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Healthwatch Hillingdon

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Presentation on theme: "Healthwatch Hillingdon"— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthwatch Hillingdon
Poor effort !! Hillingdon, I think you can do so much better Healthwatch Hillingdon Children & Young Peoples Emotional Health & Wellbeing Graham Hawkes - CEO #MakeaDifferenceYPMH

2 The start of a journey Met with parents Analysed data
Investigated further Spoke with providers

3 Initial Findings Service review without meaningful user engagement
Large service gaps 12 month wait for treatment High attendance at A+E for self harm

4 Initial Action CCG Quality Safety & Risk Committee
Children’s Safeguarding Board Health & Wellbeing Board Commissioned engagement program

5 Engaging Children and Parents / Carers
Worked with Voluntary Sector Partners Face to face interviews Focus groups Surveys Only small numbers, BUT ……..

6 Interim Report Lack of early intervention and fragmented services
Damning indicator of the large gaps in provision Difficulties in accessing areas of best practice Tier 3 waiting lists were over 12 months Children and their families feel ignored and unsupported

7 Interim Report Called for urgent establishment of a multi-agency ‘task and finish’ group Sought a long-term whole system solution Comprehensive CAMHS funding to enable and maximise early intervention Collective working to develop a clearly defined plan Involve real engagement of young people and their families

8 Published with Impact Mentioned pending publication at every opportunity Endorsed by Council and CCG Publicity campaign for lead up and launch Published on day of Health & Wellbeing Board Distributed widely

9 Catalyst for Change Multi-stakeholder CYP Mental Health and Wellbeing group formed by commissioners Joint Social Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Strategy started Children’s Mental Health Needs Assessment commissioned Interim funding to reduce Tier 3 waiting list Funding for LD CAMHS, Out- of-Hours CAMHS intervention at A+E and Perinatal services

10 C+ Better effort !! Sustained Challenge
Still think you can do a lot better See me about partnership working CYP Mental Health and Wellbeing group CCG Governing Body Health & Wellbeing Board Relationships Missing partners Constant reminder of continued engagement

11 Future in mind Echoed our interim report
Reinforced our recommendations Transformation Plan

12 Comprehensive Report Eagerly awaited by commissioners and providers
Pre-empted by publicity campaign Short animation

13 Comprehensive Report Uncomfortable hard hitting stories
Rich evidence base which could not be ignored Careful not to criticise Highlighted what works Outlined ‘Blue Print’ for improvement

14 Transformation Plan Hillingdon was already in advanced position
Insight provided by HWH referenced throughout plan Plan not submitted without HWH sign off Transformation Plan approved £524,623 funding

15 Transformation Plan (Nov 15 to Mar 16)
Understanding the role of Schools/Colleges in emotional well-being and commissioning services such as counselling Development of primary CAMHS for non MH specialist staff Development of MH training for the Children’s workforce Reducing the waiting times for tier 3 CAMHS Development of Self Harm, Crisis and Intensive support service Development of comprehensive LD service for children with mental health, challenging behaviour and autism Develop a Community Eating Disorder service Continue to work to address the issues of Perinatal Mental Health and the impact upon children

16 Continued Oversight Healthwatch oversees the current delivery of Transformation Plan Ensuring the wider involvement of children and young adults and their carers/family Challenging the implementation

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