add 1: = 1100 2. shift right one bit: 1110= -2

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