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Renaissance, Reformation, and Rise of Russia

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Presentation on theme: "Renaissance, Reformation, and Rise of Russia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Renaissance, Reformation, and Rise of Russia

2 He invented the printing press?

3 What three countries were responsible for the Polish Partition?
Russia, Prussia, Austria

4 Brunelleschi is famous for designing this?
A dome

5 What is the term for French Calvinist?

6 Where did the renaissance begin?

7 During Catherine the Great’s reign Russian territory included this region that is now a US state?

8 What nationality are the later (post Peter I) Romanov family?

9 Focusing on the individual and human nature describes this concept that originated in during the renaissance? Humanism

10 He was married to Mary I of England and later would be responsible for building and launching the Spanish Armada. Philip II of Spain

11 This art technique gives images depth?

12 This art technique focuses on representations that are true to life.

13 He was given the moniker “The Terrible” after he formed a secret police that was meant to get rid of any that was against him. Ivan IV

14 In 1613 he was elected by the boyars as the new Tsar?
Michael Romanov

15 This was system similar to slavery that required peasants to work on the land they were born on.

16 Martin Luther nailed these to the castle door in Wittenberg, Germany (Holy Roman Empire)
95 Theses

17 The printing press did this for literacy and the price of books in Europe?
Literacy goes up and books become cheaper

18 He was an inventor, artist, and architect that is considered to be the ultimate renaissance man.
Leonardo Da Vinci

19 This is the name given to all of the Russian Monarchs and translates to Caesar?
Tsar (czar)

20 How many wives did Henry VIII have and how many survived their marriage to him?
Six wives and one survived

21 He believed that purgatory was false and was created by the Catholic church in the middle ages.
John Calvin

22 This family was the most power in Florence and one of the most powerful in renaissance Europe.

23 Who was Charles V? The Holy Roman Emperor

24 He came to power after the War of the Roses and united England
He came to power after the War of the Roses and united England. His son will later rule and break away from the Catholic Church Henry VII

25 Peter established this as his new capital along the Baltic coast?
St. Petersburg

26 This group was sent to settle the frontier regions and to help expand Russian territory?

27 He broke away from the Catholic Church after the pope would not grant him a divorce.
Henry VIII

28 The Russian economy was reliant upon this group?
Western Europeans

29 Peter desired this that would give him access to the oceans year round.
A warm water port

30 Peter the Great’s purpose for reforming Russia was?
To modernize and westernize

31 What are the characteristics of a nation state?
Bureaucratization, permanent army, taxes, representative government/ or a king

32 The act of paying money for the forgiveness of sin describes this program taken by the Catholic Church. Indulgences

33 During the Renaissance there was a move in politics from the feudal system to this
Nation States

34 He wrote The Prince and advised rulers on how to gain and maintain power.

35 The first tsar of Russia?
Ivan III (the Great)

36 Who invented movable type?
The Chinese

37 Who led the Cossack rebellion of 1773-1775 and was later executed publicly in Moscow?

38 He developed the heliocentric theory.

39 He is credited with staring the reformation.
Martin Luther

40 Why is Mary I known as “Bloody Mary”?
She was Catholic and persecuted many protestants.

41 He invented a telescope that helped him prove Copernican theory, but he was persecuted by the Catholic church. Galileo

42 After her coronation in 1762 she continued Peter I reforms.
Catherine II (Catherin the Great)

43 Henry VIII created and placed himself at the head?
The Anglican Church (Church of England)

44 In response to the execution of Mary Queen of Scotts and the interference of England in the Netherlands Spain launched this with the purpose of invading England. The armada

45 This was the a rebirth of classical teaching and learning.

46 Place Henry VIII’s successors (his children) in order from first to last.
Edward VI, Mary I, Elizabeth I

47 This was meeting that redefined and reaffirmed Catholic doctrine and created new orders of monks
The Council of Trent

48 The Italian renaissance unlike the northern renaissance was secular in nature and focused on this concept? Humanism

49 This order of monks was established during the Counter (Catholic) Reformation and is responsible for the founding of many foreign missions. Jesuits

50 The legendary founder of the Russia people?

51 At this meeting Martin Luther refused to recant on his teachings
At this meeting Martin Luther refused to recant on his teachings. Charles V presided over this meeting. Diet of Worms

52 At this meeting the Catholic church reaffirmed their doctrine and tried to stem the tied of the Protestant Reformation. Council of Trent

53 In order to invade England and to remove Elizabeth I from the throne Spain built this.
The Spanish Armada

54 What are the two most famous painting by Leonardo Da Vinci?
Mona Lisa and Last Supper

55 This means to be kicked out of the church?

56 He painted the Sistine Chapel?

57 Early Russian leaders believed themselves to be the third incarnation of this former empire?

58 This group was kicked out by the Russian people?

59 What were the boyars? The Russian noble class

60 This was the period after the death of Ivan IV that saw a succession crisis.
Time of Troubles

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