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Accessing the gluon Wigner distribution in ep and pA collisions

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1 Accessing the gluon Wigner distribution in ep and pA collisions
Yoshitaka Hatta (Yukawa inst. Kyoto U.) YH, B. Xiao, F. Yuan, PRL116 (2016) Y. Hagiwara, YH, R. Pasechnik, M. Tasevsky, O. Teryaev, PRD96 (2017)

2 Contents Introduction: Phase space distributions in QCD
Wigner distribution at small-x Diffractive dijet production in ep and pA.

3 Nucleon tomography

4 1D tomography: Parton distribution function (PDF)
Probability distribution of quarks and gluons with longitudinal momentum fraction The nucleon is much more complicated! Partons also have transverse momentum and are spread in impact parameter space

5 3D tomography: Transverse momentum dependent distributions (TMD)
Relevant in semi-inclusive DIS (SIDIS), etc.

6 3D tomography: Generalized parton distributions (GPD)
distribution of partons in impact parameter space Fourier transform Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS)

7 5D tomography: Wigner distribution— the “mother distribution”
Belitsky, Ji, Yuan (2003); Lorce, Pasquini (2011) TMD GPD PDF Form factor charge

8 5D tomography: Generalized TMD and Husimi
GTMD Husimi Meissner, Metz, Schlegel (2009) Hagiwara, YH (2015) Gaussian smearing in k, b Probabilistic interpretation! PDF Form factor charge TMD GPD

9 Wigner distribution and orbital angular momentum
Nucleon spin decomposition Quarks’ helicity Gluons’ helicity Canonical Orbital angular momentum Lorce, Pasquini, (2011); YH (2011)

10 Electron-Ion Collider (EIC)
 Abhay’s talk A future (2025~), high-luminosity  experiment dedicated to the study of nucleon structure. arXiv:

11 Wigner distribution: Is it measurable?
In quantum optics, yes! What about in QCD? Go to small-x!

12 Gluon Wigner distribution
There are two ways to make it gauge invariant Dominguez, Marquet, Xiao, Yuan (2011) Dipole distribution Weizsacker-Williams distribution

13 Dipole gluon Wigner distribution at small-x
YH, Xiao, Yuan (2016) Approximate ``Dipole S-matrix” correlation expected ``Elliptic Wigner” ``OAM Wigner”

14 Gluon Wigner from Balitsky-Kovchegov equation
Hagiwara, YH, Ueda (2016) Peak at the saturation momentum Small in magnitude (a few percent effect) Distinct functional dependence on

15 Elliptic Wigner in DVCS
YH, Xiao, Yuan (2017) Gluon transversity GPD Elliptic Wigner (GTMD)

16 Elliptic Wigner in high-multiplicity pp and pA
Hagiwara, YH, Xiao, Yuan (2017) see also, Kopeliovich et al. (2008), Levin Rezaeian (2011),.. Elliptic flow observed in high-multiplicity pp and pA. Initial state or final state effect? Double parton scattering + Elliptic Wigner = Elliptic flow

17 Direct measurement of the Wigner distribution
Find a process sensitive to both and …. Nontrivial! cf. Vector meson production One can study the dependence on Munier, Stasto, Mueller, 2001 but not on

18 Probing Wigner (GTMD) in exclusive diffractive dijet in ep
YH, Xiao, Yuan (2016), see also Altinoluk, Armesto, Beuf, Rezaeian (2015) NLO calculation by Boussarie et al. (2016) Jet 1 Jet 2 𝑒 − Proportional to GTMD

19 Ultra-peripheral pA collisions!
Hagiwara, YH, Pasechnik, Tasevsky, Teryaev, (2017) preferably small Use the Weiszacker-Williams photons in UPC! YH, Xiao, Yuan (2016) photon flux

20 Analytically invert these relations to get GTMD
BK model MV model Can be done also for UPC in AA collisions

21 Nucleon spin puzzle and small-x
Nonzero contribution from `large’-x region de Florian, Sassot, Stratmann,Vogelsang (2014) Huge uncertainty in from the small-x region. Maybe after including the small-x contribution. OAM not needed? Δ𝐺

22 - Longitudinal single spin asymmetry in diffractive dijet 2 2
YH, Nakagawa, Xiao, Yuan, Zhao (2016) 2 2 - ‘Odderon’ at small-x !?

23 Conclusions Physics of nucleon structure has literally expanded its dimensions, from 1D (PDF) to 3D (GPD/TMD) and 5D (Wigher/Husimi/GTMD). Exciting times ahead at the future EIC. First ideas to measure 5D gluon distributions: Diffractive dijet events in ep (photoproduction) and pA (UPC). Look for      and angular dependences. Extension to spin-dependent part (OAM), moderate-x, quark Wigner. YH, Nakagawa, Xiao, Yuan, Zhao (2017) Ji, Yuan, Zhao (2017) Bhattacharya, Metz, Zhou (2017)

24 Homodyne Detection Two electromagnetic fields are incident on a beam splitter Photon count difference at detectors C and D : Probability distribution of (coherent state with phase ) c.f. Reconstruct via the inverse Radon transformation

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