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SITS EXPERTS MAP Content Creation

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Presentation on theme: "SITS EXPERTS MAP Content Creation"— Presentation transcript:

1 SITS EXPERTS MAP Content Creation

2 Types of MAP content Links/URL Non MAP web pages HTML
Can interrogate SITS data SRL As a link or as content Can have parameters Can be printed Can send automated s with attachments Vista A cut down, on-line version of a SITS screen Task A series of steps that can be used to perform a complex process In-tray A list of messages, which may also contain tasks

3 Steps to getting content onto MAP
What? What content will be available Create content (SRL, Web Page, Vista, Task etc.) Where? Where will the content be available Set up Container and Container Option Who? Who will have access to the content Set up Role Group and Conditions When? When will the content be available Make sure ‘In Use’ flags are set correctly

4 CGR CPG CON COP MAP Content structure Container Group Container Page
Container Option PAG Assign Containers to Pages ORP Organise Page Useful Screens

5 Task 1 – Create container and option
Copy SITS_EXPERTS page Create new CPG Attach it to your new Container Page Give it the Container Group of ACTIONS Create new CON Link to the website of your choice Create COP of type Link Make sure the container is in the row and column that you want Use ORP

6 MAP users and the Master Record
MST Master Record STU Student Applicant PRS Staff member ORC Organisation Contact Agent EEX External Examiner Partner Institutions

7 Logging into MAP Containers (CON) and Container options (COP) are attached to “Role Groups” (RGD). Every time you log into MAP you are checked against all “Role Groups” (RGD). If you pass conditions on “Role Group” (RGD) then you can see the content, and this is recorded in Master Role Group (MRG).

8 Assigning access to MAP content
RGD Role Group Definition RGC Role Group Conditions MRG Master Role Group Creates VAC View Active Content ROL Assign Containers to Role Groups Useful Screens Checks against RGR Role Group Resource CON Container COP Container Option

9 Task 2 – Give yourself access to your content
Create new RGD Copy ONLY_ROB Role Group Update the RGC Make it so that your username can see it Create the RGR Attach your container to this Role Group Log into MAP You should be able to see your page, your container and your option Click on the link to see if it works

10 Putting SRL’s onto MAP To view a SRL in MAP you need to recreate the
process you would take to send a SRL in SITS SITS Set up the SRL Go to the screen to send from Enter the retrieve profile and retrieve the required records Send the SRL MAP Set up the web letter SRL Set up a POD which tells MAP which screen in SITS you are using, and attach this to a COP Set up POP’s for each of the retrieve profile fields The MAP user clicks on the link to run the SRL (or the SRL is run automatically if all parameters are set automatically)

11 Task 3 – Adding a SRL onto MAP
Set up SRL Must be Web Letter type Use CRS.MAP_TRAINING for todays session Set up POD Program Option Definition Must enter Program Option Group (SIWPRS) Option Type must be Standard Letter Attach SRL by populating Letter Group and Letter Code Set up POP Program Option Parameters One for each parameter that you need to retrieve on Use validation where possible Can be hidden Make as user friendly as possible Set up new COP Create option in your new container Set the Type field to be e:Vision Link Enter SIW_POD into the Program Code field Enter your POD name

12 Types of VISTAs Single Record Vista
Use when wanting to interact with one record at a time Can get more fields onto the screen Example in SITS: CRS List of Records Vista Used when wanting to interact with many records at once Will normally only be able to get a small number of fields onto the screen at once Example in SITS: PRG Types of VISTAs WARNINGS: Students may find VISTAs more difficult to use than the rest of content on MAP For Students to use they would need to be very user friendly, and for one specific purpose We should find that staff are more able to user VISTAs, especially if given some training or guidance

13 Creating a VISTA data entry screen on MAP
DMV Data Maintenance Vista Only one SITS screen at a time Can contain a subset of the screen’s fields Can put validation onto fields You can do all of the functions that are available from a SITS screen DML Data Maintenance Layout You can have separate Retrieve, Edit and Add layouts Defines the look and feel of the vista DMF Data Maintenance Fields Each of the fields that are available to the user Some may be view only (for example, a description for a code) Can define how a field in entered, check box, text box, drop down list etc. Useful Screens DMX Data Maintenance Facilities

14 Task 4 – Adding a VISTA to MAP
Create new VISTA - DMX Enter SRS, CRS, Vista Code (your name), Layout Code (your name + EDIT) Run option 1 to generate default DMV and DML records Now run option 3 Un-tick the All Fields (FLD)? option Choose the fields you want on your Vista (include code, name, in use and course type) Edit the DMF records changing Prompt, case and display mode fields Now run option 4 Choose the options that you want the user to be able to perform Change some text Look at the data that has been created Look at options 7, 8 and 9 Create a new COP Create option in your new container Enter SIW_DMX into Program code field Click on Parameters button and enter your Vista details Enter your retrieve profile Choose the Auto retrieve screen (editable) option

15 Task 5 – Making the VISTA better
Go back to option 8 (View DML) on DMX Turn off valid for retrieve and add Turn off display headings, display column Now run option 9 (View DMF) on DMX Make Code Code non-editable Make course type a drop down list, and change it so that you can see the full name On DMX change Layout code name to your name + RET, and run option 1 Run option 3 Make it so that it is only available for retrieve Add the Course code field Run Option 7 (View DMV) Change the retrieve layout to your new retrieve layout Change so that you can do a retrieve Go back to your COP record Click on the parameters button Clear out the retrieve profile Change the option to Top Level Screen

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