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"Instant Cash" - Expository Essay

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1 "Instant Cash" - Expository Essay
Set B: antics, banter, detriment, durable, frugal, invalidate, legendary, maim, oblique, venerate

2 Antics (n): ridiculous or unpredictable behavior
The students were punished for their antics while the teacher left the classroom. The funny antics of the trained sea lions thrilled the Sea World audience.

3 Banter (n): to engage in playful remarks; tease
While sitting around the campfire, the family engaged in harmless banter. During the long flight to Hawaii, the passengers engaged in casual banter to pass the time.

4 Detriment (n): harm, loss, injury, damage
Poor study habits can be a detriment to success in school. A poor diet can have detrimental effects on your overall health.

5 Durable (adj.): sturdy, long-lasting; not easily worn out
My dad needs a very durable car because he travels many miles to his job. Energizer  promotes the longevity and durability of its batteries. Most cell phone companies are trying to improve the durability of their devices.

6 Frugal (adj.): economical; avoiding waste and luxury; thrifty
During the Depression, many people ate frugal meals. Fiona is a frugal person who spends hours clipping coupons.

7 Invalidate (v): to make valueless; take away all effect
The political candidate tried to invalidate her opponent's position with a counterargument. The star football player was injured while skiing, so the team owner tried to invalidate his contract.

8 Legendary (adj.): described in well-known stories
I have a baseball signed by the legendary 1927 Yankees. We read a biography of the legendary Muhammed Ali.

9 Maim (v): to cripple, injure, mar, disfigure, mutilate
Even though the fireman was maimed while fighting the fire, he has recovered and returned to work. The small dog was rushed to the animal hospital after being maimed by the large stray dog.

10 Oblique (adj.): slanted or sloping; not straightforward or direct
We took an oblique path through the woods rather than use the sidewalk. The race track was quite oblique with many twists, turns, and hills.

11 Venerate (v): to regard or honor with reverence and respect; look up to
On Veterans Day Americans venerate all those brave men and women who have served our country. The matriarch was venerated by three generations of her family at a 100th birthday party.

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