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Research Communications in Social Media

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1 Research Communications in Social Media
aura Engaged Excellence in Research & Teaching Practices Research Communications in Social Media Research Course 4, Session 1, Day One

2 Course Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, you will: Describe typical characteristics and approaches of blogs in an academic context Recognise the benefits of blogging for articulating learning arising from research Recognise the benefits of reflective practices (thinking, learning, writing) to enrich research learning and blogging Apply writing techniques to develop an informal (first person) professional writing voice/tone for research blogging

3 Course Learning Outcomes (continued)
By the end of the course, you will: Write one blog post (500 to 700 words) about an aspect of their research Assess the effectiveness of each other’s blog writing using a rubric and referring to ten tips for effective blog posts Upload / share your blog posts on a blogging (or social media) platform and respond to other blog posts online.

4 The content is authored by:
Emma Greengrass Learning Coordinator Institute of Development Studies Institute of Development Studies (IDS), UK. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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